Blondie (part 1 )

another story for me. at times i will post mostly my stories that i write. Sometimes i will post stories i have gotten over the years. I will proof read them, fix grammer and spelling and then post them. some people think they are stolen from others but they are not. they were given to me by the author and i have there permission to post them after the changes. all my stories will have ” by me” in the title they ones i wrote. I will also sometime add a new charter to another authors to continue it for i felt it needed more. please enjoy them as they were written for your enterainment and pleasure. thanks and remember to vote.


A Day With Alexander

It was a few years before and peaceful summer day and all was quiet at the Bumstead
residence. Dagwood was out of town on a weekend business trip and Trudy was at a friend’s
house for the weekend as well. That left just Blondie and her fourteen year old son,
Alexander in the house.

Blondie awoke early, seven being her usual time. She stretched slowly, working out the
kinks of last night’s sleep from her body. After a good long stretch, she went to her
dresser drawer and found her workout top and shorts to begin the daily ritual of exercising
with her workout video. She lifted her blue nightgown over her head, exposing her still
shapely breasts and buttocks. Nude and in front of the full size dresser mirror, she
looked over herself. The past few weeks of aerobics were successfully toning up her forty
year old body Blondie observed as she turned this way and that to get a good look at
herself. Her boobs did not sag so much any more and the love handles that had developed at
her waist were gone. She turned around again to get a better look at her butt. The Buns of
Steel video had all but eliminated the fat, dimpled look at had acquired over the years and
had replace it with an ass any teenage girl would envy. Facing the mirror again, Blondie ran
a hand down her washboard stomach. Abs of Steel took care of the tummy she had let grow
there and now she looked very close to what some of the women did who made exercise videos.

Blondie suddenly wondered just what was driving her so hard to get in this kind of shape.
Before, she did not give her body that much thought, only to make sure that she ate well
and performed only the necessary hygiene that a woman required. She found her shorts in the
bottom left corner drawer and put them on, absentmindedly forgetting to put her panties on.
That was even more puzzling to her. Blondie had found her self becoming more and more of an
instigator when it came to sex with Dagwood. For several months going, he seemed less and
less interested in making love to her. Unconsciously, Blondie supposed, I must be trying ways
to make myself attractive to him. They all say that when a man ages, he becomes even more
attractive and dignified, whereas a woman just droops, sags, and looks like a crone.

What ever the case could be, Blondie pushed herself until she was in a taut, sexy shape.
She looked very much like she did in high school, where she first met Dagwood. He was such
a stick-in-the-mud, insisting on being a perfect gentleman, she remembered. We didn’t kiss
until our fifth date and I don’t ever recall him trying to make any advances towards me.
The first time they had intercourse was on their wedding night and even then, Dagwood was
a poor fuck, coming too soon and falling asleep in a hurry afterwards, as if he had done her
some great service.

They were arguing more as of late, always keeping it to low tones and out of the kids’
earshot. Dagwood usually had some weak excuse or reply to what ever they tried to work out
and in the end, he was asleep on the couch again. Blondie could swear that the upholstery
on the living room couch was becoming even more worn from his frequent nights of sleep

Blondie tried numerous ways to excite Dagwood; dressing in lingerie, stroking his cock
while he slept to try and rouse him. Hell, even his prick was just as oblivious as he was!
Once, she attempted to give him oral sex as he slept (he was usually out within five
minutes, hardly enough time for Blondie to get herself in the mood). She had never performed
the act on him or any other man for that matter. Blondie ended up sucking on his flaccid
prick while she masturbated herself to another not quite fulfilling orgasm. Dagwood never
once stirred during her oral administrations, he was totally asleep and snoring that as of
lately obnoxious snore of his.

As time wore on, Blondie gave up on seducing and began to dislike her husband. Then doubt
set in. For quite a few years, they had a great marriage. They always spoke about nearly
everything and always had great laughs with each other. But when his input, however poor,
or sex tapered off, Blondie began to wonder if she was not doing something right. Maybe the
problems they had begun to have with nearly all the aspects of their marriage were her
fault. She analyzed everything she did and carefully censured herself in her interactions
with Dagwood. None of this seemed to help and the distance grew even further between him.
Then Blondie finally noticed that Dagwood was later coming home from work than usual. The
usual was that he was never late because his boss, Mr. Dithers, never allowed over time.
This was when she suspected that Dagwood could be having an affair with another woman.
Blondie had never any reason to doubt Dagwood’s fidelity and still had trouble with the
very thought of him in the throes of passion with another woman.

