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Hiding as a friend_(0)

‘I rather see you laughing in his arms, then crying in mine’-Rand Williams

I thought those feelings I held close to my chest,
had at last been laid down to rest.

I have you in my life, and that should be enough,
but why then when you say ‘just friends’, is my smile a bluff?

Time ticks slower each day,
as you slowly burn me away.

I don’t know if I want you to stay,
but when you’re not here, I can’t make the day.

There is no doubt, I must be insane,
for who else but a crazy person would ask for this pain?

As the only thing in this world I adore,
how could I ask for more?

So I’ll hide behind the title of friend,
so that my time with you dosen’t end.

Which is why you don’t know it hurts,
everytime I see you both flirt.

Why when your together there’s always a smile on my face,
though I’d give anything to take his place.

Is the mistake I keep making,
is to give when you don’t stop taking?!

I know you’ll never think what I’ll feel,
a life with you can never be real.