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Family Affairs (Rachel) rev.1 (Ch.1)

I put the breaks back in it to make it easier to read. Shouldn’t have to put up multiples from here on out.

This is a work of total fiction. The story and any characters within it belong to Vyper269. If you like it let me know and I’ll write more. If you don’t, I don’t really care. If you want to read, share, and comment on it, Cool! But it is mine. If you want to do anything with the characters, please write me with your ideas and ask, the worst that happens is I say no. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 1/1/2013.

Family Affairs (Rachel)

My mom died 2 weeks after I was born. The doctor that performed the cesarean nicked something inside; she turned septic and died before anyone realized what was going on. The autopsy proved that the doctor was negligent. Something about a 4 martini lunch 3 hours before surgery. Dad mustered out of the Corps a month later, it would have been her 22nd birthday.

Once the insurance company settled with dad, I had a college fund that would let me go anywhere I wanted. Just needed to make sure my grades met the money’s potential.

Dad used some of the money as startup capital and built a nice little business as a private defense contractor making body armor that would stop a Desert Eagle .50 caliber round for the Corps. We were financially set for the rest of our lives.

We did really well for the next little bit, then when I was 7 dad found a new girlfriend. I was pretty jealous of having to share his time after it being just me and him for the first part of my life, but once I met Rachel, I loved her as much as the old man.

She was 22, 5’9, 135 pounds, long red hair, green eyes, bachelor’s degree in philosophy and the biggest tits I’d ever seen in my life. D cup if they were anything. After doing the laundry got put on my chores list, I found out that they were 36DD.

Anyway, she grew up raising her two little sisters because her mom and dad died when Rachel’s youngest sister was 10, so stepping into a pre-made family didn’t seem to faze her in the least. In fact, she and I got along right from the start. So much so that 3 years after they were married, she came to my room one afternoon while I was doing my homework and asked what I thought about her adopting me and becoming my real mother.

“Wow, I… I think that would be really cool. I mean you are my mom, so this will just make it legal, right?”

“Exactly, that way if anything ever happened to your dad, I would have the legal right to be able to get you medical treatment if you get hurt and make sure you always had someplace to live.”

“Do I have to do anything?”

“No baby just be you and your dad and I will take care of all of the paperwork and the only thing that will change is that my name goes on your birth certificate as you mother.”


She must have noticed the disappointment.

“You don’t want your real mom forgotten do you?”

“It’s okay, I didn’t know Connie anyway, it seems mean, but I don’t have any sort of memories of her anyway.”

I could see the tears well up in her eyes, and she reached out to hug me, so I hugged her back, nestled in between those massive, soft, Strawberry scented breasts. Oh my god.

After the adoption, things went smooth as silk. Home was great, life was great and school was amazing. When I was 11, I floored my dad, by rebuilding the transmission for his motorcycle. Classes went from the standard curriculum to advanced placement and college prep. I graduated High School 2 years early and started college soon after.

Didn’t go to an Ivy League school, but I didn’t really need to, one of the country’s best technology colleges was 50 miles from home, so I got to come and visit whenever I wanted, once I got my license. The old man set me up with a used ’65 Pontiac that he found in some farmer’s field somewhere down south. Took me the year and a half to get it the way I wanted, but it was beautiful and the envy of nearly everyone that laid eyes on it.

After college, I made the decision to follow the old man’s example and went into the corps. After basic, it was discovered that I had a certain skill with a rifle. This combined with my mechanical mind, I was assigned to sniper school and sent into combat on a scout/sniper team. Combat promotions and being loaned out to certain espionage and security agencies earned me a Master Sergeant rank when I left. It also gave me a lot of contacts and friends shared with the old man. It was a nice way to get to know him and his life.

About a month after my discharge from the corps, I got a call one night from Rachel.

“Davey, you need to come to the house, now!”

“Rachel, what’s going on?”

“There’s been an accident, it’s your dad.”

“I’m coming home!”

We buried my dad 2 weeks ago. The lawyers read the will to Rachel and me, we were the only ones mentioned. He left Rachel a lot of money. A lot of money. Enough money to last her through 4 lifetimes. I had no idea that dad had that much money. Everything else came to me, including the house and properties. This didn’t seem to surprise Rachel. Of course, she was still pretty numb from the whole thing. And dad left me an envelope with some DVDs in it, with the caveat that I watch them alone, and within 2 days of getting them.

