Caught and Taught chapter 2

Simon’s story continues and he reaches new lows in debasing himself in desperation to keep his ‘little’ secret safe

I was on my knees, the carpet uncomfortable on my skin as i gasped in breath and tasted fully the juices of the woman standing over my naked body.
“Good boy.” Denise crooned, as i looked up into her grinning pretty face.
“We’re supposed to go and meet the others for a drink but with my new discovery,” she looks down at my erect but small penis and smiles even wider, “I haven’t had time to wash.”
“My pussy has been taken care of but my armpits could do with being clean.”
“And it would be a shame not to have them cleaned in the same manner as my vagina.”
“Lick me servant.” a soft but un-countermandable order from my (now) boss. She removes her shirt as I stand to reveal a white vest that covers her torso and abdomen. And here was me thinking I was going to get to see her intimidatingly large breasts in the flesh. I lean forward with my tongue sticking out and make contact with her right armpit. There is some body odor and some salty sweat for me to lap up, and to my chagrin my penis that had softened some as I got up ready to lick her, is now fully erect as I am intoxicated in her body’s scent. I make sure I cover the whole area and lick up all the sweat and grime that has built up there. Her armpit is well shaved but there is still enough of a stubble to give a stark contrast between her lovely soft skin and her rough body hair. When i am done with one I look up into her face for approval (Instinctively understanding that I need to stoop to stop myself standing taller than her). She is smiling and motions to her other armpit. So like a good servant I give my oral services to her other armpit with the same conscientiousness. And as I finish and look into her beautiful brown eyes again she commands me to go back on my knees.
Of course I comply and as I am going to kneel I stare at her well licked lips and bush, before looking down at her pedicured feet with my stiffy pointing up at her in vain hope.

