Boy Did My Daughter Surprise Me Chapter 10

Chapter 10
I could feel every heartbeat in my throbbing dick as she stood and stared at it, wondering what she was going to do next. ‘Daddy, you awake?” I heard her say right before I heard the shutter sound from her camera, then another. I eased one eye open to see her head only inches from my dick, holding her camera out with one arm she continued to take pictures. By now my dick was standing straight up in the air throbbing. I watched as she positioned herself on her knees by the couch, holding the camera above my chest she opened her mouth and held it only inches from the head of my dick and started taking more pictures. After taking a few more she stood and walked back to her room.
I laid there wanting to get up and see what she was doing with the pictures, was she going to send them to her admirer or post them on her thread? As I started to get up and see I heard her walking back toward me so I closed my eyes again. “What if he wakes up? Yeah its still hard, it looks bigger now that it did earlier.” I realized she was on the phone with someone. “Hold on I have to lay the phone down. Yeah Im gonna take pictures. You awake daddy?” I decided not to peek this time in fear of her seeing me so I laid there my heart racing. I heard her lay her phone on the floor, I knew she had to be on her knees again. My heart almost stopped when I felt her hand wrap around my throbbing dick, I heard the camera shutter a few times and she removed her hand. “Yeah I did it. You think so? If he wakes up im gonna be in a lot of trouble, I cant believe im doing this. Hold on.” The phone hit the floor again. She wasted no time, I felf her hand back on my dick again but no pictures. She was moving her hand up and down stroking my dick when I felt her wet lips on my dick, then she let her grip go and her lips slowly slid down around my dick. She took about half of my dick in her mouth and I heard her camera begin to shutter and continue to shutter as she slowly slid her lips back up my dick until she let if fall from her mouth. “I cant believe I just did that! No I couldn’t get it all in. Don’t worry ill have them on there in a minute.” I heard her go back to her room.
After laying there stroking my dick for a while I decided to get up and see what she had done with the pictures. Wasting no time I went straight to her thread which had two pages added to it since the last time I looked, seems she is very popular on the forum. I started reading where I had left off last time and actually paying attention, she had been on the forum pretty consistently. I saw one from someone named “amialay” telling her she couldn’t wait to spend some more time with her, after a few more I figured out it was her friend Emily. She had added some of the pictures she had sent me throughout the day and got one hell of a response and all kinds of requests, she continued to answer her comments and post more pictures trying to fill the requests. I noticed a lot of people wanted to see her sucking a dick, she answered them telling them she would take some later when her boyfriend got home from work. I clicked on the last page to see the first post was a collection of pictures of her hand wrapped around my dick she had taken earlier, with a promise of some of her sucking the big dick later. The first response was from Emily saying how she hoped she could talk her boyfriend into letting her do that someday, she replied that she may have the chance this weekend. Posts stared pouring in commenting on her and the nice dick she had in her hand until she posted the next time showing her sucking my dick, she had to have taken thirty pictures or more. Emily quickly replied on how she was a dirty little girl and how she was jealous. Before I realized it I was about to cum from stroking my dick while looking at the pictures, with nothing to cum on I laid back and shot my load all over my stomach and chest. After milking the last of my cum from my throbbing dick I had to reply to her pictures. “I knew you were a dirty girl but I never would have guessed you were that brave!”
With that said I opened my email to find she had sent two emails tonight.
“Hey sexy, I took you some pics tonight hope you enjoy them im feeling pretty naughty tonight.”
I opened the pictures to find her on the kitchen cabinet spreading her legs wide showing her slick pussy, then one of her standing in the front door with it open with her ass toward the road for people to see. I quickly started stroking my cum covered dick again as I open the rest of the pictures of her naked throughout the house and continued stroking as I opened the second one.
“Im back! Damn im horny just took some pics of my daddys dick I think it gets bigger every time I see it! I hope these are what you had in mind.”
There were the pictures of her with my dick in her face, and some of her on her bed playing with her wet pussy. The last one was one of her sucking her juices from her fingers. As I clicked through the pictures again she sent another email.
“So did you like the pics of me sucking daddys dick while he was asleep? My friend dared me to do it. That is the biggest dick I have ever sucked, I cant believe he didn’t wake up I wish I could see him cum. You never know your daughter might be sucking yours while your asleep too.”
“You are very brave, what would you have done if he woke up? You keep doing stuff like that he might catch you and put that big dick in that pretty little virgin pussy of yours. Keep it up I love the pictures.”
“I don’t know what I would have done I guess anything he wanted me to. Me and my friend have been talking about trying to get him to take our cherry on our birthdays but I cant get up nerve to ask him. She is coming over this weekend we will take you some good pics, she wants to try to suck his dick while he is asleep too. Got to go to bed.”
I looked back through the pictures of my dick in her mouth as I stroked faster trying pump load two from my balls, after blowing it on my stomach I leaned back in my chair and watched as my limping dick kept leaking cum. Waking in my chair later I went strait to bed..
The next morning I woke and took a shower, going to her room as normal I decided to stay undressed just to keep things going. On my way to her room I noticed she was running late. When I stepped into her room she was pulling a pair of tan shorts across her bare ass. “I bet you drive the boys at school crazy walking around in those shorts without any panties on, don’t you.” I said as she turned facing me leaving the zipper and button open showing her slick mound. “I don’t care about them immature boys but the girls at cheerleading sure like to look. I catch them looking all the time.” she repied as she pulled her shirt over her head holding it up with her elbows as she fastened her shorts while she stared at my limp dick hanging in front of me. “Youre starting to like this new clothing optional stuff huh!” she said still looking at my dick. “It is pretty nice, I’m glad you are mature enough to be comfortable with it.” I replied. “Don’t feel bad I like it too, after all I’m not a little girl any more and besides I think it has brought us even closer to each other if that is possible.” “Well you know I love you and will always be here for you.” I held my arms out and she fell between them wrapping her arms around me. We stood there hugging as we heard her bus honk the horn, she leans back in my arms “Guess your taking me to school today”. I told her to hurry up while I got dressed and went to finish dressing.
As I drove her to school thoughts of everything that has happened controlled my mind, it was hard not to tell her it was me she had been sending the pictures to but I didn’t want to ruin a good thing. About halfway there she asked me “Daddy I need to ask you something. Do you think its bad I am still a virgin?” that was all I needed for my semi hard cock to turn stiff. “No, I think its good, why.” I replied. “Some of the girls on the squad give me a hard time about it because they are always doing it with guys at school.” she answered. I told her she could wait as long as she wanted to, she needed to make sure whoever she decided to lose her virginity loved her because it was a special thing. I also told her that didn’t mean she had to be a prude, if she sexual desires there were things she could do for them without having sex. That was when she said “Its not like I don’t know about sex, I have fooled around with some boys and girls for that matter. I just want the first time to be with someone who will appreciate it, and know what they are doing.” “Its ok honey, don’t rush it you will know when you find that special person. I think he would be a very lucky person, I would give anything to have a chance with a young sexy girl like yourself.” I answered. She sat and looked me in the eyes and said “Daddy I love you and I have a feeling you will have that chance someday, all my friends think you are sexy they would probly do it you would especially Emily. She talks about seeing you naked all the time.” we pulled up to the school she thrower her arms around me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek “I love you daddy and I know you love me.” released her hug and exited the car. I watched her ass shake in her shorts as she walked to the door and went to work.
“I love you daddy and I know you love me” kept going through my head all day. I was eating lunch when my phone rang, it was Amber reminding me thar Emily was wanting to stay over this weekend and if it was ok. I told her it was and I would pick them up after practice.