We left and I took Rachel home. She didn’t say a word the whole way there. I grabbed my small duffle out of the trunk, a change of clothes because I hate monkey suits and my sleep clothes. I still had a room here, but the majority of my stuff was at my own apartment. Once I got changed, I came out and Rachel had put together a small lunch and was at the dining room table.

“Rachel, you didn’t have to do that.”

“I had to do something. You should eat. I’m going to change clothes.”

She got up and took about three steps when her legs gave out and she collapsed into a heap on the floor before I could get to her. She was fine, but sitting on the floor, tears flowing uncontrollably.

“Davey, I feel so alone. Like I’m floundering and have no direction. I’m scared, more scared than I have been in a long, long time. With your dad gone, I can’t seem to focus on anything.”

“It’ll be okay, Rachel. We’ll be okay; we just have to lean on each other until we can stand on our own. Even then, we’ll have each other, I promise you that.” I sat down beside her, took her in my arms and held her; the tears started flowing again, so I just let her cry it out.

By the time I realized she had cried herself to sleep, it had gotten dark. I tried to wake her, but it must have been the first real sleep she’d had since the accident. I picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

As I laid her on the bed, I knew she’d be pissed if I left her in her nice dress, so I took off her shoes, and sat her up and unzipped her dress. She practically slid out of the dress, and there they were, those magnificent breasts that I spent most of my childhood trying see. I kept trying to steal little glimpses and sidelong glances every time she was close. Then the guilt afterward, she was my mom after all.

Now, however, they were right there in all their glory, wrapped up tight in a bra to keep them under control. I snapped out of my stare, and moved the dress from Rachel’s hips and down her legs, then I noticed that she was wearing a garter and nylons with a slick very small thong, even by thong standards. Holy shit she had six pack abs and tight ropey muscles over her whole body. Creepy thing to say it about your mom, but she was one hot fucking MILF.

I did my best to stay on track, I hung her dress in the closet where it belonged, and put her shoes in their proper place. I shook my head; the old man had imposed his will and order on everything and everybody in his house, including Rachel. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Of course, the place always looked great and that’s all good on her.

I turned around and went back to getting Rachel ready for bed. I undid the garters and slid the nylons off her long beautiful legs, then undid the garter belt. I slid the covers out from under her and put her into bed, took her ear rings and watch, then released those wonderful tits. I leaned down before I pulled the covers over her and inhaled as much as I could. Damn, after all these years, still smelled like fresh strawberries. I folded her bra, hose and garter and put them on the dresser; she could relax a little now and just take care of them in the morning.

I went back and checked on Rachel one last time before I left. As I bent down and kissed her on her forehead, her eyes came open and she looked into my face, almost pleadingly.

“Will you stay with me tonight?”

“I was going to anyway, Rachel so we could talk some tomorrow.”

“No, I mean here, with me. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Rachel, I…”

“Please, Davey. I feel all churned up inside, and I haven’t slept in days, I could use some comfort. Obviously I feel safe with you; I fell asleep in your lap on the living room floor. Please?”

“Okay Rachel, let me go get changed, and I’ll be back.”

I got my sleep clothes on, just some lightweight sweats and a tee shirt, and went back to my parent’s room. Rachel was still in bed, but the far side had been turned down, not what I expected, I had planned on sleeping on top of the covers. Good thing I put on my jammies.

“Thank you for taking my dress and hanging it up for me. It’s dry clean only.”

“No problem Rachel,” as I turned around and glanced toward the dresser, her thong was there with the rest of her lingerie. Wow!

I moved around to the far side of the bed and slid in under the covers.

“Thank you for this, Davey.”

“Sure Rachel, anything for you, you know that.” I turned and switched off the bedstead light. Then slid up behind her on the other side of the bed, doing my best to not get too tight up against her, I knew what that was sure to do to me.

“You’re a good man, Davey,” she said to me in the dark, “Your father was very proud of the man you have become, and so am I. I know he never told you that, and I’m sorry it took this horrible tragedy to make me to realize I needed to tell you too.”

“Thank you for that Rachel. Mom.”

“Do you know, I think that’s the first time you’ve ever called me ‘mom’ in the entire time we’ve been a family?”

“You may be right about that, but you’ve always just been Rachel to me. If it makes you feel any better, you were always introduced as my mom, and I always told people about you as my mom. Like I told you when you adopted me, you’re the only mother I’ve ever known, it’s just that you’ve always been a cool, beautiful, grown up friend to me on top of being my mom, calling you ‘mom’ never felt right. You’re Rachel.”