Maybe this was the reason that she was working so hard to rebuild her body, to make it a
sexy thing to want to have sex with. A carefree thought floated through Blondie’s mind with
that revelation: If he doesn’t appreciate what I’m trying to do for him, then maybe another
man will. Blondie jolted from that thought, in shock from the very idea of it. She was a
well brought up woman from a respectable, stable family. Committing adultery on her husband,
however sexless he had become, was abhorrent to her.

Blondie shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts and pulled the exercise top over her

Alexander woke up to the sound of a pulsating rhythm emanating from the living room.
Something that sounded like technopop to him. He lay there, still tangled up in his sheets
from a forgotten dream and listened. Alexander was still in that moment between awake and
asleep where your body tends to do things on it’s own accord and it seems as if you do not
really control or care what is happening. At best, this can be compared to an out of body
experience when you watch yourself do something but do not have the power to stop. Slowly,
his hand groped for his morning pee erection tent pole inside his baggy pajama pants.
Recently, and with some nervousness, Alexander had discarded with his pajama tops, thinking
that they just did not go well with what ever image he was trying to give himself. He also
stopped wearing underwear under the pajama bottoms because he liked the feeling of his
adolescent dick rubbing up against the fabric. If there was not the ever present danger of
Trudy, his thirteen year old sister, barging in on him for some ungodly reason, Alexander
would be wearing nothing to bed. He had tried that once or twice and liked how it felt to be
nude under the bed. There was also the worry that his mother would come in on laundry day to
collect the dirty clothes he left in piles about his room and find him stark naked without
the security of a sheet covering him.

Still not totally aware of what he was really doing, Alexander’s thoughts drifted to his
mother as he took hold of his cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. Oddly, he had been having
bizarre thoughts about his mother lately. Coming of age is difficult for young boys and
with it comes certain sexual confusions. Blondie being the dominant female figure of his
life, Alexander was confusing motherly love for other than that. One night, while trying
out being nude in bed, Alexander’s thoughts ventured to his mother and he found himself
masturbating , fantasizing that it was his mother jacking him off and not himself. Alexander
shot gouts of jism all over the bed sheets on that fantasy and felt horrendously guilty

Still, for many a night after, Alexander built upon the fantasy, envisioning his mother’s
mouth on his cock, making him come. Later, he had gotten to the point to where he was
lustily masturbating to the thoughts of his mother straddled across his thighs with his
cock buried deep inside her. Alexander had come across his father’s stash of porno magazines
and was a quick study as to what the people in the pictures were doing. Once, he found a
picture of his mother that he cut her head out of and pasted it onto a page of the magazine
to where it looked like it was his mother getting fucked by two guys at one time. Alexander
had that picture hidden under his mattress and whacked off to it many times.

Alexander came out of his daydream as the pressure was building in his balls. He pumped
his fist harder and gripped his cock tighter. The image of his mother rushed to his mind’s
eye and soon the sprays of cum issued out the end of his pulsing cock.

Blondie was really enjoying this work out. In addition to the delightful burn in her
abdomen from the tortuous exercise the video was putting her through, she had become aware
earlier that she had forgotten to put on a bra under her exercise top and panties under her
shorts. The effect of the nylon top rubbing silkily across her nipples sent tingles of
pleasure through her breasts. The shorts had the same effect, gently rubbing against her
pussy lips during some of the exercises.

Blondie lay on her back now, raising and lowering her hips to work her abdominals. This
action was causing the now sweaty nylon shorts to rub across her pussy once more. The
pleasure it was beginning to generate was starting to distract her from the work out and
Blondie was finding it hard to concentrate on the instructor’s counts and movements. Her
thoughts drifted to some of the better sex sessions she had at one time with Dagwood.
Although he was a poor lover, there were a few times that he had not come before she had
had her orgasm. Still working her hips, keeping the fabric of the shorts rubbing at her
cunt, Blondie felt up her abdomen and to her breasts. Slowly, she began to feel them under
the nylon, circling her fingers on her erect nipples. Blondie placed both hands on her
breasts and began to squeeze them gently and pinching lightly on her nipples. She stopped
this only to pull the top up and to feel at the flesh of her tits. She gazed down at her
pink nipples and without thinking, craned her head just far enough to flick her tongue out
to lick at them. The feeling was wonderful and Blondie continued licking at her boobs,
alternating on both of them.

