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(Finished) A Tentacle Problem

Hey guys this is my first story that I have posted on the sight so please leave comments and rate, also let me know what other kinds of storys you guys want to try and write

“Coda, I’m sensing a distress signal from sector 51.”
“Alright Nate, take us there.”
“Roger that. Computer, set a course to sector 51.”
Our spaceship lurched, changing directions to head towards our new destination.
My name’s Coda, and I’m a space pirate alongside my partner, Nate. We spend our days and nights scouring the vast reaches of space in search of loot, food and hapless captives to tie up and molest for our pleasure. Sounds cruel? Maybe, but being in space for so long, with so little company tends to do some twisted things to your psyche. Once boredom sets in, you’ll really understand how twisted human sexuality can be, and just what kinds of devious sexual acts you’ll make someone perform just for the thrill of it. It’s funny, because we actually used to be pretty good people. Nate was once a renowned scientist, and I, an upstanding psychologist. Strange how life always takes you where you least expect to go. I certainly hadn’t studied psychology with the expectation that several years later, I’d be scouring space as a perverted sex-starved space pirate.
You might ask, why don’t Nate and I just have sex with each other? Well, we’ve agreed that it’s in both our professional interests, that we keep our filthy hands off of one another. It’s way more fun to make someone do something they don’t want to anyways. Besides, our victims often get off on it just as much as we do. It doesn’t matter how much they protest at first. By the time we’re done with them, they’re begging us for more. That’s the best part. The looks in their eyes when they realize they’ve been corrupted, and that they’ll never again be satisfied with tame vanilla sex. Man, we really are the worst.
In time, our spaceship arrived at the site of the distress signal. It was coming from what looked like a research station: an artificially-built satellite about the size of a small complex. They were far from civilization, housed up to ten people max, and were generally pretty loaded. In other words, the perfect prey for the two of us.
I turned to Nate.
“So, the usual plan?”
“Lure them into a false sense of security, stun all of them, take everything that’s not bolted down, kidnap the ones that look like they’ll be the most fun to torment?”
“That’s the one.”
We sent their station a signal, indicating that we’ve come to help. Time passed by without any sort of response.
“Think it could be a trap?”
“Could be. What if we’re the ones who end up getting captured and molested this time?”
“That might be fun in its own way. Let’s go for it.”
We prepared ourselves to board the station. Nate was wearing a black sleeveless shirt, and beige cargo pants. His jet-black hair was pulled back within a stylish green bandanna. I had on a red tank top accenting my breasts and exposing my stomach, and tight, form-fitting black shorts that left little to the imagination. It’ll be useful as a distraction against guys (and sometimes girls) if it came down to it. We were both armed with stun guns, meant to incapacitate a target for hours.
Bracing ourselves for the worst, we connected with the station, and opened the airlock, granting us passage inside. A dimly-lit, misty corridor greeted us. Looks like the station was on reserve power. There was no one around, giving off an eerie atmosphere with how silent and deserted the place was. After all, there had to be someone here that sent that distress signal, right?
I slipped in, keeping my trigger finger at the ready. Nate was a couple paces behind, ready to back me up if it came down to a gun-fight. As far as we could tell, there wasn’t anything overly out of the ordinary. Temperature was normal, atmosphere was breathable, nothing seemed wrecked or broken. In a way, that just made it even more eerie. Especially considering we hadn’t seen a single soul yet.
“Hey Nate, can you run a check for any major life-forms on this station?”
“Nope. Security’s pretty tight, and there’s no power for it anyways. Doesn’t seem like I’m even able to broadcast any messages.”
“So we’ll just have to keep looking around. Keep an eye out for anything valuable.”
We continued our search of the station’s interior. We were currently on the uppermost floor out of three levels. The access point to the deeper levels were sealed off, as we soon discovered. So we found ourselves an emergency access hatch that will take us deeper. It was cramped and dark, like a ventilation shaft, since it’s not meant for regular use. Nate went in first, being the bigger and slower one, with me taking up the rear. That way, if anything comes at us from inside the shaft, I can retreat back the way we came, leaving Nate to… handle whatever’s attacking us. Well, it’s preferable to having both of us trapped, right?
We reached a fork in the path. Nate chose the one that would bring us closer to the stairs, and we continued. But as we were coming around a bend… was it just my imagination, or did something flicker by behind us?
