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Devil’s Island CH 4

This is a long story about several women and their fates. Not all is fantasy but based on personal experiences as a Master. Some is clearly pure fantasy, which is which is up to the reader to decide


With Linda secured for the night and Tina still standing around trying to

recover from the prod, only Gina and Jackie remained. The Master had watched Linda’s ordeal from his easy chair and had decided that it was a little late in the day to start Gina on the road to be a pony. The bitch would be quicker for this evening. He picked up the phone and dialed.

“Kitchen.” a voice answered.

“Bring dinner up to the main room tonight Sarah.”

“Yes Master.”

He hung up and motioned for Alex and Sue to come over.

“Nice job on Linda. She will be some cow.”

“She’ll be a good cow and breeder I would say. I would like to make her 42DD just to see if milk production would be better with large udders like that.”

“I’ll think about it for now only take her up to 40DD. Now I have decided we should train the bitch next. I’ll save Gina for tomorrow and Tina should be ready tomorrow as well to start training.”

The Master knew Alex was a little disappointed not being allowed to make Linda’s udders bigger. So, feeling lazy he would let Alex and Sue break the bitch too. That would really thrill Alex.

“Why don’t you break the bitch Alex?” He said.

Alex and Sue both lit up. This was unusual, but they would both love it.

“Sure, thing Master. I’ll do a good job on her. Do you want the wedding tape done first? I assume we will make a movie of both the bitch and pony.”

“Yes, we are. No sense in wasting a good money opportunity. Those movies bring in a lot of money. Let me know when you are ready, and I’ll be back.”

“Yes Master”

“Get the equipment set up Sue while I prep the little bitch.”

“Yes Mistress.”

The Master and Sue left the room and Alex slowly walked over to where Gina and Jackie were standing. Both had fear in their eyes. Jackie was almost shaking from fear after having watched Linda’s treatment. Gina was a bit more subdued and since she had been partially broken on the boat. She was now almost complacent. She knew there was lot more in store for all of them and that there was nothing they could do, resisting would just make it worse. Alex stopped and looked Gina in the eyes.

“You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to start your training, but you should learn a few things from the bitch here.”

“Yes Mistress” Gina replied.

Alex gave Gina’s tits a squeeze, grabbed up under her skirt, and grabbed her pussy. Gina groaned her pussy was still sore.

“Still sore or are you ready for more cock?”

“Still sore Mistress.”

“I could be wrong but Master will probably give you a good fucking tonight. He normally brings someone to his rooms for the night.”

The thought of being fucked again didn’t really scare Gina she almost expected it. Alex now turned to Jackie.

“Now bitch it is time for your training to start. This will be a great deal of fun and you’ll be in the movies too.

Are you ready to become a good bitch?”

“Yes Mistress.”

The prod dance and whorehouse promise fresh on her mind she didn’t dare answer anything else although after seeing Linda’s session she wasn’t sure anymore. Maybe the whorehouse would be better.

Sue returned with several cameras and began to set up the cameras and lights she had also brought a priest’s collar and robe.

“I doubt you are ready for this but bare in mind the master’s promise. One

mistake or refusal and you will be dancing.”

“Yes, Mistress I know.”

Jackie was fighting her tears this was going to be bad she just knew it. What could a bitch slave mean? Linda was a cow, so a bitch probably didn’t milk. But what? Was she going to be in a porno movie? The thought of being fucked for the first time scared her but the was a tingle of excitement too. She knew somehow she would be fucked and soon she wouldn’t be a virgin. For a moment she thought of her boyfriend and that she had held him off although he had tried to get into her panties several times. Now someone would. The Master maybe? Alex’s voice brought her back to reality.

“Ok. Bitch I’ll train you as per the Master’s wishes and I’ll take no nonsense. One refusal or mistake and you dance.” Alex held up the prod to Jackie’s face. Alex surveyed Jackie. She was perfect for the bitch role. All dressed in white as she was.

“Open your mouth wide and present fuck holes.” Alex barked.

“Yes Mistress.”