Blondie was no longer interested in exercising. What preoccupied her now was to satiate
the burgeoning desire that was in her. Instinctively, she slid a slender hand down the
crotch of her shorts and found the wet folds of her cunt open and dripping with juices.
Blondie felt for her button of pleasure and began to twirled her index finger on it. She
let her finger slide into her tunnel and felt for the deep spot that she had discovered not
too long ago in one of her lonely masturbations. Lust overtook her and Blondie stoked at the
spot with greater determination. She thought of Dagwood poised over her, power fucking like
some adolescent schoolboy getting his first lay. The image repulsed her and it quickly faded
away. Blondie wanted this orgasm to be a good one, one that she had always wanted but just
could not seem to attain. She had tried all sorts of ways to really get her pussy off one
good time, carrots, cucumbers, even secretly ordering a dildo from one of the dirty
magazines that Dagwood thought he had cleverly hidden in the work shed. None of that worked,
but occasionally fantasizing about Herb, their next door neighbor helped. Actually the
thought of Herb’s imagined hairy ass gyrating as he shoved what Blondie fantasized as being
an enormous cock into her pussy was not exactly a turn on. Whatever, Blondie thought after
a session with the fantasy, any dick is better than no dick.

Any dick. The thought still wafted though Blondie’s sexual delirium. Her mind turned the
pages of faces that she conjured up, none of them satisfactory. Frustrating her even more
was the image of Dagwood’s face reoccurring. The image kept coming back but the more it did,
the younger his face began to look until….

Blondie froze, finger deep in her pussy and right on the brink of an orgasm. The face that
was plastered in her mind was that of Alexander! She gasped at the realization of what she
was doing. All the while of fantasizing, her subconscious was telling her that some how, she
lusted after her own son.

How could this be? Blondie searched for answers, not noticing that she had left her finger
inserted inside her still vibrating twat. Could I be so confused as to what is wrong with my
marriage that I lust for my own son? It doesn’t make sense! Still, Alexander’s youthful face
remained, smiling and inviting. Oh, dear God, Blondie thought. What am I doing? Why am I
thinking about myself in a time like this?

Whatever her confused mind was doing to her, Blondie did not want to forgo the orgasm she
had brought her self close to. But if I come, I’ll know it was because I fantasized about my
son, Blondie thought. I really haven’t thought of him with me, she continued. I only saw his
face. This rumination suddenly brought on flashes of images, each not wholly formed. Only
Blondie saw them long enough to see their contents. One was Alexander nude before her, his
cock jutting forth from between a fuzzy crotch. Another was of Blondie holding his near
manhood in her slight hand, striking the smooth flesh of his shaft with a mother’s care.
The most vivid was of Alexander lying on top of her, frantically pumping his cock in and out
of her constantly coming cunt.

Still, her orgasm could not be ignored. It was while she replayed the images, each time
embellishing them, extending their content, that Blondie resumed her fingering. She was not
sure why she started again but the pictures in her mind completely turned her on.

In shock at what she was doing, Blondie stopped again. I can’t, she thought. Not when I’m
fantasizing about…Oh God, why am I doing this?

She was putting the thoughts in order, turning them into a sort of a movie. She could not
stop the visions, they just kept on coming at her.

If I go through with this fantasy, I will feel so terribly guilty about it.

On the other hand, it could be for just this one time.

Blondie lay still a moment longer before she made her mind up.

Alexander silently opened his door to begin his stealthy quest to get to the bathroom
unseen by his mother. His dick was still hard from jacking off to the fantasy of fucking his
mother so he would hardly want to be seen by her. He could hear the exercise video playing
and sighed at his good fortune. Great! She’ll be facing the television and won’t see me in
the hallway.

Just when he made it to the bathroom door, he heard a noise his mother normally did not
make while she exercised. It sounded like a moan of sorts. When she exercised, Alexander’s
mother usually made huffing noises from the exertion of doing the aerobic routines. The moan
was repeated and with it was something whispered that Alexander could not quite hear.

Curious, he tip toed towards the arched entrance to the den where Blondie did her morning
exercises. He could not see her yet, she was on the other side of the couch to where her
body was obscured by it. Again came the moan and whispers. This time Alexander could make
out a “Yes,” and “Do it.” He looked up to the television to see that the routine had reached
the cool down phase and wondered why his mother sounded like she was still doing the impact
portion of the tape.

Moving closer, he peered cautiously over the top of the couch.

Blondie writhed on the carpet, her nylon shorts pulled down on her thighs. She was
twiddling rapidly her sopping cunt, alternately manipulating her bud and thrusting her
finger in and out her pussy. Now she was mainly finger fucking herself and her moans and
whispers grew louder.

