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Breeder Girlfriend: Chapter 1

Kristin and Sam’s relationship is on the rocks. Will an alien encounter bring them closer or tear them apart?

Authors note:

Generally, when I write a story I like to stay in a comfort zone and I think it stunts my ability to grow as a writer. Because of this I wanted to write a story that was a little out of my normal writing and try something a little out there.

This story will contain some content that some might not enjoy and that is totally fair. I encourage you though to broaden your horizons and maybe try something a little different.

I am going to build this story as much as possible with user input. So, if you have an idea big or small feel free to send me a message.

Breeder Girlfriend: Chapter 1

As soon as I opened my eyes I knew that I needed to stop drinking. The cloud like hotel bed couldn’t help my hangover fly away. It had been a long week in Vegas and it all seemed to catch up with me at once. A solid week of club after club and a bottomless pit of alcohol and I was toast.

At least though I had a beautiful view upon waking from my horrible slumber. My gorgeous girlfriend with her back to me. Kristen is way out if my league, she I is an absolute goddess. At 25 she still retains her very athletic high school build, with maybe a few extra pounds here and there. With long caramel blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that could get whatever they wanted. She didn’t have the biggest bust but her breast fit her body well. Her most noticeable feature is her spectacular ass. Shaped from season after season of sports it was big and firm. Now that perfectly sculpted rear was in full view, covered only by a thong.

Kristen was putting her hair up and was in a noticeable rush. She is hurrying around the hotel room grabbing scattered clothes trying to get packed. As much as I am enjoying the view of my nearly naked girlfriend pacing about in our hotel room, I can’t help but notice the look of frustration on her face.

Before we go further I must admit something. Things were not exactly sunshine and rainbows in our relationship recently. This trip was supposed to jump start things back to the way they were when me and Kristen first met but it seemed to just make a little spark. Things started off just fine and we were both excited to be here. But as the days went on the energy just seemed to fade away. This fading away also carried over to our sex life. Kristen was never adventurous by any stretch of the imagination. I suggested new things often, but she always politely pushed them away. We always had passionate sex when we first got together but now we were barely kissing goodnight.

I could tell Kristen was frustrated with me for sleeping too long and not packing. She never complained much but always could communicate very well with her body language. Her body was currently telling me to get my ass up and start packing.

“Look who finally decided to join the land of the living” she says while putting a freshly folded shirt into her suitcase. “We need to get going, it’s already super late”

With a groan I get up and start the long process of hopefully finding all my belongings in the hotel room. As I gather my scattered clothes I can’t help but stop to admire my beautiful girlfriend. I always loved seeing her in a thong. It really added to her masterpiece of a rear. We hadn’t had much sex on the trip and I wanted to take her right there but could tell by her attitude that would not go well.

The packing didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I must have checked the whole room a million times to make sure I didn’t forget anything too important. No matter how many times I checked it always seemed like there was something left behind when I got home. Me in Kristen made our way down to the lobby where our rental was already waiting.

Stepping out of the colossal hotel the cool Nevada night air felt great. A welcome relief from the day time scorching heat. We had decided I would drive for the first half of the trip and Kristen would take the second half. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about such a long drive through a mostly empty desert but didn’t want to argue with Kristen that we should take a plane.

Getting out of Vegas didn’t take as long as I thought. Honestly it was hard to leave the bright lights and party atmosphere but part of me was happy that the trip was coming to an end. Things had been so turbulent the whole time that we were here. One night in particular I had tried to see if Kristen would go to a strip club with me. I thought that maybe it would spice things up and add something new to our relationship. Kristen was less than thrilled with the idea. She went back to the hotel to play the slots, I drank at a bar alone.

As we drove on and got further and further from the city it really did get lonely out there quick. It seemed with each passing mile there were fewer cars and it was amazing how dark it was all around us. Kristen was looking out of the window and hadn’t said much this whole time, so I tried to break the silence.

“Hey, I had a really good time with you. I know there were some ups and downs but overall I have a great time” I said with a slightly forced smile.