Jackie pulled down her panties, lifted her skirt, and opened her mouth. Jackie was scared but more scared of not obeying. Alex pulled out what looked like steel dentures. She pried them in over Jackie’s teeth and turned a knob on the side. The steel pressed against her teeth and as Alex turned a second knob, they pulled Jackie’s teeth together. Jackie’s mouth was clamped shut she could only move her lips but not open her mouth. Jackie could still make some guttural

noise but not speak. This was necessary for the first part of the movie. Sue would speak in her place.

A regular ball or penis gag would take away from the ceremony, so the teeth brace was used, you couldn’t really tell she was wearing

it unless she smiled, and Jackie wouldn’t be smiling. Alex produced a penis gag, which she promptly put in Gina’s mouth.

“Can’t have any back-ground noise from the audience.” Gina knew then this would get very bad. She felt sorry for Jackie.

Alex went back to Jackie with a tube of KY jelly. Standing behind her she

started to work a good amount of it up Jackie’s ass. When she had three fingers in, she stopped and just squeezed a final big blob up her ass. Jackie moaned as her ass hole was stretched but there wasn’t any real pain. Alex then took a small squirt bottle and stuck the nozzle her in pussy. Jackie groaned. The liquid that Alex squirted inside her felt cool but there wasn’t any pain from it.

Alex emptied the whole bottle inside and some dribbled down her legs. It didn’t matter if it showed in the movie it would just look like Jackie was horny as hell. Finally, she placed a veil on her head.

“Now you look like a bride. Cover yourself.”

Jackie was confused a bride? That didn’t sound so bad. She pulled up her panties and let her skirt down. Jackie felt sure she would be in a porno movie now and the honeymoon was the highlight of the movie. The groom taking his virgin bride. Jackie was right she only had one thing wrong.

“Ready to act the role of a bride? Remember the prod. The first scene will be at the altar over there and I’ll play the priest. All you have to do is stand still, if you move your dead meat you hear?”

Jackie nodded. She wouldn’t move. She was too scared too. Alex led her over to a make shift altar and put on her priest’s collar and robe. She looked nothing like a priest but it didn’t matter.

“Everything ready Sue?”

“Yes Mistress. Master is just coming.”

The Master entered with three large Great Danes in tow. They were all black and Nero the biggest one of the three had a top hat on. Gina’s eyes bulged oh god no poor girl she thought. Jackie didn’t see them until the Master sat down in his chair and the dogs sat next to him. Alex called Nero and he walked over and stood next to Jackie. Nero had been a groom before. Jackie froze in fear. Her knees felt weak and she almost passed out she was in shock.

“Roll cameras.”

“Rolling.” Sue whispered.

“Do you Nero take Jackie to be your bitch?”

Nero growled in response.

“Do you Jackie take Nero to be your Master?”

“Yes” Sue answered from the background.

“I now pronounce you Master and bitch.” Alex preached on.

“You may kiss and take the bride Sir.”

Nero gave Jackie a big slippery lick on her mouth. He had been very well trained, and he knew he was in for a good time and treat. His nose sniffed Jackie’s crotch. He could smell this bitch was in heat. Alex had made sure of that with her spray bottle. What Jackie had in her pussy wasn’t regular lubricant but the juices from a bitch in heat. Nero continued to sniff pushing his nose against

her crotch. Jackie was still in shock and scared out of her mind.

“Cut we need to prepare the bitch for the next scene.”

“Open your mouth.”

In a daze Jackie obeyed and the teeth gag was removed. Her knees where shaking so much that she almost lost her balance.

“Listen carefully bitch. You only get one chance. In the next scene, you’ll

kneel and start sucking on Nero’s cock. Make sure you get the whole cock in. You’ll suck him slowly and I’ll give you directions from the side.”

“Please No I can’t…Please I can’t.”

“Shall I stick the prod up this bitch’s ass now Master?”

“No No No please I’ll do it I’ll do it please.” Jackie cried out.

“One more fuck up and you can beg all you want it won’t help. You’ll fuck a prod in your pussy and one in your ass all night and if you are still alive in the morning I’ll send you to a whorehouse.”

Jackie started crying she was doomed. She was scared, humiliated, and disgusted but she didn’t want the prods. Maybe sucking the dog wasn’t so bad.

“Yes Master. I’m sorry Master I’ll be good.”

