Danni Archer Gangbang

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Danni Archer waited nervously for Ms. Sturm to pick her up outside of Café du Jean at 2 pm on the Saturday. Ms. Sturm had arranged for Danni to get some more sexual action to improve her knowledge and understanding of her own needs. Danni was to meet with eight older couples who had a swinger’s group; when Ms. Sturm had mentioned to them that she might be able to arrange a plaything for a special party they had eagerly jumped at the chance and scheduled a meeting for that Saturday afternoon. It was pretty much the only time that Danni could get away from under the thumb of her overprotective mother for any length of time. Danni had told her mother that she was going to an afternoon movie and ice cream afterwards with one of her friends. That friend was actually going to do those things and had agreed to tell Danni’s mother that Danni had been there if asked.
Danni was wearing her coat, a slightly loose pair of sweat pants and a larger than normal t-shirt that Ms. Sturm had requested for her to wear. She wore no underwear under the clothes. She had changed from her work clothes to this outfit in the washroom of the café; she had her clothes in a small backpack. Ms. Sturm had explained that this outfit was perfect for removing in a moving vehicle. Danni was to arrive nude at the swinger’s party. Ms. Sturm would put a trench coat around the young girl to walk her up to the door and deliver her. The only other thing that Danni would be wearing would be a leather bondage mask that Ms. Sturm would padlock under her chin before she left the car. The mask would serve two purposes. One it would conceal her identity from the people at the party. And two it would heighten Danni’s sense of helplessness and vulnerability. Ms. Sturm wanted to know how Danni would react to being used without being able to see who her partner was. Danni was not supposed to talk with the people at the party nor was she to make her name known. It was agreed by the swingers that she would simply be addressed as Slut.
Ahh! Thought Danni, here comes Ms. Sturm now as the small blue Honda Civic came to a stop in front of her. Danni quickly got in the car. Ms. Sturm started the car in motion as soon as Danni’s backside made contact with the seat. She said “Quickly now. Get those clothes off and the trench coat on the back seat on.” Danni complied and as soon as she had the trench coat over her nude body Ms. Sturm pulled over to the curb. They were now a number of blocks away from Café du Jean. She told Danni to lean towards her as she pulled the black leather mask from under her rear end. She had Danni hold her own hair back as she fitted the mask over Danni’s face. The mask would cover her eyes but leave her nose, mouth and ears exposed. It fit snugly under her chin and around her throat as Ms. Sturm tightened the straps. She then applied a small padlock to the strap ends that fitted in a device designed to hold them from being undone. Now only Ms. Sturm could remove the mask.
“Do you need any last minute instructions?” Ms. Sturm queried. Danni shook her head and whispered “No.” “Fine then. We will proceed. It will take about ten minutes to get there. Do you remember your safe word?”
“Yes. It is bananastorm.” Danni said.
They drove for about ten minutes in silence. It seemed like a lot longer to the masked Danni but they finally arrived. Ms. Sturm pulled into a driveway and got out of the Honda. She walked around to the passenger door and opened it. She then guided Danni out of the car and up the pathway to the front door of the house. The door was quickly opened by someone in the house who had obviously been waiting eagerly for their arrival. Ms. Sturm pulled the trench coat off of Danni as she shoved her forward into the arms of the person inside and went back to the car. Since Danni did not expect the shove, she was off balance and leaned against the person inside. She felt the softness that could only be a woman’s breast. The person at the door was a woman, Danni thought; she had been expecting a man.
The woman helped Danni to straighten up and Danni swore that she took the opportunity to cop a feel of her left breast as she did so. It certainly seemed that her left nipple had been stroked. “Come Slut. This way. You may address all of us women as Mistress and the men as Master.” The woman said as she guided Danni forward into the house. The woman guided Danni into a room and she could sense that there were other people in the room although no one spoke. The woman walked her into what must have been the middle of the room.
“There is a cushion on the floor in front of you and an ottoman in front of it. I will help you to kneel on the cushion and then you are going to place yourself on the ottoman. That is the platform on which all of the men are going to fuck you. It was decided by us that you should be wet before the first man enters you. Us women thought it would be best if one of us were to help you get wet by licking your pussy. Do you object to this, Slut?” the woman said.
Danni thought for about thirty seconds. She had not really expected this. But what the hell! “No, Mistress.” She said meekly.
“Good. We drew straws for the honour of being the pussy licker and I won!” the woman gushed. “I am going to help you find a good position on that ottoman before we get started. So kneel and bend forward.” The woman said as she helped Danni onto the ottoman. “Scoot yourself forward a bit so your hips are more on the ottoman and your breasts are over the other side.” The woman guided Danni. “I have been on that ottoman myself numerous times.”