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Anonymous readerReport

2016-05-31 18:12:13
Dog animals home

Anonymous readerReport

2014-01-09 03:35:03
I appreciate a tormendeus publish, would examine one’s others topics. thanks for your thinking for this, I really felt somewhat thump by this post. Many thanks again! You earn an excellent aspect. Has fantastic info here. I do think that in case more people thought about it like this, they’d have got a better time period obtain the grasp ofing the issue.

Anonymous readerReport

2014-01-06 08:06:54
Wordy:你可以千里迢迢將禮卷送給我 問題不就解決了嗎 嘻嘻 開玩笑而已 不能喝咖啡也蠻慘的 有時候像大煙未抽夠 喝咖啡如上電 Lemon Tree:溫哥華是世界上星巴克最多的城市 一個十字路口有三 四間也不為奇 現在星巴克主要的市場都在海外 我在北京喝星巴克 簡直和北美同價 即是四美元一杯cap 在中國要三十元人民幣 那是一頓午飯的價格 Fun:Timbits 我最喜歡的是sour cream plain 因為最唔甜又最唔肥 (有點自欺欺人咁講) 我都有去過village o既第二杯 呢間第二杯係people gawking o既聖地 靚人騎呢人咩人都有

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-25 19:41:59
In the time it has taken us (my brother an I) to read just the first 10 chapters, he’s cum three times, I’ve cum 6. This is a super series, I’m surprised we hadn’t found this long ago. Sometimes really good treasures are hard to find, but when you do, they are just yummy. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this story.

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-31 02:03:11
she acts likena girl abt 12-14yrs old but i imagine her being abt 7-9yrs old, altho i wd never fuck a girl that is extremely young, i do fantasize abt young lil girls abt 6-9yrs, and on the right night 5yrs old. anyways i wd love to fuck a young tight virgin girl abt 5-9yrs old