“You better be more than good with Nero.”

“Yes Master.”

Alex put the prod under her robe. Making sure Jackie was aware of it. Alex was going to play the evil priest the rest of the movie, so she put on a hood so that her face wouldn’t show in the movie.

“Roll camera”

“Now bitch it is time you show how much you love your Master.” She said in a priestly voice.

“Kneel and stroke his cock.”

Jackie more feel to her knees than anything but she didn’t dare disobey. Jackie reached under the dog and with one hand started stroking his cock. Nero grew hard quickly and was a good eight inches. Jackie continued stroking.

“No take your Master in your mouth bitch and suck him nicely.” Alex the priest said.

Jackie leaned forward and very gingerly put the head in her mouth. Nero stood still. He didn’t care for the sucking when the bitch was in heat.

“Take it all in, swallow it bitch.”

Jackie tried but gagged and coughed but one look at Alex told her she better keep trying. She again took the cock in her mouth and sucked the best she knew how. She didn’t quite get it all in and there was a big knot that wouldn’t fit in her. Nero started humping her mouth and some pre-cum hit Jackie’s throat. It tasted bitter, but she kept on sucking.

“Now lick his balls and lick up and down the shaft.”

Jackie obeyed but gagged again and tears were running down her cheeks.

“Now keep his cock in your mouth and remove your top.”

Jackie had to think how she could remove the top without letting go off the

cock. She pulled the straps down her arms and then tore the top when she tried to get it down over her hips. She got the top off however.

“Keep sucking and play with your tits.”

Jackie started to squeeze her tits through the bra She had played with her tits before, so this wasn’t so hard.

“Now off with the skirt.”

Jackie had to wiggling a bit and of course lost the cock out of her mouth.

“Keep his cock in your mouth at all times bitch.”

Alex had a good time playing the evil priest. At the same time, she made sure Jackie got a glimpse of the prod again. Jackie got her skirt off and got the cock back in her mouth. It hadn’t dawn on her, yet she would do more that suck Nero’s cock.

“Sit back and remove your panties and show your fuck hole to your Master.”

Jackie sat down lost the cock but quickly got it back in her mouth. She pulled her panties down, but she couldn’t get them off due to the hobble chain, so they stayed around her ankles. She turned so that Nero could see her pussy. He bent his head down, stuck his nose right up to her pussy, and began to lick. Jackie was startled, disgusted, and almost lost his again. But there was a tingling feeling when his rough tongue found her clit. Jackie was starting to get turned on. After five more minutes of that, Alex decided they had enough foreplay on tape and Jackie had started to enjoy the licking time to give her the pain.


“Very good bitch.”

“Now we need to move over a bit for the next scene.”

Alex led Nero about ten feet to the left where Jackie could see a large barrel with both ends open. The barrel was covered with black leather on the outside.

Jackie couldn’t see what was inside, but it was sitting on a small platform.

The platform wasn’t very high. Alex placed Nero at one end of the barrel his cock full erect and a knot the size of a small fist.

“Roll camera”

“Crawl over here bitch on all four like a good bitch.” Alex pointed to the other end of the barrel. Jackie started to crawl on all fours toward Alex. Still not understanding was about to happen.

“In the barrel with you and suck your Master again.” Alex ordered.

Jackie crawled in the barrel, but it was to high up for her to remain on her knees, so she had raise her ass in the air and lean forward out the other end to reach Nero cock. The barrel wasn’t very long just long enough to cover her torso and

up to her neck. Her ass and pussy were now fully accessible from the rear. Alex moved to the end were Jackie’s head was sucking the dog and pulled her arms out and with a quick move locked them to the side of the barrel. Jackie’s head dropped down and she lost the cock. She was bent forward through the barrel and couldn’t pull back. Her ass was high in the air at the other end with her legs semi-straight.

“Your Master wants you secure for this next part bitch. Just relax and enjoy it.”

Alex moved to the other end and pulled two wide straps from inside the barrel. They passed through Jackie’s legs just above the knees. Pulling them over Jackie’s legs and securing them on the side of the she pulled them tight forcing her legs further apart. Jackie was secured in the barrel. Head sticking out one end for sucking entertainment, ass and pussy ready at the other end. Alex called

Hannibal and the second Dane joined Nero at Jackie’s head.