“Hey Nate, I think I saw something just now, in the path that we didn’t take.”
“You want to go back and check it out?”
“No. If it’s hostile, I won’t be able to do much in these tight quarters. Let’s just get out of this thing first. It’s giving me the creeps.”
If I really had seen something, it didn’t follow us. We found an exit to the shaft not too far from where the stairs were. There, a rather unsettling sight awaited us. Bodies, presumably of the station’s residents. Three in total. Two were sprawled on the floor face-down; a man and a woman. Another was leaning against the wall, a male by the looks of it. Making sure there wasn’t anything else in the room with us, we investigated. In the dim light, I saw something that might’ve made me laugh in any other situation.
“Hey Nate, check out their pants.”
“Huh? Oh, figures you’d look there.”
“What’re you talking about? Don’t try to tell me you weren’t looking either.”
The crotches of the pants for all three of them were wet. Like they’d peed themselves, or ejaculated. Maybe even both. On top of that, their exposed skins were covered with some kind of weird slime residue. That said, they were still breathing, but unresponsive. No matter how much we shook them or slapped their cheeks, facial or ass, they wouldn’t wake up.
“Hey Coda, don’t these people seem kind of… violated?”
He was right. I pulled down the girl’s pants, poking around her crotch a bit, then snuck a digit between her ass-cheeks and fingered around.
“Whoa, don’t stick your whole hand in there.”
“I won’t. Who knows if I’ll get it back.”
But her anal sphincter definitely felt kind of loose. Poking around, I brought my finger out and held it up. The same slime residue from before.
“Her backdoor’s kinda drafty.”
“Yeah, these two as well. You think we have some kind of rapist monster on this station somewhere?”
“Either that, or these guys got some pretty hardcore initiation rituals. I’m going to bet the former.”
We checked their bodies for any kind of useful items. Finding nothing of apparent value, we went back to searching the floor for anything worthwhile: survivors, loot, or even the monster itself.
There wasn’t anything really noteworthy on the second floor. We did find two more bodies. They were alive, but unconscious, just like the others. They also had traces of slime all over their bodies. Though interestingly enough, we didn’t see the slime anywhere else. Just on the bodies of the comatose victims. More distressingly, we didn’t find anything overly valuable. I mean, there was research equipment and the likes, but most were bolted down and inaccessible during emergency power mode. The most we could nab were maybe a couple test tubes. Hardly worth our time.
“Want to just cut our losses and take back a guy and a girl, Coda?”
“No way. Who knows what happened to them or whether they’ll wake up. Besides, you really want to drag one or two of those bodies through the emergency access shaft?” “Good point. So keep going?”
“Yeah. I want to see for myself what this rapist monster looks like. Maybe we can kidnap it and use it to entertain anyone else we kidnap.”
“You are terrible.”
“You would’ve thought of it if I didn’t.”
We reached the stairs. Unlike the level one stairway, this one wasn’t sealed off. The third floor wasn’t very big, so maybe seals weren’t necessary. I took the lead, descending downwards with Nate covering my back. Even down here, it doesn’t seem like there was anything waiting for us. It was as eerie and quiet as the previous floors we’ve been on.
“Maybe whatever was here left before we came.”
“But what about whoever sent that distress signal? Think they escape too?”
“If so, then this would’ve all been a sorry waste of time.”
Our search of the third floor seemed as fruitless as the first and second. That is, until we found a locked door. One that suggested there might’ve been someone hiding behind it. I hailed the door’s intercom.
“Hello! Is anyone in there? We’re here to rescue you!”
A moment later, we got a response.
“Is it safe out there? Is the creature gone?”
It sounded like a woman’s voice.
“We haven’t seen anything. Looks pretty safe.”
“Really? Okay, I’m opening it.”
With a whoosh, the door slid open. Behind it was a short, mousy-looking lady. She was a dead ringer for stereotypical nerdy scientist, complete with a white research coat and coke bottle glasses. That said, she was definitely pretty, with a lustrous auburn ponytail that made me a bit jealous with my rough, spiky blonde cut.
“Who are you two?”
“Police. We got your distress signal and came to investigate. What happened here?”
“Wait, it might still be out there.”