“Yeah it was pretty good” Kristen said rather bluntly. The lack of enthusiasm really through me off. I didn’t really know how to respond to that, so I just got straight to the point.

“Kristen, Is everything alright between us? It seems like you have been really upset lately and I can’t really figure out what’s going on.” I tried my best to hide the desperation in my voice, but it was almost impossible. There was an awkward silence for a while and I didn’t even really thing I was going to get an answer.

“Everything is fine.” Kristen said almost coldly this time. There was a long pause before she continued. “I have just been having a hard time at work recently.” Her tone wasn’t very convincing. She was never a great liar and normally I didn’t call her out. This time though I wanted to clear this up.

“I think its more than that Kristen. Our sex life has slowed down. You barely talk to me when we are at home. This whole trip you seemed to be in your own world. What’s going on?” I was almost in tears as I finished. My emotional outburst was met with a painful silence.

“I just want to get some sleep, we can talk in the morning alright?” Kristen said with a hint of actual emotion. With that she turned to her side and I was left stunned. I knew my mind would be racing all night thinking about what our little talk would lead to.

The miles seemed to drag, and the desert seemed endless. I had the radio on low, so Kristen could sleep. There was almost a scary calm to the desert. Cars were now a rare site and towns even rarer. The lonely voyage through the sea of sand gave me way too much time to reflect on me and Kristen’s relationship. I was so deep in thought that a few times I caught myself driving down the middle of the road. I was suddenly startled by the radio suddenly jumping in volume. It scared me so much that I end up nearly swerving of the road. Quickly I turned it completely off. Luckily Kristen only stirred a little and adjusted her sleeping position. She was always a heavy sleeper.

With the radio off I started to notice something kind of strange. There was an odd humming coming from nowhere. It almost seemed that It was coming from above the car but looking up through the sunroof I couldn’t see a thing. Maybe it was just the desert and stress getting to me.

Each mile this humming seems to be getting louder and louder. I can tell at this point that it is coming from above the car. It is tempting to pull over and check, but I don’t want to delay our drive or wake Kristen up. As the miles pass though I start to become more comfortable with the sound. This comfortable feeling is gone in a flash when I notice the dashboard light up. Looking down it seems like every warning light this thing has is on or flashing. I try to think of a solution quick but before I can the car completely dies.

I was going pretty fast at the time so the engine just cutting really was frightening. I was able to regain my composure though and start to slow the car to a gentle stop. I really didn’t want to upset Kristen, so I was hoping this would be a quick fix and we could get back on the road. Bringing the car to a stop on the shoulder I let out a sigh of relief.

First thing was to try and see if would turn over. Turning the key, I don’t even get a sputter, not even a single light on. This can’t be good, it might be completely dead. Next thing is to check under the hood. Reaching for the hood release and giving it a pull, the little pop disturbs Kristen. She always gets woken up by the strangest things.

“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” She says still half asleep.

“Yeah baby everything is fine. Just a quick fix and we will be back on the road.” Luckily, I was a better liar then Kristen. Convinced by my lie she rolls back over and falls back to sleep.

Stepping out of the car the cold air hit me again. This time it was a lot less pleasant. I had heard that the desert gets really cold at night, but I didn’t think it would be this cold. I make my way over to the front of the car and quickly pop the hood. I’ll be honest I am not a great handyman. I can do little jobs around the house but anything to do with cars I left to the professionals.

Looking around under the hood I didn’t notice anything that I could see that would completely kill the car. Lifting up hoses and checking connections there didn’t seem to be anything standing out. Giving another once over before I went to go get the manual my ears were drawn to a familiar sound. That damn humming was back but this time it was louder.

Checking the battery terminals for the third time I lost my footing. It seemed like It was getting really hard to think straight. The humming was now ringing in my ears, I felt calm but out of control at the same time. Now I was just struggling to stay standing. I had to get back to the safety of the car. Something wasn’t right.

