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Fun times

This morning when I went into work, I didn’t think it would be any different. Could I be any more wrong?

I got into work this morning at 9am, which for me is late, as normally I will get in by at least 8.30. Today I was held up because my mother decided to drop round last night and announce she was staying at mine for a couple of weeks. Like my life could get any worse. Mother was constantly stating that I am too slim, that I dress too slutty, that I shouldn’t dye my hair such a ‘blonde blonde’ and that I should do better things with my life and have a permanent boyfriend.

As I was going up to my office people were avoiding eye contact with me. Then, when I got into the office and walking to my desk I could see people whispering and glancing at me. I thought
“Meh, I am stressed because of mother. Stop being paranoid Tess”.
Then my boss, Shell, came slowly over and pulled me aside,
“Tessa, we got some bad news…”

My best friend and colleague is missing. Zoe. She went home last night and didn’t come in this morning. Bed hasn’t been slept in. Police are searching her computer here at work, and looking in her notebooks and diaries for any clues. After Shell finished explaining what was happening she looked at me and suggested I go home. I took her up on that offer but in no way, shape or form am I going home, back to mother.

I got in my car and started driving. I knew where. To Zoe’s secret. Nobody else knew, and technically it is fine, because the police haven’t spoken to me yet. As I pulled up, I could see a light on inside. I was at a drug house. A house where Zoe and I would sometimes come to just have fun and forget our lives for a few hours, whether it be sex or drugs. It was here that Zoe met her boyfriend, Zack. I always teased that they were perfect for each other, because they both have names starting with ‘Z’. As I entered the house I was greeted by the usual people, none of them had seen Zoe since the last time we were here. This began to worry me, so I went back to my car and I rang Zack.

“Zack, hey, have you seen Zo?”
“That whore? No.”
“What?! She is your girlfriend!”
“Er, no she isn’t. She rang up last night and ended it. Why? Because I am not, as she put it, “exciting”.”
“Oh… Well, if you hear from her, can you call me please? She is missing”
“Whatever Tess”
And with that he hung up. As soon as I placed the phone down there was a knocking on the passenger side of the car, I rolled down my window,
“You lookin’ fo’ Zoe?”
“Yes! You know where she is?!”
“She told me ‘bout a new fella she ‘as. He is bad news tho’.”
“Where is she?”
The guy handed me a note and walked away. I opened it and in small, slanted writing it said “Trevor Doon, next street over.” I knew a Trevor Doon, he supplied the house with drugs. I also knew where he lives, as I went there once with Zoe! I started up my car and drove to Trevor’s house.

When I arrived I knocked on his door and a big, burly man opened it.
“Hello, I need to talk to Trevor. He knows me.”
The door shut. I waited. I was about to knock again when it opened.
“C’mon in”
As I entered there were strong smells that hit me; urine, weed, animals and others.
“This way”
As I followed the big man I looked around and saw no signs of life in the house, other than the man in front of me. We entered a room and I saw Trevor in front of the window and then Zoe was the other side of the room.
“Tess! Why you here? Aren’t ya meant to be working?” Zoe said, in a sing song voice.
“Tess. Lovely to see you again, please, take a seat” Trevor said, gesturing to an empty armchair. I sat down and looked at Zoe,
“Zo, you know you are classified as a missing person, right?”
“Oh! How exciting! You hear that Trevor? Me! Missing!”
Trevor laughed, “I had no idea you were missing, babe”
“So, what, you wanted some fun time but decided to leave everything, including your purse and phone at home?” I asked
“T! It is so much fun here! You must join me! Trevor is great and the fun never stops!”
“Zo, I can’t”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
Trevor turned around and offered me a smoke, which I declined. He then proceeded to walk up to me and whisper in my ear,
“Zoe has picked the better life – will you?”
I rolled my eyes and sighed, “let me go and get out of my work clothes and lock my car.”

I went back to my car and took my blazer off and slid my strapless bra off, then stepped out of my heels and got my slipper, which I always had in my car, then I unclipped my blonde hair and let it fall down to its elbow length. Then I took off my belt and threw it in the car, locked the car and went back inside. The big burly man smiled to himself when I walked past, as he had obviously seen my undressing to get comfy, so I stopped, turned round to face him and undid a button on my blouse, which meant that no buttons above my boobs were done up. He stared at my boobs and shut the door.

When I entered the room Trevor and Zoe were in they were getting comfy on the big armchair, so I sat down on the chair I was on before. The big man came up to me and offered me a joint; an offer which I couldn’t refuse, seeing as I was not going back home or to work. He then sat on the chair next to mine and reached across to me, at first I thought he wanted a puff on the joint again, but he actually wanted to fondle my boobs. I admit, my boobs are quite nice, I am proud of them; they are C cup and are nice and perky. The big man grabbed one boob and started massaging it, then reached over with his other hand and started massaging the other one. I let out a moan, as my nipples became erect and he leaned over and put on in his mouth. My boobs are very sensitive and his tongue work on my nipple was so nice, I started to get turned on and very wet.
“Ed! Not in here!”
The big man stopped, apologised to Trevor and left, leaving me with erect nipples and craving more. I glanced over at Zoe and she said
“T, come over and sit on here with Trev and I! Don’t be so lonely!”
I scooted over, doing up a button on my blouse, so my boobs were covered. I sat in between the two moved up a bit, resulting in my skirt hiking up. Zoe had a vodka bottle and started downing the contents, while Trevor and I watched in awe. When she finished we clapped and she went green, then ran out the room to either throw up or throw up and pass out.