The woman began to stroke the backs of Danni’s thighs. Danni started a bit. “Just relax and spread your legs wider” the woman said softly as she worked her way into Danni’s softer inner thighs. “We are all friendly here and we are not going to hurt you. We know that you have limited experience and we just want to help you to get more comfortable with your sexual needs. If you feel that you are uncomfortable with any situation, you just have to say your safe word and everything will stop. No one will be upset at you. If you have to stop in the middle of an act with a man, one of us other women will take care of him, so there will be no one unhappy. So just relax and enjoy yourself. We should confirm what your safe word is, so say it now please.” The woman commanded.
“Bananastorm, Mistress.”
“Good. The next time you say that everything will stop. Now I do not want you to speak unless you feel the need to use your safe word but feel free to make as much noise as you need to” the woman said. Her fingers were now stroking Danni’s labia softly and Danni began to give a low moan as she enjoyed it. The woman pushed lightly on Danni’s thighs and she obliged her by opening them even further although she was starting to feel very stretched out. Danni felt the quick flick of something on her clitoris as the woman began darting her tongue at it. It felt great and Danni gave a pleased gasp. She heard soft chuckles from the group when this happened.
The woman increased the rate of her stroking and of the darting of her tongue. Danni gave off a pleased hum and the rate increased even more. The woman fully licking her clitoris and even gave small nibbles to it. Danni jumped the first time that occurred and heard laughter from the watching women. She heard a few puzzled murmurs from the men. The woman kept up her actions until Danni’s hips began to buck and with a high pitched squeal she came. Danni came as hard as she had ever in her young life and was surprised to realize that she had also discharged a gush of liquid from her pussy. She was momentarily ashamed but was quickly reassured when the woman patted her lightly on her behind and said “Ohhh! Very, very good, Slut. I would definitely say that she is now quite wet and ready for action.”
A pleased murmur definitely ran through the watchers. Danni felt a sudden surge of pride as she realized that these people were pleased with her performance. Her orgasm had been very pleasurable and she did not feel as much shame as she had felt at being naked and spread-eagled in front of a group of strangers. She could hear a small stirring of the watchers as a man now got ready to fuck her.
She heard the man get on his knees behind her and felt strong calloused hands fondle her bare hips. The hands then moved up to her shoulders and he lightly braced his weight on her as he got into position. One hand left her shoulder and she felt him opening her pussy lips as he guided the tip of his erect penis into her pussy. The hand came back to her shoulder and the man began drawing back on her shoulders as he pushed his hips forward. His manhood began to stretch out her tight pussy as he slowly forced her to take it. It felt really good. Danni felt a little disappointed when the man was fully in her; it was obvious to her that he was no more than average in length. He stayed still in her and she had some time to reflect that the girth was okay and over all the sensation in her pussy felt really good. He drew himself back and thrust forward again slowly. He continued this slow pace for about five minutes, resting himself fully in her for a few seconds at the end of each thrust. At first Danni was concerned with the pace and the fact that the penis was not fully stretching her pussy out but then she learned to enjoy the sensations that were occurring in her pussy. After a few minutes had passed, Danni relaxed her body even more and murmured her approval. As if this were a signal, the man increased his pace and his thrusts became harder in her, his hips slapping against her ass with an audible clap. Danni could feel a pressure starting to build up in her cunt and she began squeezing the man’s cock with her cunt muscles. The pace and force of the thrusts increased again and the man began to grunt loudly. Suddenly Danni could feel herself release and a few seconds later felt the warm spurts of the man’s cum deep inside her pussy. Danni felt loose limbed and terrific when this occurred and she loudly cooed her approval.
“I think that she liked that” the man said proudly. He then gave her a light tap on the ass and his penis popped out of her cunt with a soft glop. He quickly left the area behind her and Danni became aware of what sounded like some slurping noises going on a few feet away.
Danni became aware of a body coming down to kneel at her shoulders. She smelled a flowery perfume overlying a deeper musky smell and felt shock as a pair of teeth lightly nipped at her earlobe and a tongue traced quickly around her ear. “How are you feeling, Slut? came the breathy voice from beside her. “Are you satisfied? Do you want to stop?’
“I’m feeling great” said Danni, enjoying the woman’s hot breath, wet tongue and sharp teeth on her ear. She was surprised at how good that felt. “I’m ready to continue with the next man Mistress. Or you could continue with what you are doing. It feels wonderful.”
“You are a little slut, aren’t you, Slut.” The woman said and spanked her ass hard just the once. But Danni noticed that the woman didn’t stop with her attention to Danni’s ear. There was also an intensifying of the musky aroma. Danni knew it wasn’t coming from herself so it must be coming from the other woman. The other woman began to moan in her ear and Danni could feel an erect nipple on a plump breast being pushed against her shoulder. She also heard a soft squelching sound and realized that the woman was fingering herself while attending to Danni.