Looking around to make sure it was safe, she ushered us in and locked the door. We were inside the supply room. It seemed like it contained mainly spare parts and food items. Again, nothing overly priceless or worth hauling back up, to our ever growing disappointment.
“Okay. We should be safe in here for now. My name’s Lana.”
She looked at us suspiciously.
“Where are your uniforms?”
“We’re off-duty and just happened to be in the area. I’m Coda, and this is Nate. What happened here?”
“Long story short, our research specimen escaped and started… incapacitating the other researchers. I was the only one who got away, by locking myself in here.”
“Can you tell us about that escaped research specimen of yours?”
“There’s not too much I can tell you, since it’s confidential. It’s an artificial bio-mass, about as big as a large dog, with multiple tentacles. Try not to touch it, or the slime it leaves behind if you can help it.”
“What, why? What happens if you touch it?”
“Um… it’s confidential.”
“Nope, that’s not going to do at all. Nate and I have already touched more than our fair share of it. Spill it, lady.”
“W-W-Well it’s… um… well it’s not poisonous or anything like that! It’s just… it might be… distracting? Anyways, I really can’t say it, so please just trust me.”
Nate and I glanced at each other. Considering the state of the bodies upstairs, it’s a pretty safe bet to assume we’ve got a rapist tentacle monster. Sounds like we’re getting a new pet for our ship.
“Please don’t hurt the specimen. It’s not a threat. …At least, I guarantee it won’t kill you.”
“Well, that’s reassuring. The bodies upstairs certainly didn’t seem like they were dying.”
Lana startled at this, then adjusted herself.
“Um… I know it’s difficult to take my word on this, but please. That research specimen is quite important and mustn’t come to any harm.”
“Well, whatever. In any case, we need to get out of here. Can you keep up with us?”
“I-I’ll try. “
We exited the supply room, ready to hunt down and catch our very own tentacle monster. Back up to the second floor, and over to where the emergency access hatch laid. As we passed by the bodies of the passed-out researchers, Lana started,
“Is there any way we can take them with us? I don’t think it’d be right to leave them here.”
“No, not while that creature of yours is running around loose. First we get you to safety. Then we’ll see about detaining that creature.”
“Okay… remember, don’t harm it. You can stun it if you need to, but don’t harm it.”
I’ll be honest, part of me does feel bad about some of the things Nate and I do. Lana really was so naive. She didn’t seem to suspect at all that we might be lying about being police officers. Being cooped up in a lab researching all the time probably does that to your judgment. Well, it’s fine. Once she finds out, she can think of this as a lesson in reality. It could be a lot worse. She could’ve ended up with human traffickers, sold to the highest bidder, and who knows what’ll happen to her after that? As far as space pirates go, our treatment of captives is probably one of the best.
We went back up the access shaft: Nate in front, Lana in the middle, and me taking up the rear. I recalled earlier when I thought I had saw something moving in here. Was it the tentacle creature? I don’t know if I’d be able to fight it off properly if it were to attack us right now. We still don’t even know what this thing looks like, for that matter.
Making our way back to the fork, Nate led the way up to the top level. My eyes wandered down that dark tunnel, the one that we hadn’t taken. We hadn’t seen the creature anywhere else, so maybe down there…
“Nate, take Lana back to the ship. I’m checking it out.”
“Suit yourself. Lana, let’s go.”
“Remember, if you see the creature, don’t hurt it!”
I watched as they made their way up, vanishing around a bend. Should I have waited till I had Nate’s backup?“Lana had said the creature wasn’t a threat, and I don’t think she’s clever enough to lie in this situation. But the way those other researchers had been violated… I’ll be honest, it’s really just a perverse curiosity that’s pushing me to seek it out on my own. I wonder what it’d be like, to do it with a tentacle creature?
Swallowing my fears, I crawled further down the dark tunnel, headed towards where I saw the creature last.
There was enough space for me to crawl about on all fours, and I was small enough that I could turn around if need be. That said, I was willing to bet that I wouldn’t be able to outmaneuver that creature if I encountered it in here. After all, the researchers outside seemed like they were all taken by surprise. Not to mention three of them weren’t enough to stop it. Though I’m surprised they didn’t have a contingency plan in case something like this happened. The only safety measure I’ve seen is the seal on the stairs between level one and two. Which is moot when you consider that it was able to get into the emergency access shaft. Were they just caught completely unprepared for this thing?