“Master has invited some friend you better get sucking bitch. Hannibal is

already hard. So, get sucking”

Jackie had little choices and the sucking wasn’t so bad. She took Hannibal in her mouth and started sucking. Play Boy the third dog waiting right behind him. Then Jackie froze in panic.

“Master your bitch is ready for your cock. She is a real horny bitch too Master Nero and she has never been fucked before.”

Nero wagged is tail as he stuck his nose and tongue in Jackie’s pussy trying to find the hole. Licking soon got old, Nero wanted to fuck. Jackie dropped Hannibal’s cock and started to scream and plead.

“Noooo Please don’t let the dog fuck me please nooo he is too big and a dog

please no dog.”

This would be good on tape Alex didn’t mind her pleading now it was too late she was stuck in the barrel and was about to get her cherry popped by an eight-inch dog cock. Alex wanted to savor the moment a bit longer, so she held Nero back.

“You will fuck your Master bitch. He is just trying to decide which hole to pop the cherry in first. You are a bitch and bitches fuck dog Masters. That’s their job.”

“Oh god. Please no. No not a dog. I’ll do anything just please not the dog. I’ll suck all the dogs but please don’t let him fuck me.” Jackie half cried half screamed.

“Dogs like to fuck but don’t worry you’ll suck them too bitch. Just relax and enjoy the fucking you are about to receive.”

Alex let Nero go and he quickly mounted the barrel his cock right in line with Jackie’s pussy. Nero started humping and Jackie tried to close her legs. She could feel the cock hitting her pussy not finding the hole. Alex reached under Nero and put his cock head in Jackie’s pussy.

“Nooooooooo.” Jackie hollered as she felt the head enter her.

Nero pushed home plunging all his eight inches in popping Jackie’s cherry. He started humping wildly trying to get the knot in. Jackie screamed as her hymen broke and her pussy was stretched more than ever before. When Nero’s cock hit her cervix, Jackie almost passed out from pain.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE……He’s splitting me apart. Please make him stop.”

“You’ll be just fine bitch. You’ll get used to his size in a day or two. You ass hole might have a harder time with his cock. No start sucking the other two again enough talking. Your mouth is for dog cock not chatter.”

With Nero firmly in her pussy humping away at a rapid pace Alex went to the

other end, grabbed Jackie by the hair, and stuck Hannibal’s cock back in her mouth.

“Don’t lose it again bitch. You’ll fuck all three dogs and if you don’t obey you’ll fuck two prods too.”

Jackie gagged as the cock was forced in her mouth and she cried but sucked to afraid to do anything but obey. Alex watched for a while to make sure she kept on sucking then returned to Nero to help the knot in. She bent down and pulled Jackie’s pussy lips apart. That didn’t help so she went to get two clamps. The clamps were attached to the pussy lips and pulled to the side of the barrel by a couple of chains. Jackie screamed into Hannibal’s cock but managed to keep it in her mouth. Her pussy was on fire from the pounding Nero was giving her and now her lips added to the pain by being stretched out to the side. Alex now had both hands free and grabbed Nero’s cock behind the knot and gave his cock a hard

push. The knot forced its way in and Jackie let out a high-pitched scream. She was stretched to the limit and her pussy was filled up with dog cock.


Again, Alex had to shove Hannibal’s cock in her mouth.

“Told you not to lose it bitch you better start doing better here. Start moving your ass. Don’t think you can just lie there and enjoy the fucking. Get to work bitch.”

Jackie tried the best she could, but she didn’t have much room to move her ass. Nero started to shot his load up in Jackie’s pussy and Alex quickly put a bowl under Jackie’s pussy. Cum started to seep out of her pussy but Nero was lodged in there. It was a good ten minutes before the knot had gone down enough for Nero to dismount.

When he did, cum poured out of Jackie’s pussy she had been stretched to the point her pussy had a hard time closing. Alex walked back to Jackie’s head and got Hannibal.

“Ok bitch get sucking on Play Boy while Hannibal gets his rocks off in your fuck hole.”