“When I have a quick wash I wash under my arms, my crotch and my bum.” Denise explains.
“You’re such a good oral servicer that I think you need to finish the job.” She continues
She turns around, her long, black curly hair flowing in the air, and i get the first glimpse of her arse. It’s beautiful, with that lovely feminine shape that flows from a slimmer middrift and curves out around the hips. She has a lovely hour glass figure. I take in all the beauty in front of me a Denise Spreads her arse cheeks apart to expose her pink hole. I’ve never seen another person expose themselves like this, nevermind be asked to kiss and clean it.
“We haven’t much time Simon.” She warns
“Yes Miss.” I respond quietly
I shuffle forward creating small friction burns on my knees and press my lips to her left cheek. I start to kiss and gently lick around the cheek and pay particular care to the part where the skin folds slightly so I get all the of the sweat and grime of the day off her. I then repeat my efforts on the other cheek and lean back away from her.
“What are you doing pet?” Denise asks
“I’ve cleaned your bum Miss.” I blush as I answer
“Not like a good oral servant does.” Denise sounds cross
“You must clean the hole and clean it well, or certain women may get a free film viewing.”
An image of beautiful Sandra and pretty Sarah laughing and holding their hand up to their faces as they watch a video of me masturbating and oh god… saying Sandra’s name as my thumb and two fingers stroke and roll my puny member. Denise has turned around and after glancing at her pussy I look into her face that is no longer smiling.
“Beta males are the complete servants of all women who know their status. Now french kiss my arse and clean it and taste it with your tongue.”
She whirls back around making her flowing hair fling round and I am once more confronted by her ample feminine bum. She spreads her cheeks and awaits my virgin tongue. I lean forward and with no pre-amble as I respond to the fear of exposure, and resist the feelings of disgust and humiliation that threaten to make me cry like a little boy. I plant my pink tongue in her pink A-hole. The taste isn’t that bad really, but the humiliation of french kissing and cleaning another person’s arse hole make this the most degrading thing I’ve ever done. And knowing the consequences of not pleasing Denise I lick and probe with vigour.
“Very good my beta male.” She croons, “keep going and wander is it so horrible to lick a woman’s arse when you were so eager to lick her vagina after she had taken a piss and not wiped.”
It sinks in that the first taste I got when I ate her out was different (but not unpleasant) from the juices that flowed later. I have licked up another’s piss and sweat and now god knows what from her bum hole. And my raging hard-on testifies that despite the deep feelings of humiliation, I am definitely turned on. Am I just a desperate pervert?
After another minute or so Denise seems satisfied that her arse and arse hole are clean and motions with her hand on top of my head to stop.
She turns to face me again as I look down at her feet, too mortified to make eye contact with a person whose arse hole I’ve just kissed and cleaned thoroughly.
Denise chuckles.
“Look up SD, yes SD I like that it could stand for Simon Dunn, or Small Dick. Between you and me it will mean Small Dick. So every time I address you as SD you can remember that a woman knows about your little secret.”
I look up to see her wiggling her pinky finger (as a small penis sign) again and smiling like a cheshire cat that has found the cream.
I swallow hard and wander when this humiliating nightmare will end.
“That was the first time you’ve provided analingus isn’t it SD?”
I guess the meaning of the word from its similarity to cunnilingus and anal.
“Yes Miss.” I nod and have to resist looking down in shame again.
Denise compounds my shame by reminding me:
“You’ll forever be a person who has french kissed and with your tongue cleaned another person’s arse hole.”
I blush furiously that I can be forever labelled an arse licker with no metaphorical meaning needed.
“You’ll also always have a small penis that renders you inferior to all your bigger brothers and a servant to all your sisters in humanity.” She states with relish but not malice.
“Now we must finish getting ready to go for a drink with Sarah and… Sandra.” Denise winks as she says Sandra’s name.
Denise goes to the bathroom to get her other clothes and I go to get past her to go in and she plants an arm on the door frame to bar me entry.
“Where you going SD?”
“I was going to have a wash and clean my teeth.” I answer confused
“Have you been told your’re allowed to clean off?” Denise asks
“No Miss.” And I hang my head in shame again
“Everything, EVERTHING that a woman’s body produces and is made up of is worshipful to a beta male. Understand SD?” She raises her eyebrows as she asks.
“Yes Miss.” I answer truthfully as I secretly agree with her in my heart.
Denise continues:
“You must spend this evening around your beautiful colleagues with pussy juice on your face and the taste of my sweat and arse in your mouth.”
“Yes Miss.” As whisper as my softening dick leaps slightly
I think Denise notices as she places her finger under my chin to direct my gaze to her face again and I notice her glance down at my crotch and smirk.
“Oh and no underwear for you dear.” she commands
I silently get dressed minus my underwear and watch Denise finish dressing. She is really beautiful. I would never have considered her as a potential partner due to the age gap and her intimidating feminine physique. I like Sandra’s slim straight body shape (I read a lot of Women’s articles online. I think for homework so I can understand women better) and small breasts.
“Ready SD?” She asks as she pulls up her zip.
“Yes Miss.” I answer
“This is our secret now so remember to call me Miss only when we’re alone or I direct you.”