Slinking deeper into the darkness, I rounded the bend.

There it was. A mass of long, black tentacles bunched up into a pile. Really, it looked like it was all tentacles. I couldn’t tell if there was even any kind of main body. As Lana had said, it was about the size of a large dog, filling up about half of the shaft’s crawlspace.
It didn’t seem to notice me, though there wasn’t much of a way for me to tell. At least, if it did, it was ignoring me. From here, I could easily snipe it with my stun gun. But if I waited till it was touching me, the electric charge from stunning it would get me too. I suppose logically, I really should’ve shot it then and there. However, my curiosity soon took over, and I set down my gun, then started crawling towards the mass of dark tentacles. You might think I’m insane. You might be right.
I had barely moved into its range when without warning, it leapt at me! All I could see was a flurry of tentacles, as they latched onto my arms and upper body, causing me to lose my balance and tumble down, face-first. Next thing I know, it’s planted right on my back, pushing me down to the floor.
I struggled and raised my hips, trying to throw it off. “But I might as well be trying to tear my own clothes off, for how firmly it was attached to me. It felt squishy, and slimy, like an octopus. But were an octopus’ limbs really this strong and thick? Each of its tentacles were thicker than my big toe, and there were more of them than I could hope to count. There is no way I’m winning in a fair fight against this thing. Heck, even if we weren’t inside a crawlspace, I’d still have no chance of fighting it off!
I felt its slimy tentacles sliding into my tank top, rubbing against both my breasts and my shoulder blades. There were tentacles encircling my neck and my waist, preventing me from getting away. Slimy appendages were locked around my forearms and nestling inside my armpits. They were nosing into my tight shorts and running themselves lewdly all over my butt. Some were even dipping down and sneaking into my shoes, squirming ticklishly against my soles and squeezing themselves between my toes. Every breath I took brought in a pungent smell, like moist wood.
I grabbed whatever tentacles were in reach, and squeezed as hard as I could, wondering if it could even feel anything. In response, it flailed about wildly, slipping and sliding within my grasp, reminding me all too vividly of a very excited dick. Of course, the only appropriate response here was to squeeze and pump as fast and as hard as I could, riling it up to the max! I could feel it squirming excitedly, slime squeezing out between my fingers and running down my wrists. The other tentacles started writhing faster too. A bunch of them wrapped themselves around my knees, and suddenly my legs were being raised up and spread out, opening up my crotch and taint to the perverted monster’s whims. Immediately, several thick, slimy appendages went after my lower openings. Some were balked by the protection of my shorts. But others were figuring out how to get inside, and the ones that did were soon stuffing themselves into my ass and pussy, their slimy coating making the perfect lubrication.
No matter how much I thrashed about, I couldn’t break free from its grasps. I was completely helpless, unable to do anything but let it molest and violate me to its hearts content, if it even had a heart. This… this was everything I would’ve wanted from a perverted tentacle monster. I cried out and bucked some more, completely immersed in the pleasure of being stroked and rubbed allover my tender body, wallowing in the knowledge that I was absolutely unable to resist, no matter how unbearably sensitive it felt. I was a little bit afraid, but also extremely excited. My crotch must’ve been flooding with my juices, “…not that it mattered with all the slimy lubrication the monster was rubbing me down with.
Something weird was happening. It felt like my body was getting more and more sensitive over time. I wasn’t getting any more used to its attentions than when it started. …No, it was definitely starting to get worse. Or better. It was already amazing enough having so many slimy appendages writhing all over my helpless body, pushing themselves in and out of my asshole and vagina. But now it was feeling so much more pronounced… like I could tell exactly where each tentacle was caressing me, where I was being squeezed and fondled. It was too much for my brain to cope with. I started losing control of my bodily functions, vaguely aware that I was peeing my shorts, that I was drooling all over the tentacles in front of my face. Some of them noticed, and immediately thrust themselves into my mouth, teasing all over the insides as my tongue pushed ineffectively against them, trying to force them out. A moment later, my tongue itself was engulfed in tentacle teasing, the sensations, lewd and overbearing. It tasted sweet and salty, almost like cum. In fact, this creature was starting to give me the impression of just being a mass of writhing dicks that continually secreted cum-like slime. I got an idea, and started to grind my teeth against my mouth tentacles, provoking them into writhing even more franticly, to my ever growing satisfaction.