She grabbed my hand and pulled my arm over her and held it between her breasts. “I’ve always liked you too. You were a cool, smart and loving little kid, and I’m glad the man you’ve become is just the same. You said we need to talk, what about?”

“The house, but we can get to it tomorrow.”

“You’re not going to sell it are you?” The panic in her voice nearly brought the tears again as she started to turn to me. I held her in place and replied as quickly as I could.

“No, no, no, no! Rachel, nothing like that! You remember that dad’s will left the house in my name.”

“Yeah, I remember. He said he would, but I thought he was joking. I never thought he would boot me out of the only real home I’ve had.”

She hit the word home sort of hard.

“So you never felt like your dad’s house was home?”

“No. That place was a house, and grandma’s place too, the only thing that kept me sane was the girls. Granny was okay, but she was really old and deteriorating quickly.”

“Well, what I wanted to talk to you about, Rachel was you being in this house. I want you to stay here.”

“How long can I stay?”

“You misunderstand me, Rachel. As far as I’m concerned, this is your house, your home, I’m a guest here.
You stay as long as you feel you want to or can. Hell, I’ll sign the damned thing over too you if you want.”

“Do you mean that? Really?”

“Of course, you have my word on that.”

“Thank you, Davey. You really are a good, good man.”

“Get some sleep, Rachel. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

I really needed to stop talking; I wasn’t feeling like a good man at the moment, as my cock was growing down the leg of my boxer briefs. God damn she was hot, and she still had my hand clutched between her tits.

I came awake slowly, realizing that my hands were moving. Rachel had laced her fingers over the tops of mine, and was rubbing them all over herself. I did my best to relax, and let her, but she knew I was awake.

“I’m sorry; it’s been a while since I’ve had a man’s hands on me.”

“Didn’t dad…?”

“Not for the last couple of months. I don’t know why.”

“How long since you’ve had sex?”

“3 months.” Her voice was filled with regret.

“So what happened? You guys were always at each other. It was almost embarrassing at times.”

“I think he was cheating on me, or punishing me for something.”

“I’m sorry, Rachel.” It was then that I realized my hands were still on her stomach and on her breast. “Is there anything I can do…?”

“I’m so sorry, I know this has got to be weird for you, I’m just so alone.”

“You’ll never be alone, Rachel.” I pulled her in tight to my body and began running my hands up and down her tight stomach, and up to her breasts. When I got there, I took one in each hand and gave them a firm but gentle squeeze. She moaned with desire, and I took this as a good sign.

“I forgot, you really like my breasts, don’t you?” It was really more statement than question.

“Since the first day I saw them.”

“I remember you were always trying to get a peek at them when you were a kid.”

I stopped involuntarily, and she just laughed.

“You really didn’t think I knew did you?”

“I always thought I was being so slick and getting away with it.” I started kneading her breasts some more.

“Ungh… Nope, I always knew, and I was always flattered. In fact after you got a little older, I would imagine you doing exactly what you’re doing now while I was playing with myself. It always helped me cum.”

“Well, maybe this will help you now.” I brought my hands back to her nipples and rolled them a little between my fingers. Her response told me I was right.

“Oh, my God.”

I slid one hand down her stomach and when I got to her pussy I was a little surprised to find it completely bald.

“Wow, go a little crazy with the bikini trim?”

“I’ve shaved for as long as I can remember, do you like it?”

I responded by cupping her pussy with my hand and starting a slow rub.

“Ungh…I’ll take that as a yes.”

She reached around behind her and started fishing around in my sweats for my cock.

“You always sleep in your underwear?”

“Nope, I needed to be able to control myself, when I knew my body would betray me. You’re beautiful,
Rachel, and I didn’t want this to get weird.”

“Guess it got a little weird anyway didn’t it?”

“I’m so horny right now, I don’t care, anymore, we’ll worry about that later.”

“Good.” With that she rolled over on top of me, breaking my hold on her cunt and her tit. She leaned across and switched on the light. “If we’re going to do this, I want to watch.”


She pulled back and reached down to the waistband of my pants and started to pull them down at the same time I pulled off my shirt.

“You’re in good shape aren’t you? Good to see you didn’t waste your time in the military.”

