fly drops four inches

There is a fly flying above the lake, unbeknownst to this fly, a fish was watching him , and thinking if that fly would drop four inches, I could jump out of the water and have me some dinnner, unbeknownst to the fish there was a bear watching the fish watching the fly, and the bear was thinking, if that fly would drop four inches, the fish is gonna jump out to grab the fly and I can reach out and grab the fish and have me some dinner. Well unbeknownst to the bear, there’s a hunter watching the bear watching the fish watching the fly. The hunter’s thinking if that fly would just drop four inches, that fish is gonna jump out of the water to grab that fly, that bear is gonna reach out and grab that fish, I’ll be able to crack off a shot, and have me some dinner. Well unbeknownst to the hunter, there is a mouse, watching the hunter, watching the bear, watching the fish, watching the fly. The mouse is thinking, if that fly would drop four inches, that fish is going to jump out of the water, that bear is gonna reach out and grab that fish, the hunter is gonna crack a shot, that cheese sandwich is gonna fall out of the hunter’s pocket, and I’m gonna have me some dinner. Well, unbeknownst to the mouse, there is a cat, watching the mouse, watching the hunter, watching the bear, watching the fish, watching the fly. And the cat was thinking, if that fly would drop four inches, that fish is gonna jump out of the water and grab that fly, that bear is gonna reach out and grab that fish, that hunter is gonna crack a shot at that bear, that mouse is gonna jump on that cheese sandwich that falls out of the hunters pocket, I can grab that mouse and have me some dinner. Well, wouldn’t you know it, that fly dropped four inches, that fish jumped out of the water and grabbed that fly, that bear reached out and grabbed that fish, that hunter cracked a shot at the bear, and that mouse jumped on that cheese sandwich, the cat jumped for the mouse, missed and slid right into the lake. What’s the moral of the story?? When the fly drops four inches, the pussy gets wet!!!!

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anonymous readerReport

2012-02-08 13:02:02
Good stuff as alawys. It’s hard for me to use flies that small especially with 7x. That stuff is almost invisible.

Anonymous readerReport

2008-05-20 12:27:52
I have seen this one better written, but there are two morals to the story: First, “when the fly goes down, the pussy gets wet”, and Second “it takes a lot of foreplay before there is any action”


2005-12-15 03:06:51
Very nice. Keep it up. Lol


2005-10-01 17:16:20


2005-07-12 01:04:58
Wait, what the. That was totally unrelated.