Where was Nate, anyways? If he comes to rescue me, I hope he at least lets me finish up here first. Not that it’ll take very long at this rate. I was quickly approaching climax, spurned on by the slimy and satisfying feeling of tentacles all over my body, and inside all of my openings. Closer, and closer…
A painful shock ran through me, throwing me out of my aroused state. All at once, the tentacles detached from me, the monster jumping off my back as it tried to escape. Nate was ready, shooting it with another stun round, this time knocking it out.
“Sorry Coda, but I heard from Lana. If you start climaxing while its secretions are in your system, you won’t stop until you go into a coma. That’s what happened to all those other researchers.”
“That’s fine! Let it rape me into a coma then! What am I going to do with this horniness now!?”
“Save it for Lana?”
“Lana!? …Oh right. Yeah, good call there. Wouldn’t want to miss that.”
Resisting the urge to masturbate right then and there, I fixed myself up, wiping off as much of the slime as I could. Together, we started dragging the tentacle monster back up to our ship. It really was just a mass of tentacles. How does it eat anyways? Does it feed off sexual pleasure or something? Maybe Lana can explain all that later.
We carted the tentacle monster into our ship, where Lana was waiting for us.
“You did it! It’s not hurt, is it?”
She was rather dedicated to it, wasn’t she? I also couldn’t help but notice that she didn’t ask whether I was alright or not. Well that’s okay. In a moment, she’s probably going to regret having trusted us so unconditionally.
“It’s fine.”
“Oh okay. Well, you didn’t have to bring it all the way up here. We need to get it back into its cage.”
We ignored her, instead carrying it over to our own special holding cell, where we keep any captives. Think of a hole in the ground, as wide as my outstretched arms and as tall as I could reach vertically, with padded walls, “and a cover. Opening it up, we tossed the creature in.
“…Hey, did you hear me? What are you doing, dropping it in there?”
Lana’s tone had changed. Looks like she was starting to suspect that something was awry.
“Sorry, we’ll just be taking it with us.”
“Um… that’s not a good idea. There’s a lot of things you don’t know about it.”
“Really? Well you can explain all that, can’t you?”
“A lot of it is confidential information. Even if you are police, I can’t just share it with you. So, can you please get it out of there and back where it belongs?”
Was that a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead? I think she suspected that we might be lying about being police, but was holding onto the story anyways.
“Nope, sorry. I just said we’re taking it with us. And if you’re so resistant about telling us the information we need to know, then I guess we’ll just have to take you too.”
Well, we were going to take her with us anyways, but let’s see what happens if we scare her a bit. We weren’t disappointed. The look on her face was priceless.
“U-Uh… um… I-I think I need to get back to the others.”
“She backed away slowly, until she reached the cockpit entrance. Hesitantly, as if she was afraid any sudden movements would cause us to strike, she reached for the door handle.
“Computer, get us out of here.”
Immediately, the doors locked, sealing off her exit. Realizing what had happened, Lana quickly grabbed the handle, cursing vehemently as the ship started to pull away from the station. It’s funny, because even if she had managed to open it, she couldn’t possibly expect to escape the two of us, could she?
“W-What are you two doing!? Is this how police officers act!?”
Slowly, Nate and I approached her, smirking over how desperately she was clinging to that story. We gave each other a knowing glance, silently messaging each other to let her keep thinking that all she wants.
“Well you see, I’m afraid you’re under arrest. We have reason to believe there’s been some… illegal practices going on here. So if you could be so kind as to give us your cooperation, I can assure you this will go as smoothly as possible.”
Her eyes widened at the false accusations,
“T-There must be some kind of mistake! We’re“specifically licensed to research bio…-eek!”
She startled as we came up on either side of her and grabbed her arms. We started dragging her towards the holding pit, where the tentacle monster was just starting to twitch and move again.
“W-W-W-Wait!!! Just what are you two going to do to me!!?”
Pushing her in front, we stood there, so that she was trapped between us and the pit.
“Alright Lana, we’re going to have to check your clothes for dangerous articles. Please strip down.”
“W-WHAT!? I don’t have anything dangerous! This is a violation of my rights!”