Jackie was crying hard now and sobbing but just one glimpse of the prod and she took Play Boy’s cock in her mouth and started suck. Alex helped Hannibal mount the bitch and this time shoved the knot in right away. Hannibal pounded away at the bitch from the start. He wasn’t quite as big as Nero but big enough to be painful for freshly popped cherry and sore pussy. Hannibal pounded her for a good ten minutes before unloading in her pussy. Jackie had been stretched enough now that he could pull out with a pop. More dog cum collected in the bowl as it Jackie couldn’t hold it in. There were trickles of blood mixed in the semen in the bowl. Alex now came for Play Boy. This was the best part Play Boy would take the bitch in the ass.

“Are you having a good time bitch? One more to go and then we will secure you for the night unless the Master decides you should dance for your poor


“Please No more I hurt.”

“Don’t worry he will use a different hole.”

“No God No He’ll kill me. Please Please No. Mistress.”

“Doubt he will kill you, but you’ll get a good ass stretching but I am sure

you’ll enjoy it. Nothing like some nice hot cum in a bitch’s ass.”

Alex started back to Jackie’s ass. She had one more thing to do. She took metal flat hooks and stuck them in Jackie’s ass. She pulled the hooks to the side opening Jackie’s ass.

“Up Boy”

Play Boy mounted here and as soon as his cock had gotten past the sphincter, she took out the hooks. Jackie’s closed tightly around his cock. Play Boy pounded away and with each hump got a bit more cock in. Jackie screamed and screamed but the dog took no notice and drove home. The knot wouldn’t go in but she had a good 7 inches dog cock in her ass. Play Boy shot his load in her ass and pulled out. Sue got up to get a close up of the open ass hole and cum starting to seep out.

“Push the cum out bitch.”

Jackie was sobbing and tried her best to get the cum out of her asshole and

slowly it came out in big blobs dripping down into the bowl.

“Are you still horny bitch? Ready for another round?”

“Please No Mistress.”

Alex turned toward the Master as she spoke.

“I don’t think this bitch did a very good job. I don’t see how she would ever be any use as a bitch Master. Shall I string her up and let the bitch dance with the prods?”

“I agree she is pretty useless.” Master said.

“Perhaps I could use her for some of my medical tests?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Hmmm. Maybe see if you could roast her udders while they are still attached, or I have a few drugs I’d like to test as well.”

“That might be an idea. She wouldn’t be much use after I suppose.”

“Not really no.” Alex looked hopeful.

Jackie could hear every word and was petrified. She let go a stream of pee down her leg and started pleading.

“No oh no please give me another chance I’ll be very good. Please Master.”

Master looked at Alex and smiled.

“I guess you scared the pee out of her.”

Alex laughed.

“So, can I have her?”

“Nooooo pleaseee. Master I promise I’ll do better if you give me another

chance.” Jackie cried as she spoke.

“Let’s give her another chance if she even as much as hesitates once you can have her.”

“Ok Master.” Alex pretended to sound disappointed, but this exchange was all for Jackie’s benefit.

“Thank you Master. You won’t regret it.” Jackie said.

“Get her out of the barrel and bring her over here. Sue, you go get three fresh dogs. She has had enough of a break.”

“Yes Master.”

Jackie was relieved, but she had tough she would have a longer break. Her ass and pussy were still sore but there was no point in begging to have more time. She would have to fuck three more dogs and do it well or face even worse horrors.

Alex released Jackie and she started to stand up, but Alex kicked her feet from under her and she fell to her knees.

“Bitches don’t walk they crawl. Crawl over to your place in front of Master.”

“Yes Mistress.” Jackie replied as she crawled away.

“When the dogs get here you start sucking immediately. When he is hard he will mount you, if he needs help getting in your pussy or ass you guide him in. When the first is in you start sucking the next. If they need help getting the knot in you help them. Make sure you take at least one in your ass otherwise you fail. Sue will command the dogs but you better look like you love fucking them.

You will get no further instructions. Mistress and I will say no more until you are done. Then we will vote on pass or fail. I suggest you crawl over and get the cum bowl, since it would not be good to waste any cum. You will lick it clean before you end your test. Now you better get ready.”

