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Daniel Wolf Part 8

Daniel continues to heal and Will and Leaf searches the path to follow

Chapter 15
part 8

Daniel awoken to a stir of activity, He over heard Brax mention something about Soldiers. Bren entered Daniel’s sleeping area. It was obvious she meant to protect him. “Bren where is your Mother?”
“She has gone to check out the Soldiers and told Brax and I to wait til she returns.”
Suddenly I felt the mind of a joyous Tiiup, “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel ! “
Lusan ushered in Armsmaster Avril and Tiiup and we had a meeting.

Avril was a bit unsettled with the results. “Avril”, He was told, “I want you to continue toward the Tarrent border. Bren will find Will and Leaf and give them my instructions of where to re join you.”
“Lusan has scouted ahead and based on this info I have drawn you maps to follow.” “I am not quite ready to travel and I have a debt to pay. But I can travel much faster than you can, Tiiup will continue to travel with you and act as my voice.”
“Also be wary Tarrent has outposts along your line of travel. If you are in need…. I walked over to Brax smiled and pulled a feather from his chest… Just grasp the feather and say ‘Brax’… Brax loves blood and mayhem .”
“Tiiup will still be my eyes and ears.” I could tell Tiiup was disappointed with my plans but kept quiet.

The next morning Avirl departed with his men and Tiiup. All could wonder about my debt but Tiiup knew and cast a smile towards Bren. Less than an hour after their departure… Bren flew out in search for Will and Leaf.

Will and Leaf had reached the Tarrent entrance to the caves. They cautiously edged their way closer and closer. Then they heard talking and the sound of an ax chopping wood. Thank goodness there were thick bushes around the cave entrance. This allowed easy egress while remaining unseen..
The real problem was there was a Tarrent Outpost about fifty feet from the cave entrance. Leaf whispered,”I count thirtyfour including the guard on the other side of these bushes.”
Wil chuckled, “ I almost missed him too, I think he was in the bushes taking a Pee, when we came out.”
“I have my sling ready, I can take him out with out a sound.”
“Hold off Leaf, we need to avoid that until we are sure we can get past the rest of the outpost;”
They edged back into the cave and sat down to plan. They decided to move even farther back to the next opening in the outer wall. It was about a quarter of a mile from the entrance and gave them more freedom of movement and sleeping.
After three days no ideas, the Tarrent soldiers were always alert and they also had a Mage with them. There was a soft voice seemingly out of thin air. “Are you Will and Leaf?”
Their heads popped forward and their knives were drawn. They looked around and saw no-one. “Well are you? Came the haunting voice.
They looked around to the opening in the wall and there she was… Hovering in mid air was a creature with a Lion’s body, with the upper torso of a well formed human woman. Both thought wow what a set of tits.
“Well are you?”
They admitted they were and that they were stuck because the outpost. She told them she could call her brother and kill them all.
Will explained they would rather figure out how to get past them. Their instructions was to scout the entire trail.
She nodded and said, “Move close to the edge, as close as you can.”
Will and Leaf moved to the edge Bren lunged forward than back. They were shocked, she had picked them right off the ledge. They started to squirm until they realized they were snuggled up to one of Bren’s 44’s. OOH and they were oh so soft.
Bren flew them around the outpost and sat them down in a clearing over a mile away. The boys hated for her to set them down. They had been playing with her nipples. She gave them Daniel’s message and told them maybe one day they coukd have some fun but for now she was committed . She gave them each a feather.

Bren flew away leaving Will and Leaf a bit saddened at her departure. As for Bren she was feeling a tingling that radiated from her nipples to her itching pusssy. She lit on an outcropping. She shifted to her human form and began stroking her pussy. As she moved her hands over her slit a finger slipped inside. She slowly caressed as far as her finger would reach, she was covered with a fine sheen of sweat. She was tempted to search out Will and Leaf.

Her caressing finger slid over her clit and elicited a very loud scream. All the small animals within a mile scattered in fear. Just a few strokes and Bren brought her self to her first orgasm. She had to move back into the bushes and hide. Bren was so weak after her orgasm … she had to rest. She shifted back to her normal shape and drifted off to sleep.

Will and leaf continued their journey with exceeding caution. Already they had dodged a second outpost. Luckily the Tarrent outposts seemed oblivious to the fact they were not alone. Will and Leaf easily avoided them.
Even their scouts were easy to avoid. One night they slipped into the outpost and up to the Commanders Tent. They cut a slit in the rear of the tent and listened to there plans for the day. Also they listened to the scouts reports. To this we smiled for it gave us the path for us to avoid.