Brother’s love- Part 1

My first story here and it’s about me and my brother. Enjoy.

So, to start off, me and my older brother were very close to each other even before the stuff we are doing now. My family is very big, and our house is not really small, but not a huge one, so we had to sleep 2 in each room. I’ve got 4 sisters and a brother. And since I know that I exsit I’ve been sleeping with my brother in our bed. I’ve always considered my brother sexy and always had this like male crush on him, I don’t know.. So the things started to heat up when I was about 14 and he was 15. Now, I’m 15 and he’s 16. So, one night I was just laying on the bed and playing games on my laptop and he was out with his girlfriend and later that night at about 11-11:30pm he came into our room and sat beside me and started crying like rain. I really didnt know what was with him and asked him if he was OK. He said that he wasn’t OK because his girlfriend dumped him. I was in chock. They were like meant to be together. Than I started cheering him up and saying that he’ll get a new girlfriend and that It’ll be allright. But deep iside my mind, I had this thought saying: “Yes, finally…” Now, I didn’t really do anything and I just dismissed the fact that I just might be gay… I asked him if I could do anything to make him feel better and he siad that he’d like a can of cola but only if I would drink with him. Since I was thirsty and I wanted to cheer up my brother I waent to the kitchen got the cans and went back to our room. Later that night, we stared plaing games and It felt like he was gonna get over it. Since it was very late we went to bed and fell asleep. Later that night, I heared my brother crying in sleep and calling his girlfriend’s name. I really didn’t know what to do. It seemed that he was going crazy about their break up. So I tried to wake him up I reached over to his side and softly shook him, but my hand, since it was hot and my hands got sweaty, slipped off of his arm and somehow, I really don’t know how, ended up on top of his boxers. :O I felt his penis and I felt that my buddy jumped up than my bro woke up and saw me on top of him and my hand on his boxers. He said: “What are you doing?” I calmly said: “You were crying in sleep and calling Rayna’s name so I tried to wake you up and my hand slipped off of your arm.” And he said: “I really did that.” I just nodded my head to confirm. He sat on the bed and so did I, and he gave me a peck on my cheek saying: “Aky, you’re the best broher anyone could have”. Aky is my nickname, From Alexander.. I just blushed and didn’t say anything. I thought that he was just being so sad. I really didn’t think of anything.. Than we talked for a minute or two and went back to bed. In the morning I woke up just after him and I saw him getting ready for school. “Man, he’s hot !” I thought. He was just in his boxers and you could see the outline of his crotch. I couldn’t stop myself from fantasizing about him the next morning. Than, next, week, my oldest sister turned 18 and we had a party and me and my brother got a little drunk-ish… When the party ended, at about 5-6am, we went to our room, but it was so hot in there so we couldn’t sleep. We played truth or dare. And after a little I choose dare. Oh the joy… He dared me to take my boxers off and give them to him, since I was tired and a litle drunk-ish I stood up, took them of and gave them to him… He could clearly see my crotch and he said: “Wow. I didn’t think that you grew that big.” And yeah, my crotch was big, now it’s grown 2 more inches, I’m almost 9 inches.. Than it was his turn to pick and he picked truth. I was kinda disapointed because I thought that he’d pick dare, but I came with my little dirty evil plan for a question,and I asked him: “So, If I asked you to take off your boxers and give them to me, would you do that?” He said: “Hell yeah I’d do.” Than I started being pushy… I said: “Go on then, do it.” So he did it. I was amazed by the size of his crotch. I was in awe. I said: “Yeah. Mine’s big, but your’s even bigger.” He laughed and said: “Don’t worry, with a little practise we’ll get your’s big too.” Than it came to me, he wants to have sex with me.. So after a couple of rounds, things got heated. He was always picking dare from now on. So did I. Than he dared me to jerk him off. I didn’t stand a shance and jumped right to the job. It was amazing. I could see his cock getting bigger and bigger. There was just enough moonlight so that I could see his cock in it’s full glory. Man that thing was huge… Than I dared him to jerk me off at the same time. We were laying on bed jerking eachother’s heads off.. Than, he said: “Would you like a taste of me ?” And I went full steam ahead and sucked his big cock dry. He was so big that it was hard for me to take it all in. He got his hands on my head and stared guiding my gead deeper and deeper. I gaged on his cock a couple of times, but I got the rythm. He came right into my mouth and my mouth was full of his creamy sauce. It tasted great. As soon as I swallowed the first portion the second portion came in and my mouth was full again I swallowed and than he said: “OK, you made me feel great, now it’s time for me to make you feel great.” I was in heaven. He was sucking my head off. Shortly after, I came like never before. I was shaking and shivering out of pleasure. I kissed him on the cheek and said: “You are the best, bro. Good night.” He said goodnight too. When we woke up in the morning and when we came back to Earth, I first said: “What the fuck were we doing last night ?!” He looked at me and said: “You know, we should do this more often.” I was like: “But, but.. It’s wrong…” He cheered me up: ” No it’s not. It’s just in your head.” We went down to get breakfast. My second oldest sister looked at us and said: “Hey, lovebirds, what would you like for breakfst, I’m making pancakes.” I said: “What, lovebirds ?!” She looked and tme and told me: ” Aky, don’t play with me, I heard you two last night.” I frooze in shock. How did she hear us.. Oh-My-God… We’re gonna get busted… I told her to never tell anyone about what she heard and she laughed and said: “Hey, shorties, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone” She calls us shorties because when we were younger we both were very short, but now we grew tall, but the nickname shorties stayed. I couldn’t wait for the nighttime to come. But the day was going slow, I felt like it would never end… Than, my mom took my sisters out for shopping and she wanted me and my bro to come too, but we didn’t, we got an excuse and when they were just about to leave, my sister said: “You two, have fun with yourselves.” Ben, my brother, said “Hellz yea we’ll do.” I looked at him and said: “Dude, stop…” So, we went to our backyard pool and swimmed naked in the pool it was hot outside and the water was warm and it was great swimming naked, you could feel every wave on your crotch. It was amazing. Than, I got out of the water and layed on the beach chair next to our pool naked like that. Than not long, I felt my brother’s hand plaing with my balls and as fast as you can say crackers my crotch was erect and he started to suck me. Wen we finnished he said. “We’ll have sex tonight, if you want, that is.” I said: “Yes, I’d like to try it out.”
Thank you for reading part 1 of my story. Part 2 is coming very soon, probably tomorrow.

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