Jackie almost broke down but sobbing she crawled and retrieved the bowl. She barely got back to her spot before Sue entered with three new Danes. Sue placed the first at Jackie’s face and she reached under him stroking him with her hand.

As soon as his cock came out, she started sucking him. After a few minutes, he was rock hard. Jackie’s kept sucking and Sue bent down and whispered.

“Command him up or he will come in your mouth and you lose.”

Jackie felt her stomach turn; she had to beg to be fucked in other words.

“Up. ” she said. The dog didn’t move.

“His name is Targ.” Sue filled her in.

“Up Targ.”

The dog jumped straight up on her from behind scratching her back with his paws as he mounted her. He started humping but kept missing her pussy. Jackie tried to wiggle her ass but that didn’t help.

“Reach between your legs and put him in.” Sue whispered again.

Jackie didn’t know if she was really trying to help her or she had been told to instruct her. She reached back and found Targ’s cock. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she guided him in. Targ pounded his cock home and kept pounding her but didn’t get the knot in. Jackie moaned her pussy hurt. Targ was big and stretched her already sore pussy.

“Get the knot in quick or you lose.” Sue whispered yet again.

With tears rolling down her face, Jackie reached back again, put her hand behind the knot, and pushed hard. At first the knot wouldn’t go in, so she pushed harder and the pussy stretched even more and Targ become lodged inside humping away at a furious rate. Every hump hurt now that he was in deep. Jackie cried out.


Sue placed the second dog in front of her. Jackie took a few seconds but reached for his cock while her whole body rocked back and forth with the pounding Targ was giving her.

“This is Cain.” Sue said in a normal voice but added a whisper.

“He’s big don’t take him in your ass”

Jackie sucked away as best she could which wasn’t easy with only one hand to support herself against Targ’s attack. She tried putting the other hand down but as soon as she did she lost Cain’s cock. Jackie was in pain she could feel her pussy lips swelling and the inside of her pussy felt raw. She got a little relief from the pre-cum Targ’s cock was spurting but not much. Sue was right Cain was big his cock wasn’t that long but thick. Jackie felt grateful to Sue.

Targ delivered his load and pulled out which hurt since the knob was still

swollen. Jackie moaned and groaned. Cum splashed down into the bowl as he pulled out.

“Get Cain up quick. They won’t like you taking any breaks.” Sue spoke again with her friendly advice.

Jackie groaned but she did as Sue advised.

“Up Cain”

Cain was quickly on top of her, by luck found her still somewhat open pussy, and pushed in. His paws were clawing at her sides and hurting her a bit. Jackie still had to help him get the knot in but soon Cain was in. Jackie again let out a scream as the knot went in and she felt stretched beyond her limits.


“This is Devil” Sue said.

The third dog was already at her face. His cock was partly out of his sheath and Jackie reached for it with her mouth. Cain was more powerful than Targ and his trusts carried much more force. Jackie almost fell on her stomach when she tried using a hand to get Devil’s cock. She was being fucked hard now and as she sucked she realized that Sue had tricked her Devil was large, a good nine inches and thick. He would hurt her ass badly if she even could get him in.

“Oooops. Guess I got them mixed up.” Sue grinned.

Master and Alex both had big grins on their faces when Sue looked at them. She had done well, and this would be good for her. Jackie was just a bitch and no friend of hers. Jackie didn’t grin, she was being rocked back and forth by Cain and Devil. Her mind raced, her pussy on fire and soon her ass would be split or, so she thought, by Devil.

She would fail because of Sue. She would never get Devil in her ass. When Cain exploded in her pussy and dismounted her, she felt panic. She didn’t even notice the pain the knot caused on the way out. Another splash of cum hit the bowl and her pussy kept dripping cum.

“Better get him up quick. Don’t want it to look like you are not horny and eager for another fuck do you?” Sue taunted her.

Jackie had to try even if she thought there was no way she could do it.

“Up Devil” she said meekly.

Devil pounced on her humping wildly and scratching the side of her ribs. Devil found her pussy and Jackie had to quickly reach back and grab his cock. She fell on her face as she used her other hand to try and spread her ass cheeks. Devil was humping away, and it was hard for her to get him pointed at her ass hole.