Danni felt the woman being pulled away from her. “Oh Damn! I guess they’re trying to tell me that the next man is ready.” She said. Danni could hear some soft voices and an awful lot of wet squishy sounds going on a few feet away and the woman’s soft moans became more urgent in nature. She sensed another presence behind her.
This time the rough hands grasped her breasts and gave them a tremendous squeeze; Danni’s rigid nipples popped out even harder and the man rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, pulling firmly on them. Danni gave a startled grunt which became a deep moan as her nipples were stretched. The man then thrust his erect penis very hard into her gaping cunt. His thrust pushed her body so hard against the ottoman that he temporarily drove the breath from her lungs. She gasped for air and moaned constantly as he kept up a tremendous punishing pace. Her body was tingling all over and the sensations rippling through her cunt were tremendous. Danni could tell that this man’s penis was about the same size as the first man’s but he was definitely not giving her any chance to feel any disappointment. Of course, the man could not maintain the hard pace for very long and Danni soon felt the warm spurts inside her again as the man climaxed. The man held her tight against him for a minute while his prick softened and plopped out of her. He then released her and got up. Danni was still gasping a bit trying to get enough air back into her lungs. Her thighs were glistening from the juices that had been forced from her cunt and her back ached slightly.
She heard a light musical laugh as a woman knelt down beside her and began to massage Danni’s back and shoulders. “I think Slut needs some recovery time after that pounding” the woman said. “We could all probably use a bit of a rest before we continue. Don’t you agree, Slut?”
“I’m fine, Mistress, and ready for the next man” Danni stated as the woman continued to knead her muscles.
“No. We don’t want to wear you out too fast and hurt you. You need time to savour each man’s technique” the woman said. Then she leaned over and whispered “Don’t be fooled. Each of these men are usually just the same as each other. They are just trying to impress you by using you in different manners.” She giggled. “I call for a ten minute break and we should get Slut some water. Unless you would like something else to drink, darling?”
“No, water will be fine Mistress.”
The woman continued to stroke her warm hands along Danni’s back and then whispered a soft “Thanks” to someone. She brought a cold glass of water to Danni’s lips and Danni drank gratefully; the water tasted faintly of lemon and was refreshing. The woman let Danni take hold of the glass so that she could drink at leisure and continued with her soft rubbing. Danni let out a contented sigh. Her body ached slightly in many places but Danni could honestly say that the aches were not harsh and even could be considered pleasurable. The woman hummed lightly to herself as she ran her hands over the teenager’s soft smooth skin.
“How many more of the men do you think you can handle comfortably, Slut? Don’t try to take on too much your first time with us. We want you to be able to walk in the morning. You don’t have to be a hero and take on too much your first time with us. We do want you to feel as though you can come back to us another time or two. We will all understand if you would like to finish for today. I enjoy an occasional gangbang and I usually don’t let it be more than four or five men; I am much more experienced than you are, so don’t feel any shame in deciding you have had enough for now” the woman said.
“I think that I’ll be fine with at least one or two more, Mistress, but thank you very much for your concern” Danni said.
“No. Thank you, Slut. Everyone here is very happy that you have joined us for an afternoon’s pleasure and we are all tremendously turned on. You can’t see it but all of us women have orgasmed watching you and it seems as though the petty jealousies that were cropping up in the group have been forgotten today. We haven’t all gotten along together so well in quite some time but we sure are today.”
“Okay” said another woman. “Is Slut prepared to continue?”
“Yes Mistress” Danni called out.
The woman turned Danni’s head and gave her a lingering kiss on the lips. She then softly patted her shoulder and whispered “Til later, sweetheart.” Danni could sense that another man had gotten into position behind her as the woman moved away. He reached down and began to stroke her outer pussy lips. He was using the right amount of pressure, not too hard but not too soft, and stroked her from top to bottom: her pussy lips began to gape and Danni gave of soft moans of pleasure. The man then surprised Danni by moving his face in between her legs and using his tongue on her aching pussy; she did not think that men liked to lick a pussy that had been fucked and she had two other men’s cum inside of her still. But it did not seem to bother this man and Danni was certainly not going to complain. After a few minutes of tongue action, Danni began to leak juices once again and the man then moved up beside her head. He took firm hold of her masked face and inserted his semisoft penis into her mouth. Danni user her whole mouth to suck on the penis; she liked the sweaty, slightly salty taste of it. As the man grew erect, she could hear his breathing quicken and increased her pace. Once he was fully erect, he attempted to remove his penis from her mouth but Danni didn’t want to release it as she continued to enjoy the taste. The man gave a surprised but amused grunt and used his fingers to open her lips to get his penis out; it came out with an audible pop. Danni heard some amused laughter from the watching women including the higher musical tone of one woman in particular. The man then moved back behind Danni and put his hands on her hips.