She said this as she ran one hand over my chest and fingered the 3 scars there. Nobody gets out of a war zone. Sometimes the wounds are physical wounds, sometimes mental, and sometimes both. I feel pretty lucky to have gotten off easy with just physical scars. Rachel had a sort of faraway sadness in her eyes when she looked up at me.

“Do they still hurt?”

“Sometimes a little, but mostly they’re just a reminder to keep myself out of sight.”

She ran both of her hands over my body, lightly massaging as she went.

“Yeah, I like your body too, Rach.”

She pulled my underwear down with my sleep pants, and released my cock from confinement. I’ve never thought about the size of my penis, but she just stared at it like a hungry cat.

“I’ve wanted to see your cock ever since your Aunt Crissy told me about it. It really is as big as she said. Christ it must be 8½ or 9 inches.”

My aunt Christina walked in on me jacking off to mental images of her in the bathroom one time when I was 17 and home for the summer. MOST embarrassing moment of my life, until just now, finding out she told my mom about it.

“She told you about that?!?” My boner started to sink.

“Yep, deal with it.” She reached down and took my cock in one hand and slid the head into her mouth.

Oh my God, I nearly exploded right then and there. She let a little saliva escape from around her lips then moved down the length of the shaft. When she got about halfway down, she vacuum sealed her lips to it and pulled back, taking all of the extra spit with it. This was too much too fast, I reached down and grabbed her long red hair in both hands and pulled her off my shaft. Her mouth came off the head with a ‘pop’.

“Easy there, or this will be over before it begins.”

“I can take care of that.”

She jumped up and went into the bathroom. I’ve never tired of watching her walk away. She came back with a glass of water, and a little blue pill.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Yep, your dad’s been eating these like candies since they first came out.”

I took the pill and swallowed it down, by the time I put the glass on the nightstand, Rachel was ready to wrap her lips around my cock again.

“Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

She went back to work sucking my dick, just like she had started, it didn’t take long before it was at full attention, and I grabbed her hair and pushed her head down as far as I could on my cock.
“Oh my god, I love your mouth!!”

She pulled her head up, smiling.

“Thank you. Now I want you to cum in mommy’s mouth!” She took my cock in her mouth again and forced it as far down her throat as she could, over and over again. I felt my balls tighten up.

“Now, oh god, Rachel, now! Ungh!!”

She swallowed my dick as far down as she could, and I exploded down her throat. It just kept coming, and she kept swallowing, her lips sealed to my shaft. She didn’t lose a drop. When I finally stopped and fell back on the bed, she pulled her head back slowly, cleaning the shaft as she went.

“Jesus, Rachel that was amazing.”

“Thank you again.” She said after she swallowed the last of my jizz.
I looked down expecting to see my member slowly dwindling to soft and useless, but there it stood in all its glory.

“You should be that way for at least an hour or so.”

“Very Cool! Now it’s your turn.”

I pushed her down on her back and started kissing her, long and deep. I moved my way down to her neck, and squeezed her giant tits as I went.

“Oh baby, I want you to suck on my titties.”

“That works, because I really want to suck them, too.”

So I started, I took her right tit into my mouth, as much as I could, (did I mention they were huge?) and started
a long hard draw with my mouth vacuumed over her nipple, flicking the nipple with my tongue all the while. After a few moments, I moved to the left, then back and forth letting the spit dry on each one and raise the nipple in the cool air, before switching again.

“God, yes, suck on mommy’s titties, baby. Suck them until I… ungh, cum!”

I looked into her beautiful green eyes as I sucked on her breasts, then said, “Will that make you cum, mommy? Or should I move down here?” and I reached down between her legs and stuck 2 fingers into her hot, wet pussy.

“Oh God…take your pick!”

I pulled my fingers out and she moaned her disappointment.

“I won’t leave you hanging, mommy, I’ll take care of you.”

I kissed my way down her wonderful body to that pretty shaved pussy, and started kissing her clit. Her moans told me all I needed to know about hitting the right places. Of course, she was hot enough at this moment, that I probably could have just blown on her clit and made her cum. So I did.

“P-please, can I cum?”

Can I cum? Is she serious? Then a devious thought went through my head.

“Not yet.”

“Oh…Please! I’m so close!

“Soon mommy, but don’t cum yet.”


Wow, she really was going to try and hold it. That’s hot!!

I put my two fingers back in her wet pussy, and pumped her for a few strokes, as I sucked on her clit. She moaned again and grabbed the bed sheet with both hands to try and hold off her orgasm. I kept sucking on her pussy I pulled my fingers out of her and positioned two of my fingers at her asshole.