Finally, she felt the tip on her anus. Jackie braced herself and pushed on

Devil’s cock. The pain was very bad since her already swollen sphincter wouldn’t give way. She got a better grip and tried again.


She got about two inches of Devil in. With the way he was humping he would pop out if she let go of his cock. She took a breath and pushed again. Burning pain as her ass tried to stretch to accommodate the intruder. With work and many moaning and groaning sounds, Jackie got another two inches in. Still it wasn’t enough if she let go he would slip out. The very helpful Sue was quick to point that out to her.

“He isn’t half way in even, you need more in there, bitch or he will slip out.”

Her friendly tone was gone now. Jackie again pushed, and her ass hole gave up a point more ground. Not without sending waves of pain through her however. Devil was getting impatient with this bitch and dug his paws in on Jackie’s tits.


The claw hurt. Jackie now had six inches up her ass and decided it was enough and to just hold on to his cock behind the knot. Jackie couldn’t get the knot in there wasn’t any hope of that. Devil helped her out with his new grip on Jackie he pushed in another two inches and pounded away. Every stroke in her ass hole was like getting a hot poker shoved in there. The burning was terrible, but Devil pounded on until his knot started hitting her sphincter.

His knot was the size of a tennis ball and Jackie wasn’t ready for that, the knot simply wouldn’t go in no matter how hard Devil tried. Devil pumped his load up her ass and then just dismounted. Jackie was done fucking.

“Shall I bring in the next three Master?” Sue said with an evil grin.

Jackie’s heart almost stopped. There couldn’t be more dogs. Jackie sobbed loudly but stayed put without saying anything. She waited for the reply with fear in her eyes and without thinking pushed out the dog cum in her ass.

” Let her finish this test first.” Master said.

Jackie realized there was one more thing to be done. In a daze, she turned

around and looked at the grayish blood spotted goo in the bowl. She started

licking and swallowing. It had a bitter salty and watery taste to it and her stomach turned. Fighting the urge to throw up she licked the bowl clean and crawled to Master’s feet for her verdict.

“What do you think Mistress Alex?” Master asked.

“Hmmm. I suppose she did a bit better this time even if she was slow and didn’t work her ass that much. She didn’t get Devil’s knot up her bitch ass either. Not even an encouraging word to any of her lovers. One would have expected at least an Oh pound me Targ or Deeper and faster Cain not even Devil got an Shove it in hard.”

Jackie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had tried her best and her ass and pussy was raking with pain. Would they fail her because she didn’t talk to the dogs? Jackie felt defeated. She sobbed even louder and fell forward on her elbows with her ass in the air.

” True she didn’t sound like she wanted or needed a fuck. Even so, it was her first time. So maybe we should give her a week of fucking to see if she

improves. Perhaps she will learn proper bitch behavior. I’ll pass her for now.”

“Yes. Maybe you’re right. I’ll guess I’ll pass her too then even if I’m doubtful she will learn.” Alex smiled.

Jackie felt relieved even if the week of fucking scared her stiff.

“I’ll leave the training to you. I’ll take the pony to my rooms and retire for the night.” Master said as walked toward Gina.

“Excellent I’ll walk over and feed the bitch. Shall we leave the whore over

there or put her in a cage?” Alex pointed toward Tina.

Tina was lying on the floor with her hands between her legs trying to ease the burning in her clit.

“Sue can secure her in a cage.”

“Yes Master.” Sue replied.

Master unhooked Gina, attached a leash to her collar, and with Gina hobbling behind started for his private quarters. Sue hurried over to Tina and got her to her feet moaning. Sue took her over to a large steel cage and pulled her wrists to the top of the cage. Her legs were spread as far as the hobble would allow

and secured to the floor. Tina was spread eagled in her cage.

“No touching for you tonight.” Sue said and patted her crotch sending shivers through her clit.

Tina’s clit was super sensitive to any touch and with Sue patting it the fire flared up again. Tina moaned.

“I need to pee.” Tina begged.

“You have panties on pee in them whore.” Sue grinned.

“Please let me go to the bathroom.” Tina begged again.

” I told you pee in your panties or hold it whore.”