“Either strip, or I’ll do it for you. Your choice.”
Sniveling pitifully, she started undressing, handing over her garments until she was dressed only in bra and panties. When we nodded to those too, she hesitantly stripped them off as well, leaving her stark nude. Interestingly enough, I couldn’t help but notice the moisture that was trickling between her thighs. Was she really getting turned on by this? That would make our job so much easier.
“P-Please be careful with my glasses. I can’t see very well without them.”
“We made a show of checking our clothes, then set them aside. She was hugging herself pitifully, shamefully trying to hide her nudity.
“A-Are you done now? Can I have my clothes back?”
“Not yet. But if you cooperate, you might.”
Smiling sweetly, I approached her. She startled, backing up until she felt the edge of the pit behind her, with the tentacle monster waiting just below.
“Alright Lana. You have two choices. Either you tell us what you know about this creature, or we throw you in there with it and find out that way.
“B-B-But, it’s c-confidential..!”
I pushed my palm out, bumping her backwards.
“Ah no!”
Frantically, she grabbed my wrist to stop from falling, exposing her private parts.
“Okay! Okay! Please, don’t drop me..! …This creature is made for sexual pleasure. It feeds off our bodily secretions and instinctively seeks it out. “Well that explains that.
“Its tentacles also releases a liquid ooze that’s highly volatile. It dissipates when not in contact with human skin. But if it touches you, it reacts to hydrate and sensitize your nerves. It’s like an aphrodisiac!”
“I see… so the longer you’re exposed, the more sensitive you become.”
“Yes! That’s it! So please, don’t drop me in with it!”
Wow, what kind of crazy thing have we picked up? This might actually have been worth the trip here after all. I left Lana dangling uncertainly for a moment, then hauled her back up, where she scrambled away from the pit, then crumpled down on her knees, panting heavily.
“Well Nate, you know what I’m going to ask, right?”
“…Do what you want.”
“Thanks Nate, you’re really the best.”
I kissed him on the cheek, then started stripping off my clothes, as Nate walked past Lana to navigate the ship.
“W-Wait, why are you taking your clothes off?”
Tossing my slimy garments aside, I quickly approached Lana, who was backing away on all fours, looking rather fearful of what I was going to do. She spun around and tried to escape, but as she did, I pounced, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her off the ground.
“S-Stop! What are you going to do!?”
“Ahahaha! Come on Lana, let’s have some fun together!”
“N-n-n-no! D-Don’t!”
Spinning around, I ran towards the open pit and jumped in, carrying her down with me. We landed right in the middle of the mass of slimy tentacles, which quickly sprung into action.
“What are you doing!? Weren’t you listening!?”
Lana struggled violently, trying her best to tear off the writhing tentacles as they encircled her and my body, pressing my breasts up against her back, as more tentacles squeezed themselves between us.
” That was a really incredible thing you told me, Lana. So incredible, that I couldn’t help but see it in action. I hope you don’t mind.”
I kept my arms around her waist, lifting her up so that I could plant her butt right against the tentacle mass. At first, she tried to resist by bringing her feet down, then suddenly, she flailed her legs away, growing ever more frantic.
“N-No! I’m ticklish! P-Please, don’t! Let me go! Help!”
Oh Lana, you’ve just sealed your doom. Even while the tentacles were teasing against my entrapped body, I grabbed her wrists and pulled them up high above our heads, as well as bending backwards to make her stretch out and arch her back, leaving her torso completely defenseless.
“O-Officer! Stop! Please!”
She cried, squirming and laughing as countless tentacles snaked their way along her belly and brushed up against her sides and into her armpits, leaving slimy trails everywhere. They were tickling me too, but I can endure it. It’s worth it to watch Lana writhing about so hysterically. As well, a thought occurred to me just now.
“Hey Lana, what’s my name?”
“W-What!? How is that important right now!?”
I was taller than Lana, and pretty strong, so it was easy to lift her up so that her feet couldn’t touch the ground. The tentacles entwined themselves around them, working their way between her toes, and tickling her out of her mind, if her frantic flailing limbs were any indication.
“If you say my name, I’ll let your arms go. Okay?”
“Huh!? B-But..! That’s..!”
I gave her a few moments to stew on it, all while the tentacles continued to harass her helpless, sensitive body.