I nod and we head out of my door into the landing. We take the lift and and head to the bar.
Sarah and Sandra are already their with a half drunk drink each. Sarah is wearing a classy navy blue dress that accentuates her breasts, and her short blonde hair frames her face with the adorable geek glasses. Sandra is wearing a bottle green outfit that seems to disguise her figure and her rich red mane flows down like a waterfall catching a summer sunset and covers most of the frame of her secretarial glasses.
“Where have you two been?” Sarah exclaims
“Oh, we just had to clean up.” Denise responds and smiles whilst avoiding eye contact with me.
I blush as i visualise my face planted in her round arse and remember the vaginal fluids that have dried on my face. And I look at Sandra who is looking at me oddly, even with a little hostility. Sarah doesn’t bat an eye.
“SD just mentioned we should use this opportunity to get drunk on company money.” Denise carries on
“SD? I’ve never heard Simon called that before.” Sarah observes and raises her blonde eyebrows
“Yeah we had a nice chat where we got to know each other better and I like giving nice people nicknames.” Answers Denise.
I get another dark look form Sandra before Sarah says:
“SD, I like it!”
“I suppose it’s his initials.” She points out the obvious.
“Yeah that’s true.” Answers Denise with a smile.
“No let’s get some drinks in!” Denise changes the subject
We all get G and T’s and find a table to sit at.
The girls start talking about the other people in the bar. Complementing some women’s outfits and criticising others. They also start talking about the men and rate their attractiveness as if I wasn’t there. Sandra joins in with some energy at this point. Pointing out a few men who are obviously well toned.
“Look at the bulge on that one.” Denise says pointing at one of the lucky few chosen by Sandra.
Three sets of female eyes dart to his crotch and Sarah’s mouth forms an O of surprise, whilst Sandra smiles broadly and her skin reddens a touch.
I clear my throat and swallow.
“Oh sorry Hun,” Denise says exaggeratedly “I forgot it wasn’t just us girls.”
“Though a male perspective would be interesting to us.”
“Yeah, yeah it would!” Sarah claps excitedly.
I clear my throat again.
“Well he is good looking to be sure. He obviously works out and…” I tail off
“Yes and?” Denise raises her eyebrows and commands with me with her eyes
I clear my throat again and turn red
“I guess he does have a large bulge down there, if that’s your thing” I finish, and make sure not to make eye contact with any of them (why the hell did I add that to the end).
“Your thing? women almost invariably are drawn to the idea of the larger male.” Sarah titters, answers for the group.
“Though a nice average man can be better in a relationship.” she adds
“Do you think so Sarah?” Asks Denise
“I suppose all men have their place don’t they.” Denise smirks as she looks at me.
Sandra is quiet throughout this exchange and looks a bit uncomfortable.
We get more drinks and we talk about work and I actually forget the situation I am in and that I am under the thumb of a dominant woman who is sat round the table with the knowledge that I have an undersized dick and am a chronic masturbator who is nearly a virgin and has admitted to being given pity handjobs by past partners who so rejected his meagre manhood that they wouldn’t have intercourse with him. Except his first virgin partner who could barely feel his litttle wang despite her inexperience. And she had been keen to not repeat the experience.

We’ve been at the bar for a few hours and last orders has come and gone. We’re all pretty drunk and enjoying ourselves.
“We shouldn’t let the bar closing spoil out fun,” Sarah smiles, “Let’s go back to mine and carry on with the mini-bar.”
“You have mini-bar?!” Denise cries.
“A perk of being the bosses favourite i guess.” Sarah says winking.
“Sure, i would like to get to know my colleagues better.” Sandra chimes in
“Great!” Denise adds.
We follow (staggering ever so slightly) Sarah to the lift, along a landing and to her room.
After jangling the key card around a bit we spill into the room, which is much nicer than mine. Furnished in a richer style with nicer soft furnishings and yes a mini bar. Sarah is already at it and pouring fresh drinks for us.
“So what did you find out about mysterious, quiet SD Denise?” Sandra asks, now more confident after a few drinks.
“Well you know in the office people have wondered if he was gay, as he’s never hit on any of the women?” Denise answers.
They all look at me as I blush again.
“Well he isn’t, he’s just shy and old fashioned I guess.” She continues.
Sandra looks at me and smiles slightly,
“Arrrrrr, cute.” Sarah exclaims unhelpfully.
“Sorry about talking about all the men downstairs I thought if you were gay you wouldn’t mind joining in.” Sarah continues.
“I feel embarassed that we compared their bulges in front of you.” she leers a bit and glances at my crotch.
“Iiiit’s fine really.” I stutter.
“I don’t suppose you have anything to worry about. I tall guy like you with erm.. big feet and hands.” Sarah exclaims
I blush deeper red and don’t answer. Sandra intervenes (to save me I think) at this point and says we should play truth or dare so we can find out about each other.
“What a great idea!” Denise quickly declares, “We should defitnetly get to know one another better.” and smiles wickedly at me