Unlike the other two men, this man did not have any callouses but he did have strong hands that pulled her hips back as he pushed forward and forced his erect penis into her wet cunt. He firmly pushed his way into her until she had all of him inside her; he was not much longer or thicker than the other two men had been and she accommodated him easily. He then began an unhurried in out stroke and began making her wiggle her hips as he fucked her. It was almost like dancing. Danni realized that his steady stroke into her moving hips meant that it began to feel like he was using her from every angle and she really began to enjoy the sensation. Danni began a soft grunting and moaning to signify her pleasure at what was happening. She began to leak cunt juices down the insides of her thighs. Suddenly the man removed one of his hands and darted it under her belly to firmly tweak her clitoris. Danni gave a sharp squeal at this unexpected maneuver and began to buck her hips as she suddenly came. The man grunted deeply as her cunt muscles gripped his penis firmly but kept up his pushing on her hips. Danni understood that he wanted her to keep rocking her hips for him as he continued to stroke her throbbing clit. She felt a wave of pleasure wash through her cunt as she came again but tried to keep in rhythm with the man’s thrusts. Both of them were now grunting and moaning heavily and she could tell that the man was on the brink of his orgasm but was fighting to keep from coming. Sweat dripped heavily from the man onto her back and she was coated in her own sweat as both of them fought for control enough to continue with the fuck. She was dimly aware of the excited muttering of the onlookers and even thought she heard a couple of high pitched squeals. It could not last, the pressure was just too intense and the man gave an ear splitting moan and emptied his cock into her wet pussy. He then collapsed on her back pinning her body to the ottoman. He felt quite heavy on her but about thirty seconds later she bucked his weight up from her as she had a final, wet and intense orgasm.
Danni was quivering from exhaustion and the intensity of the fuck session. The women quickly rushed up to the exhausted couple. “Get off of her you great oaf” the woman with the high musical laugh said to the man who was still draped over Danni’s back. He was heavy enough that she was having some trouble drawing a breath and her exhausted body was trying to demand that she fill her lungs to full capacity. She heard a sharp slap and the man’s voice complaining “Honey!!” and realized that the woman had slapped the man for not getting off of her right away. The woman quickly began massaging Danni’s back and shoulders again and murmuring soft encouragements into the exhausted girl’s ear. Danni was drifting on the edge of consciousness; not from any harm done to her but more because her body was attempting to sort out the various pleasures it had just received. “That is definitely all for today, boys” the woman stated firmly as she continued to rub down Danni.
She felt other female hands stroking her in a comforting manner. She overheard a soft conversation between the woman with the high musical laugh and a slightly throatier female voice. “Umm, do you think that she would mind if I just had a quick taste of her? She seems a little dazed to give consent but I really, really want to lick her cunt. Would it be considered rape?” The woman with the high musical laugh sighed and said “No. I think we can assume that she would give her consent. She is just a bit out of it right now.” The other women murmured their desire for a taste of Danni.
Danni felt a warm pointed tongue probing her pussy lips and sighed softly and attempted to open her legs further to allow better access. The woman’s mouth formed over her cunt and she sucked gently drawing out some of the juices still in Danni’s cunt. Danni’s mind whirled as this increased her pleasure and she grunted. She heard another woman complain that the first woman was sucking out all the good juices and that she should share. The first woman stopped sucking long enough to state that the Slut was sopping with juice and producing more so everyone would get a taste. Danni’s mind just continued to whirl in ecstasy as each of the women took a taste of her sopping cunt. The woman with the high musical laugh went last and she patted Danni’s shoulder in a brief show of apology before she went down on her but she was determined that she was going to get her taste. After all of the women had taken the opportunity to taste her, they continued to lavish her with attention and she frequently noted a number of hands stroking her back, legs, ass and face although they avoided her cunt and breasts. The patting and stroking was more comforting in nature than sexual and accompanied by murmurs of what a good girl she was.
About fifteen minutes later, Danni began to come back to reality and started to stir more. Her cunt ached painfully but also pleasurably; she felt as though her muscles had turned to jelly. As she showed more signs of life, the woman with the high musical laugh guided her to drink from a glass; Danni expected water and was surprised that it contained brandy. She sputtered in confusion. “Drink it” the woman commanded “It will do you good.” Danni drank, amazed at the warmth that spread from the spirit to the breadth of her body. It appeared to be a very good, expensive alcohol. It was just a small shot and quickly followed with a glass of cool refreshing water with a hint of lemon.