“You don’t remember it, do you?”
“I-I’m sorry..!”
“I notice you only really care about what happens to”
“your precious tentacle monster. Didn’t even bat an eye when I came back, coated in its slime.”
“I…I’m s-sorry!”
“Spill it. You’re the one who let this thing loose on the other researchers. Isn’t that right?”
“Y-Yes, it was m-me..! I’m s-sorry..!”
“Well, sorry’s not good enough. How about you just laugh it up until you can remember my name?”
Though to be honest, she wasn’t squirming as hard or really even laughing anymore. Looks like the aphrodisiac properties of the slime was starting to work, overriding the ticklish signals in favor of pleasure signals. She was more bucking her hips now, spreading her legs to let the tentacles in.
“Ahhn… ahhn~!”
They certainly weren’t leaving me alone either. All this time I’ve been taunting Lana, the tentacles had been snaking up my legs and finding my butt and crotch again. They were determined to finish what they started, and I couldn’t help but spread my thighs a little to let them explore the space in-between. Now that Lana had stopped being so ticklish, I released her hands, dropping her to the floor, then threw my weight against her, so that we crashed down against the tentacle monster, which welcomed us with enthusiastic flailing.
Locking my legs around hers, I spread them wide, letting the tentacles invade. They immediately squirmed up my anal cavity and vagina, pushing in and in, until I felt them teasing against my uterus, pleasuring me deeply on the inside. Tentacles wrapped around our limbs and torso, preventing us from separating. I immediately grabbed two with my hands and started pumping them like last time, provoking it into writhing more excitedly. My mouth filled with tentacles, teasing against the insides and filling it with the taste of cum-slime. Below me, I saw that Lana was doing the exact same, pumping vigorously and humping, even while her genitals were being filled with thick, slimy appendages.
The tentacles thrashed about around us, molesting my tender skin with their slimy, rubbery texture. They stroked against my butt and down my front. They squeezed against my squished breasts, running themselves through my cleavage. A number of them tried to enter my belly button, before squirming off down my sides. Several of them were pumping me full of their slimy secretions, filling up my ass and cervix as they kept sliding in and out, the pressure rocking my organs around and causing me to buck and shake my head to and fro. I couldn’t help but struggle and kick out, for all the good that it really did me. Lana was right to be afraid of this thing. For the second time, I was being driven completely wild, unable to think properly as my entire body was fondled and caressed by tireless slimy tentacles, growing more and more sensitive from their slimy secretions.
I wasn’t even sure what Lana was doing anymore. All I could feel was the aching arousal from before springing back to life, flooding me with intense pleasure. Before I knew it, I was climaxing, writhing hard in the clutches of the tentacles as they teased my nubile body and penetrated my nether regions over and over again. The pleasure flooded over me again, a second wave, brutal and staggering, leaving sparks and stars blinking in my vision. Then a third came, one that I could barely react to, because I was already splayed stiff from the last two. Then a fourth, and a fifth, and even more to come… I couldn’t even think to be afraid as the continuous orgasms stole all my free thought and left me reeling and tired, unable to breathe. But despite that, more orgasms came at me, the pleasure overriding any pain I felt from stretching out so hard. It was the most intense pleasure I’ve ever had in my life, and at the same time, the most excruciating. I could do nothing but jerk and writhe as yet another orgasm flooded“through me, causing my pelvic muscles to cramp in pain even as they continued to contract. I screamed and cried, begging for it to stop before I lose my mind, as waves of pleasure flowed through me unceasingly. Even then, an orgasm came at me, followed by another… and another…
I woke with a start, quickly taking in my surroundings. I was lying on a bed in the sleeping quarters of our ship. Still naked, but that’s not a big deal. I also noticed that I was no longer slimy anywhere. Though my body ached really tenderly, especially my pelvic area.
I headed out to the bridge, where Nate and Lana were sitting. The tentacle monster was still writhing about inside its open pit prison.
“How long was I out?”
“Only a couple hours. You’ve got to toughen up. Lana here woke up an hour ago.”
“It’s because I’m used to it…”
She said hesitantly, starting to blush.
“Oh that can’t be right. I demand a rematch!”
“No no no please, I’m exhausted, Coda!”
As I picked her up and jumped into the pit, it occurred to me that she knew my name now.