Taking one step back my legs felt like wet spaghetti, it caused me to stumble and fall back. With a loud thud I hit the asphalt hard. Strangely though it didn’t hurt, in fact I couldn’t feel a thing. Looking up at the nights sky I was fascinated by the sheer number of stars. I felt so calm, so much so I didn’t even notice the flashing light coming from just behind the car. It felt so nice just laying there on the road.

The humming grows louder but through it I can hear footsteps and unfamiliar voices. All I can do is look at the stars as the clear sound of the car door opening doesn’t even phase me. The stars looked so nice, I even started to count them. The footsteps seem to be getting closer now. Whoever is getting close is speaking but I can’t understand anything they are saying. I can look up and immediately am blinded by a bright light. I want to call out, but words just won’t come out. The light starts to rapidly blink and I can’t look away. Suddenly a sharp noise hits my ears my head falls back. My eyes close and I am completely out.

My eyes open quickly, and I feel like I haven’t been breathing for hours. It takes a feel seconds for me to catch my breath. As soon as my eyes adjust, and my breath is caught the view before me nearly knocks me out again. It is a lot to take in all at once but the first thing I notice is Kristen about ten feet in front of me.

Kristen is completely naked and spread eagle attached to a wall, I am in the same situation. The room we are in is strange, it almost seems like a living thing. The restraints keeping me and Kristen on the wall feel flesh like but rigid. The room is big and oddly well lit, with a slightly sweet smell. I feel oddly calm with the whole situation but still feel the need to make sure Kristen is okay. I try to scream but nothing comes out. At the top of my lungs I yell “Kristen!” but not a sound come out of my mouth. My heart is racing but luckily Kristen suddenly wakes.

“Holy shit Sam what the fuck is going on!” Kristen immediately begins to fight her restraints. “Sam tell me right now what its going on!?” She is clearly panicked.

I try my best to assure her that everything was going on, but I couldn’t get a single word out. Something was clearly keeping me from talking. Kristen is still struggling with her restraints but quickly finds its useless, we are both stuck. She relaxes a bit and her eyes dart around the world. She seems to be mumbling something under her breath but I can’t hear what it is. Our eyes meet, and I can see a look of genuine terror in her eyes.

“Sam baby I think there is something on your neck keeping you from talking.” I was relieved that she figured out I couldn’t talk. I nod and mouthed “It’s going to be alright Kristen. We are going to get out of this.” I don’t know how much she could decipher, but she nods and seems to relax a bit.

As time goes on I start to notice little sounds here and there. It is really muffled but sounds of voices and footsteps can be made out now and then. Kristen keeps looking around trying to make sense of what’s going on. I so badly want to talk to her but still no words come out.

It seems like hours have gone by but its hard to tell with no reference for time. The muffled sounds seem to have died down but quickly the silence in the cell is broken with a loud beep. Both me and Kristen jump and we both start to look around the room for a source.

My eyes dart around but I can’t seem to see anything in particular. Then a strange and horrifying object catches my eye. Just below Kristen’s feet I notice a tentacle like object begin to emerge from the wall. Slowly the green slimy tentacle works its way out of the wall. It looks to be as thick as a beer bottle and its length seems to grow quickly. I tried to keep the discovery from Kristen, but it didn’t take long for her to notice my gaze.

“Oh my god Sam what the fuck is that thing?” Kristen starts to thrash back and fourth trying to escape her restraints. Its no use though, she is completely stuck, and that realization causes her to scream. The tentacle is now three feet in length and growing fast. Kristen is trying her best to avoid it. I try with all my might to get out of my restraints, but they won’t budge.

My eyes are glued to the tentacle as it grows another foot. Now it gets bold and touches Kristen’s inner thigh, she recoils back.

“Oh god Sam it feels to gross!” She yells, still trying to fight. The tentacle now works its way further up Kristen’s inner thigh. I try my best to yell but can’t do a thing, I have a bad feeling I know where this is going.

My fear is quickly realized as the appendage reaches Kristen’s neatly trimmed pussy. It now is touching my girlfriend pussy and there is nothing I can do about it. Kristen is still trying to fight the inevitable, but this has an unexpected consequence. With the tentacle touching her pussy as she struggles the tentacle seems to start to apply pressure. So now as she thrashes she is rubbing herself against the tentacle.