“Now you can cum, Rachel.” Then I planted my mouth over her pussy again and sucked hard on her clit.

She arched her back and pulled on the sheets with all her might as the orgasm started. As soon as she started, I slid my fingers, slick with her own cum into her ass. She tried to scream, but nothing came out of her throat. Her ass tightened on my fingers, and I could feel her pussy convulse under my mouth. She just kept cumming. Her body tightened into a rigid arc above the bed. I finally took my mouth off her pussy and slowly pulled my fingers out of her ass, as her orgasm slowly subsided. Wow, I’ve never had a woman respond to oral sex that way before.

I licked my fingers clean, wiped my mouth and savored her taste as I climbed slowly up to kiss her again.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Y-yes! That was phenomenal!”

“Wow, going to be hard to keep up with phenomenal, from here on.”

“Oh I doubt that!”

“So, you like my technique hunh?”

She just grabbed my face and planted a deep, passionate kiss on me. As we were kissing, I reached down and aimed my cock at the entrance to her pussy and shifted my hips to press against her. I slid into her with amazing ease, she was so wet, and thanks to my new little blue friend, my cock was still cold blue steel.

She pulled away from our kiss and arched up and moaned again.

“Can I come again, please?!?”

“Yes Rachel, you can cum as much and as often as you want.”

A breathy “Thank you! Ungh…!” as another orgasm swept over her.

I started pumping my cock into her slowly. I kept my pace steady and even, and she responded by pushing her hips up to meet me as we found a nice rhythm together.

“Oh fuck, baby that’s so good.”

“I was sort of getting that. Something about you cumming all over my cock gave it away.”

“Yeah…I can see how that may convince you! Oh fuuuuuck! I’m cuuuuming again. I love your cock!!!”

“It loves you too, Rachel.”

I pulled out of Rachel after her orgasm died away and told her to roll onto her stomach.

“Oh yes, baby. But let me bend over the side of the bed. Fuck me from behind.”

We got off the bed and standing there next to each other, she kept stroking my cock, but there was no way that my little man was done yet. I turned her to face the bed and bent her over the side. I stepped up behind her as she spread her legs, then she reached back and spread her cheeks apart and presented herself to me. I slid easily back into her pussy and started pumping her, the more I pumped the more she pushed back against me, until we were thrusting at each other with serious animal lust.

“Ungh…ungh…ungh”, was all that came out of Rachel. Then she did something different. She put her hands behind her back and laid her forearms together and grabbed an elbow with each hand. If I’d had a set of cuffs, I could have easily bound her arms together. My mom might be into some interesting shit. So I reached down and grabbed her by her wrists with one hand and pulled her back toward me.

“Yes!!! Pull my hair Davey, pull mommy’s hair and fuck her hard! Ungh, I’m going to cum again. Jesus fuck me!!!”

When her orgasm died away, I slowed my rhythm and pulled out. I had one more thing to try, but had to take it slowly. I spread her ass cheeks and spit on her rosebud.

“Are you going to fuck mommy’s ass, now?”

“I was planning to yes. What do you have to say about it?”

“Oh God yes!!! Please fuck mommy’s ass.”

That was all the encouragement I needed. I shoved my cock back into her cunt all the way to the hilt for a few more strokes, then positioned my cock head over her ass and pushed slowly. Rachel relaxed and pushed back against me until my cock head was all the way past her ring. I spit on the shaft again just to make sure there was plenty of lubrication.

“Fuuuuuck that feels good, sliding in and out. Please.”

“Please what, Rachel?”

“Please fuck me harder, as hard as you want. Use my ass!”

“Is that what you want me to do?”

“P-p-please yes!!”

So I started fucking her ass in earnest. I had all of my cock all the way into her ass, with my balls slapping her cunt. I reached up and grabbed two handfuls of her hair.

“Oh yes…oh fuuuuuck, I’m going to cum again!!! Fuck me, harder! Fuck your mommy in the ass, make me cum!! Oh…my…God…n-n-now, NOW!!!” She screamed as she shuddered and tried to keep breathing while she grabbed the bed and nearly pulled all the covers off of it. I kept fucking her through her orgasm, but I could feel my own starting to boil up inside me.

“I’m going to cum, Rachel!!”

“I want to taste you again! Please let me!”