Now it was just me and Trevor. I pretended to be busy on my phone while puffing at the joint from Ed, to avoid awkwardness between me and a guy I have only met once before. We heard a thud from the bathroom and Ed shouted
“Trev, Zo has passed out, but she’d fine”
He came in and placed Zo on the chair I was on before and tilted her head to the side, so she wouldn’t puke on herself. As I was looking over I felt a hand on my leg. I looked over and Trevor offered me a can of beer, I accepted. While I was drinking it I felt his hand move up and down my thigh, slowly, softly. I parted my legs a bit and felt his hand go over my skirt and up towards my boobs. I took this opportunity to hike up my skirt more, so my red, lacy, barely there, knickers were on show. His hand moved back down and brushed past my knickers. I was so wet, I was sure he had my juices on his hand by just brushing over. Then he stood up and went to the kitchen, I followed and took my panties off at the same time, revealing my freshly wax pussy.

Trevor was routing through the fridge for something and I heard him mutter,
“Damn, we need clean glasses”
So, I went over to the sink and started to wash some glasses for what I assumed would be drinks, for later on. As I washed the first glass Trevor came up behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck and feel his hard dick on my arse. I pushed my ass back onto his dick and wiggled it slowly. His hands went to the bottom of my skirt and hitched it up over my ass. Seeing my now bare ass he moved one hand to my boobs and on hand played with my clit. I rocked back and forth on his hand, moaning. He played with my nipple and kissed my neck, I was still cleaning that first glass. Then he took his hand from my pussy and slid his dick into my very wet fuckhole. He used both hands to play with my boobs while quietly fucking my over the sink. He did slow thrusts at first and then when I whispered ‘harder’ he sped it up, then started to mercilessly bang me against the sink, from behind. His dick banged my pussy again and again. I was moaning louder and louder, so he put his hand over my mouth so we weren’t heard. Then an earth-shattering orgasm overtook me and I bit down on my lip so hard it bled. Trevor slowed his pace and started to gentle fuck me again, then started going faster, the changing rhythm excited me and Trevor’s shallow breaths on my neck and his hands playing with my nipples made me orgasm again. Then with one last hard plunge into my pussy Trevor let his load go into my orgasming pussy. I put the glass down and went into the other room and collapsed onto the armchair, massaging my boobs.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Zoe was also awake and giving Trevor a blowjob, he was grabbing her hair and staring right at me. I got up and went to the kitchen for some water. As I was filling up the one glass I cleaned earlier I heard someone enter the kitchen, assuming it was Trevor I said
“I am worn out from that fuck. I don’t think my pussy could take much more.”
There was no reply, so I finished my water and started to refill the glass for more. Then a pair of hand went round my waist and pulled me closer, I felt a warm breath on my neck and felt a hard dick on my ass.
“Trevor, please, I’m tired.”
The hands left me go, only for me to be picked up.
“What? Trevor?”
The person carried me to a bedroom I hadn’t been in and threw me onto the bed. I turned around and glared at the man
“Trevor. I said no”
“Good job I ain’t no Trevor, then”
And the man stepped forward. It was Ed.
“Ed? Please, let me out”
Ed carried on toward me, his breathing loud, his dick obviously erect in his trousers and his eyes on my boobs.
“Tessa” Ed whispered; his eyes glued to my boobs. He came nearer, so I scooted back. The way the bed was meant I was against the headboard and there was nothing the other end, so Ed could just climb onto the bed. But first he flung off his shoes, and then he undid his trousers and slid them off, leaving his shirt and boxers on. His boxers soon came off too. He climbed onto the bed and grabbed my feet, and yanked me towards him, meaning my skirt flew up. Ed’s raging erection seemed to get bigger when he realised I had no knickers on, as I hadn’t had chance to put them on again. He smiled a dirty smile and flipped me onto my stomach.
“I heard you liked it from behind” he whispered into my ear
“Please don’t Ed” I cried
He seemed to get off on my pleading and he slid his hands underneath me and fondled my boobs then rammed his 10 inch dick into me.
“Ed! Stop! Help!” I shouted
“Zoe is busy with Trevor now. She can’t help you. Just shut up and you will be fine” Ed whispered.
He hammered me with his dick like I was a bitch on heat. It hurt so much, then he was also squeezing my boobs really viciously. Then he got one of his hands and spanked me, really hard, on my ass. I could feel a handprint burning onto my ass cheek, I screamed in pain.
“ED! STOP! HEEEELLLLP!!” I screamed again
Ed was still pumping away with all his might and my pussy was in so much pain, I begged him to stop and he went harder. I stopped shouting and just started crying instead, I was too weak and in too much pain to try and stop Ed from raping me. I had just given up.

Then what I had feared would happen, happened. I moaned with pleasure. Then again. And again. Ed stopped, to see if he had heard right. Then he stroked my hair and started fucking me gently, pleasurably. I tried to hold back the moans, but his dick felt so good. I pushed back against him, I moaned, I was on the edge of an orgasm, again. Sensing my new found enjoyment Ed flipped me onto my back and slithered between my legs again, which were ready and waiting. He pushed his dick gently into my pussy, and slowly fucked me.
“Faster” I moaned
Ed started going faster, then slower, then fast, and then back to slow again, and he caressed my boobs, gently, he sucked my ear, he was a gentle giant. I got used to that rhythm and could feel myself about to orgasm and he felt it too; and suddenly started fucking me hard and fast again, pushing me over the edge and making me have orgasm after orgasm. Then he tensed and cummed in my beaten pussy. He looked me in the eye, smiled, pulled out and left me on this bed.