The game starts off in a pretty tame fashion. We ask each other if there are people we don’t like at work etc. but then…
“So SD, who have you got a work crush on?” She smiles wickedly again.
I’m caught off guard and can’t stop myself looking at Sandra, before collecting myself and looking down embarrassed.
“Ah come on we’re all friends here.” Sarah encourages.
I look at Sandra and she is blushing. I look at Denise who nods and looks at me in a way that clearly communicates she commands me to tell.
“Well… I don’t know if there is just one lady that o think is beautiful.” I stall, “You are all beautiful women in the office.” I finish lamely
“Arrrr how sweet but no dodging the question, unless it’s forfeit time?” Sarah answers for the girls.
“I’ll take a forfeit.” I say quickly.
Denise licks her lips.
“Very well SD.” Denise answers with a tone that suggests I may regret this, “Sarah did you change underwear when you got changed?”
Sarah looks shocked then mischievous: ” As a matter of fact I did. I didn’t want my boring work knickers on so I put on one of my sexy laced numbers.”
“I think the forfeit should be that SD has to put them on and keep them on for the rest of the time we’re away at this conference.” Denise smiled maliciously at me.
In testament to the amount of alcohol Sarah had had she thought the idea hilarious and quickly agreed and went to fetch the underwear. Sandra again had been quiet and looked a bit embarrassed for me. I was mortified but knew I had to obey Denise or be exposed as a small penis loser. Sarah came back with her knickers. They were black and basic and wouldn’t leave much room in the crotch area.
“Here you go SD.” She said as she handed them to me.
I take them and go to head for the bathroom. Denise clears her throat:
“Where do you think you’re going?” “You are to change right here. You can face away from us so we can look at your cute bum and you can keep any other secrets secret.” She commands
I look round at all three of them sat next to each other in a line now in shock. Sandra has perked up at this point and no longer looks embarrassed for me or herself. Sarah is grinning and Denise sat slightly behind them surreptitiously hold up a hand with her thumb and forefinger an inch apart in the universal small penis gesture and grins widely too.

i turn my back to them (my god I’m exposing myself to three work colleagues though at least they won’t see my puny member.) I pull down my trousers exposing my bare arse to the watching women. They all laugh and clap and one of them whistles (probably Sarah).
“He wasn’t wearing any underwear!” Sarah whispers loudly
“Perhaps he’s more kinky and less shy than we first thought.”
This is excurciating as in my nervous and slightly drunk state I fumble with putting on the knickers exposing my bum more and possibly a part of my sack.
There’s a snigger as I get accostomed to the feeling of soft cotton on tightly drawn accross my genitals. I put my trousers back on and go back to sit with the women.
“You are a good sport SD!” Sarah congratulates me, “And nice buns too.” she winks.
“Shame we didn’t find out about his work crush though.” Denise intones.
“Oh well on with the game,” “It’s your go SD to ask.”
I clear my throat:
“Denise have you had sex with anyone from work?” I ask daring and hoping to get back at her.
She looks nonplussed:
“Barry our line manager, Steve in HR, and Tyrone on the board.”
“Really, Barry and Steve?” Sarah asks shocked.
“Tyrone I can understand, what a hunk, but Barry and Steve?”
“Yeah well Tyrone is selfish but a hunk in EVery way.” Denise answers, “And Barry and Clive have positions that are useful to have friends in.” she finishes
“I know what you mean Denise. But I went straight for the top.” Sarah revealed, uncalled for.
“Ken got me this nice room for instance.” She looks at Denise knowingly.
“Right my turn!” Denise raises her voice
“Sandra how many sexual partners have you had?”
Poor Sandra’s pale creamy skin has turned bright and she looks down at her knees in front of her.
“12 I think.” She admits quietly
“Would never have guessed such a shy doe would be so experienced. Good for you Sandra.” Sarah encourages, “Your turn.”
Sandra: “How many partners have you had Simon?”

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