Fucking shocking

Little Johnny hears strange noises from his parents bedroom, He opens their bedroom door and looks inside. On the bed his naked father was bouncing up and down on his equally naked mother like a demented frog,
His dad realising the door has been opened looks around to see that he’s been watched by his son. He starts laughing and tells him to “Fuck off and shut the door”.
10 Min’s later he hears screaming coming from little Johnny’s room, Where he discovers to his horror that little Johnny has forced his granny over the end of his bed, And is now furiously butt fucking the old dear.
Hearing his father enter, Little Johnny turns round and says grinning
“It’s not so fucking funny now its your mother is it ?”

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Anonymous readerReport

2014-04-21 17:54:15

Anonymous readerReport

2014-04-21 04:43:29
e mail [email protected]
for sexey fucking

Anonymous readerReport

2014-03-16 16:45:42
hahahaha! Lawl! Laugh my fucking arse off! As if! And the dad probably got his belt from the bedroom where he was fucking (dont forget – he was naked so he didnt have a belt for his jeans or whtevr) and wacked the kid fucking his grandma around the head with his belt!!!!!!!! Anyway…yh, like a demented frog… Lawl!!!! =D


2014-03-02 22:04:12
Ha,ha that at is to funny!


2014-03-02 22:03:52
Ha,ha that at is to funny!