The tentacle starts to move and run up and down the length of her pussy. Kristen is so caught up in trying to fight I don’t think she even notices. But the creatures rubbing her exposed pussy starts to have an effect. She lets out a little “oh” and seems to relax a bit.

I keep trying to help my girlfriend but I can’t get off the wall. All the fighting has exhausted me, but I try to push through it. My eyes move around the room and I try to find something to help get us out of the situation, but the room is rather bare. Looking around though I notice just how strange the room we are in is. The flesh-like room seems to be a mix of a dark red flesh and metal. There is clearly a metal walkway leading to an obscured door on one end. My inspection of the room is broken but an unexpected sound, a moan from Kristen.

Looking up I am absolutely shocked by what I see. The tentacle seems to have applied more pressure to Kristen’s pussy. What shocks me is it’s not longer moving, and Kristen is grinding her pussy against the appendage. Her pussy appears to be absolutely soaked in the tentacles slime. I look up to see my beautiful girlfriend looking down at the creature. A clear look of determination on her face as she grinds into the tentacle. I try to yell her name, but my voice is still gone.

My body relaxed, and my heart sank as Kristen let out another moan. I looked down and tried to process what was going on but that was hard to do with the sound of my girlfriends soaked pussy rubbing against this alien object.

I knew Kristen well and I could tell by her increased pace and louder moans that she was close to cumming. I work up the courage to look up to see her and the tentacle working together to bring her to orgasm. Her pussy is dripping wet with the creature’s juices, and likely a lot of hers.

It felt like forever but soon Kristen’s orgasm came and it must have been a big one. “Holy fuck!” Kristen yelled as her whole body spasmed. I don’t think I have ever seen her cum so hard before. The tentacle pulls back a little as Kristen’s body is rocked by wave after wave of orgasmic energy.

Kristen seems to pant and try to catch her breath forever. I try again to speak but only a whimper comes out. After what seems like hours Kristen suddenly straightens up and looks straight at me.

“Sam I have no idea what just happened. I tired to fight it but my body betrayed me. I am so sorry baby!” Kristen seemed to be genuine and I felt a bit of relief. “Sam we are going to get out of this and OH GOD…” Kristen’s eyes suddenly widened.

I looked down at her pussy and my heart sank again. The tentacle had now worked its way back to her pussy and had now entered her! I tried to fight my restraints again, I need to stop this.

“Oh my god it’s going to rip me in half!” Kristen seemed to be genuinely worried, but a small moan revealed what she was really feeling. The appendage didn’t seem to hear her complaint as it worked itself in deeper. I was shocked by what I was seeing. My girlfriend’s pussy was being stretched beyond anything I thought was possible.

Kristen’s eyes are closed now, and she starts to let out little moans now and then. “Sam I love you baby.” She says followed by a long moan. Her fuck toy now works its way further into my girl’s beautiful honey pot. I am not even sure how she is taking all of it in. I feel so down but my body is saying differently. I look down to see my cock is hard as diamond. Could I really be enjoying my girlfriend getting fucked in front of me?

I want to look away but the view in front of me is too hard to look away from. My gorgeous blonde girlfriend is before me. Eyes closed with a smile on her face as an alien appendage works its way into her pussy. At this point its so deep you can see a noticeable bulge from its size.

It wasn’t surprising when it happened, but I wasn’t fully prepared for it. The tentacle, reaching as far it could go, started to slide itself slowly in and out of Kristen’s dripping pussy.

“Oh fuck!” Is all Kristen could say as her alien lover started to fuck her. The pace was slow, but Kristen was happy to help the appendage fill her up. Her smile grew bigger as she tried her best to bounce on the thick tentacle. Every time it reached its deepest point she let out a low groan.