Sue shut the cage door and left Tina for the night. Tina wouldn’t last through the night but would be forced to pee in her panties. She wouldn’t get much sleep either with wet panties and being spread-eagled like she was. Tina would be exhausted, hungry, and thirsty by morning. Sue briefly stopped by Linda to give her a few good night words too.

“I guess you need to pee cow.”

Sue released the clamp and Linda promptly peed. Sue didn’t want her to empty completely so she clamped the tube again.

“Ummgghh” Linda tried but with her feeding tube in her mouth, she couldn’t say anything else.

“You weren’t done cow? Well better, be quicker next time then. Udders look

really nice they are really swollen now, and nice and red. Nips seem to be doing well too. You want a bit of a massage? Silly me cows always want their udders handled.”

Sue squeezed Linda’s udders and the burning flared up in them.


“Want more do you? You cows are never satisfied. Maybe when I come back in the morning to feed you I’ll give you some massage.”

“Sleep tight cow. You look real comfy there.”

Sue gave Linda’s udders a slap and walked away. Linda was anything but

comfortable. Linda was in pain sweating under the hood and her arms, legs, and shoulders ached. While Sue was tending to Tina, Alex put a leash on Jackie and with quick yank to her collar and swat of the crop, she told Jackie to heel.

“Heel and follow me bitch on all fours.”

“Aaaiiee.” Jackie let out. The crop stung her.

With Jackie crawling at her side as fast as she could Alex headed to the yard. Once outside she grabbed a hose and sprayed Jackie down. The cool water felt nice on her back and ass but when the stream with her pussy Jackie moaned loudly. Alex took no notice, pushed the nozzle in her, and filled her up.

“AAARRRGGHHH” Jackie cried.

“Be quiet bitch or I’ll put you in with the hounds for the night. You need to be cleaned. Now hurry up and pee and shit. I haven’t got all night.”

Jackie squatted and peed and at the same time relieved the water in her ass. The water did feel soothing in her ass and some of the burning eroded. Jackie was however humiliated beyond belief. Having to squat like a dog and relieve herself outside. She wondered if she would have to do this every time. Her stockings and heels were a mess from crawling, peeing, and the fucking and now they were soaked as well. Jackie was lead over to a large pen with a doghouse at one end.

A bowl of water and an empty bowl were sitting in front of the doghouse. Alex picked up the empty bowl and released the leash from Jackie’s collar.

“Welcome to your new home bitch. Now sit. I’ll be back with your food.”

Jackie didn’t know how to sit, so Alex with a swat of the crop pushed her ass to the ground. Jackie was now sitting on her legs bent and ass touching her heels.

” I guess I’ll have to teach you all the commands, bitch. You’ll have a busy day tomorrow then.”

Alex went out of the pen and closed the door. She soon returned with a bowl of canned dog food. Alex had also added some milk-inducing drug to the food and some stimulants. She didn’t want the bitch to get too much sleep.

She put the bowl down in front of Jackie.

“It’s beef and rice tonight. Now eat it quickly or I’ll swat your ass until you are finished bitch. Stick your little bitch nose in the bowl and start eating.”

Jackie cried but she was starving, so she bent down and started to eat. It

didn’t taste that bad even if it was dog food.

It was edible even if it wasn’t a gourmet meal exactly. It took a while to empty the bowl but her hunger was gone.

“Lick your snout clean, you have sauce all over. Then get in the dog house and no barking or howling during the night.”

“Yes Mistress. She would finally have some peace.

The doghouse had a blanket that smelled of dog and nothing else. The night air was warm and humid. Alex hooked the chain from the doghouse to Jackie’s collar. This would allow her to move about five feet in any direction from the doghouse.

“Night bitch. Tomorrow you’ll have a busy day.”

Alex walked away. She would have Sue come to her quarters and eat her pussy for a while before locking her away for the night. Jackie curled up on the blanket and quietly cried herself to sleep. Jackie was broken and in pain. Jackie was still fearful, but she would obey and do what they wanted. She had fucked six dogs tonight no man would want her again even if she got away from here. Maybe men at a whorehouse would still fuck her but nobody would want her or want to marry her. Those dreams had been shattered. Jackie fell into light sleep.