I couldn’t figure out why she kept asking for permission. She was the parent wasn’t she? Oh well, she asked nicely, so I pulled out and Rachel spun around and knelt down in front of me. She put her hands in mine and leaned in to take my cock in her mouth. I held her hands out and pulled my cock away from her mouth a little, teasing her just a bit.

“Please…can I have it?”

I leaned forward and let her take my cock in her mouth. She swallowed it almost to the hilt again, and sucked on me until I came down her throat again. This time a little seeped out around her lips. Oh well, we were both pretty tired. I let go of her and she wiped her mouth with her hand and cleaned all of it with enthusiasm.

My hard-on finally started to subside. It was 1 am, we’d been at it for 2 hours and we were both exhausted. Rachel smiled up at me and rose to give me a deep passionate kiss again.

She pulled away from me and said, “We should probably get a shower and some sleep. Your aunts are supposed to be here sometime tomorrow.”

“Shit, I forgot about them coming today.”

Aunt Crissy couldn’t get back in time for the funeral, something about being out in the middle of the Australian outback doing a photo shoot. She didn’t even find out about it until the first visitations at the funeral home. Rachel got a telegram from her with a two word message: “I’m coming!!” Her flight gets in tomorrow (or rather today at 10:30 this morning).

Aunt Sarah is a High School history teacher about 3 hours away. She had come for the funeral, but had to get back to her classes. Now that school was out though, she was going to stay for a month of her vacation, and help mom out if she could. Sarah’s married with no kids, but her husband’s a douche bag that drinks away her paychecks and smacks her around from time to time. I really want to bury him in the woods somewhere. She basically married a younger version of her dad.

“C’mon, let’s get cleaned up.” Rachel voice pulled me out of the memory of my aunts. They were both just as beautiful as she was. This house was destined to look hotter than hell this weekend.
We went into the master bathroom to shower. It’s a nice big room with a claw foot tub, a toilet, a bidet, two sinks and a walk-in shower. All the bathrooms in the house are big, the old man basically had on-suites put on most of the rooms with a jack-n-jill between a couple of the smaller rooms. I walked in and started my shower while Rachel used the toilet. I washed my hair, and in the middle of rinsing, I felt Rachel hug me from behind and lay her head on my back. Her hands slid down and wrapped around my cock and started a long slow massage, kissing me the whole time.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” I asked.

“Yes, but sex is like Chinese food: half an hour later you’re hungry again.”

“I see.” My hair was rinsed by now, so I turned around and picked her up and slid my now hardened cock into her cunt. I held her close to me for a short time, while she wrapped her legs around me and adjusted to my cock being in her pussy again.

“Fuck me, please!”

“Hold on tight.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me as tight as she could, so I slid my arms under her knees and pulled her legs up and apart as I pushed her up against the wall and just poured it to her.

“Ungh…yes! Fuck mommy: Fuck mommy as hard as you can!!!”

“Do you like my cock, mommy?”

“Oh, God, Davey yes!!”

“I want you to come all over my cock! Will you do that for me?”

“Y-yes! Mommy loves the way you fuck her. Harder, harder!!”

My rhythm turned into what can only be called “grudge fucking” as I kept ramming my cock into her pussy.

“Oh my god Davey, can I cum? Please, oh please can I cum now?!!?”

“Yes mommy, cum all over your son’s long, hard cock!” I don’t think I’ll ever tire of her asking permission to cum.

That was all she needed, her orgasm started, then grew and rippled through her whole body. She sort of went rigid and squeezed her legs together so hard I thought she was going to break my arms. She screamed and looked in my eyes, then down at our grinding crotches as she squirted cum all over my cock, my stomach and the shower floor. That was all it took for me as I exploded hot cum into her pussy, a second orgasm swept over her and she clamped down on me again and rode the wave to the end.

“Holy shit, Davey! I’ve never squirted before! That was amazing!” She could hardly get the words out; she was so out of breath. “Not to mention multiple orgasms. Jesus H. Christ!!”

“Yeah, that was pretty wild! I’ve never had anything like that either. Wow Rachel, you are amazing!”

We moved back into the shower again and actually got cleaned up this time. We probably would have gone at each other again, as we were soaping each other up and rubbing all of the important, sensitive, fun parts, but we both knew we had to get some sleep.

Once we were both dry, we climbed into bed again and fell asleep with Rachel pulled in close to my body. I drifted off to sleep with the scent of strawberries in my mind.