I looked away for a second to collect my thoughts but looking down all I could see was my hard cock. I can’t believe in a situation like this I could even get hard. Looking around again for a possible way out is met with disappointment. My ears are filled with the moans and groans of my girlfriend getting fucked silly by an alien lover. The sound of her sloppy pussy getting filled seems to get louder now.

My favorite part of sex with Kristen was when she was on top Her breast were not big by any means but they had a beautiful bounce when she got going. Now I watch as my girlfriends breast bounce more then I have ever seen. The tentacle had picked up the pace and now was slamming its length into Kristen’s pussy. She was in complete ecstasy and could only let out little mumbles between long moans. She had now lifted herself off of the wall as the alien fucked her pussy hard.

“Oh fuck me I’m cumming! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Kristen came so hard that her whole body shook. I had never in our relationship seen her cum so hard. I thought it would be over but her lover just kept fucking her. It seemed to pick up the pace even more and Kristen responded with a long moan. At this point I couldn’t even imagine looking away, my cock was throbbing, and I so badly wanted to jerk off. It felt so sick watching my girlfriend get violated but at the same time was so hot.

Kristen’s head suddenly tilted up and her eyes slightly opened. Our eyes met but it didn’t even feel like she was looking at me. Her eyes struggled to keep from rolling back as her body was rocked by another orgasm. She couldn’t even speak, she just moaned and spasmed. Her thick lover not even slowing it’s pace.

It was impossible at this point to count the orgasms. There was a constant flow of liquid coming from Kristen’s used pussy. I so badly wanted to touch my throbbing cock but there was no way. It hurt it was so hard and I needed relief. The pain of blue balls was quickly forgotten when I noticed something at the base of the tentacle.

There was a noticeable bulge forming at the base of the appendage. It was fucking Kristen so hard that it was hard to focus on the object but it seemed like the bulge was moving up the length of the shaft. It seemed to be about four inches long and rounded. Slowly it worked its way up the shaft but the further it got from the wall the quicker it moved.

Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks, it was laying eggs in Kristen. I was too exhausted at this point to even try to yell. I just watched as the egg moved up the shaft. Disappearing as it effortlessly pushed into my girlfriend.

“Oh!” is all Kristen could say but her smile grew as the egg found its new home deep in her well fucked pussy.

“Mmmm yeah baby fill me up!” Kristen says followed by a long moan. I was too wrapped up in the situation to even notice she called the alien baby. All I could do is watch as egg after egg worked its way into my girlfriend. It was hard to keep track but there were now so many that Kristen’s stomach bulged.

The tentacle slowed its pace as what looked to be the last egg made its way into Kristen. When it found it was finally in Kristen was hit by another earth-shattering orgasm. The tentacle slowed to a stop and suddenly retreated out of my girlfriend. There was a noticeable “pop” sound when it left her.

“No!” Kristen says as her new lover leaves her body. Her body relaxes, and she hangs completely limp. Her face covered in a huge smile. Her now pregnant stomach protrudes from her beautiful body. Between her legs is a stream of liquid from what seemed like hours of fucking. She can barely catch her breath between little moans.

I am rock hard and stunned by what I just witnessed. I saw badly want to jerk my hard cock, but my restraints keep me from doing so. I am startled by another beep, Kristen doesn’t even move. With a loud hydraulic sound, the door to my left opens and quickly three figures make their way into the room.

The three creatures are large and grotesque. They look a lot like slugs with humanoid torsos. They are rather bulky and seem to be wearing some type of armor. One leads the way with the other two covering his flanks. It doesn’t take long for them to reach me and Kristen. The two split off and approach Kristen and the leader comes close to me.

With the creature close it is clear that it is a humanoid torso with a slug lower body. Strangely the creature smells pleasant. The one before me wears an almost comical pirates’ hat. He has a large grin on his face, behind him I notice the other two removing Kristen from her restraints.

My eyes move back to the one before me and I am surprised when he speaks in very clear English. He voice is very deep but not overly loud.

“Welcome aboard Sam” He says with a smile. Before I can react, he produces a small metallic object from a bag on his side. I hear a high-pitched sound and with a quick flash I am out like a light.

End of Chapter 1