“Yes baby, deeper. Ooooh, just like that! Do like me? Didn’t you always want me like
this, my baby? Didn’t you just want to put that beautiful cock inside of mommy?”

Alexander felt a chill go through him. Not only had he come across his mother, lying on
the floor in front of him, her tits uncovered and finger rammed deep in her twat, but he had
actually heard his mother say something that made him realize what she was really doing.
His mother was masturbating while thinking about fucking him!

Alexander stepped closer, only to stumble when he missed the step leading into the den.
As a result, he stumbled and fell behind the couch.

Blondie sat up with a start at the sudden noise. Alexander, behind the couch grimaced at
his clumsiness and looked up with total embarrassment when his mother came around the side
of the couch to see what had caused the interruption.

His mother had not quite gotten her top straightened out and one of her breasts still

Blondie blushed and quickly covered it up. Alexander suddenly wished that she had not but
was interrupted by a twinge in his knee.

“Ouch,” was all he could manage to say.

Blondie momentarily forgot what Alexander surely saw, went attend to what ever seemed to
hurt him.

“What is it, honey? What did you hurt?” Blondie asked with a look of concern.
Alexander sat up, trying with futility trying to camouflage the hard on that still loomed
in his pajama pants. “I just bumped my knee, that’s all,” he replied finally.

He stood up and took a few limping steps. “See, I’m OK.”

Blondie appraised his gait a moment and reached gently for his arm. “Come and sit on the
couch so I can get a look at it.”

Alexander dumbly followed his mother’s guide and sat embarrassed on the sofa. He covered
up his crotch, trying again to hide his relentless erection and Blondie noticed this. The
fantasy images came back to her but she quickly dispelled them, her concern that her son was
hurt being greater. She knelt down in front of him to get a look at his knee. Carefully, she
lifted the pant leg up and over his thigh so that she could see the injured joint. Briefly,
she flashed her eyes back to his crotch, where Alexander still covered up his hard on, and
then back to his knees. Blondie felt his knee, checking if there was some injury she could
detect. She had some medical knowledge from all the reading she had done on the sexless
nights she had spent alone in bed. Blondie did not feel anything obviously wrong and began
to massage Alexander’s sore knee.

“Really, mom, I just banged it. I’ll be OK,” Alexander said as she rubbed. He did not
really want her to stop, the feel of his mother’s silky hands on his leg felt good and
served to stiffen his dick even harder.

“I know, baby. I just wanted you to sit and talk to me about something,” Blondie said,
not looking up at him. She swallowed hard, not sure how to start the discussion over what
Alexander had stumbled upon. Bolstering her resolve, Blondie spoke again. “I want to know
what you are thinking, Alexander.”

“About what, mom?”

Blondie swallowed again. “About what you saw me doing over there on the floor.”

Alexander’s mind was blank. Nothing there would form into anything that would be

Blondie continued her massage, unconsciously moving her hand to Alexander’s thigh. He
noticed this and shifted uncomfortably. Blondie ignored this and continued feeling his leg.


Alexander finally found his nerve and spoke. “I don’t know, mom. I guess I shouldn’t have
seen what you did.”

Blondie smiled at her son’s embarrassment. “But you saw me. Now, tell me what you’re
really thinking.”

Alexander stared at his mother’s hand massaging his thigh. He could swear that she was
moving it up his leg. “I think you were really enjoying what you were doing.”

“I was, baby, I was.”

Her hand did definitely slide up an inch that time. Alexander stared at it, hypnotized by
the movement of his mother’s petite hand sliding over his flesh. His hand fell away,
uncovering the obvious bulge in his pajamas. Blondie eyed that bulge and moved her hand
higher, close to the crease of Alexander’s hip. She was throwing whatever caution she had
had into the wind now and the cock that surely lay underneath that fabric was the focus of
her thoughts. Any thought of this being her son was gone and now he was simply a tool of her

“I think you were enjoying it too, baby, look at you.”

Alexander quickly covered his erection, embarrassed that his mother had seen it. Blondie
reached up and moved his hand off his lap. “There’s no need to hid it from me now, baby.
Mommy’s seen it.”

Alexander sensed his mother was daring him at something and thus offered his own
challenge to her. “I saw you too, mom.”

Blondie was puzzled a moment and then realized that Alexander had obviously seen her
breasts when she lay there masturbating. “Oh? What is it you would like then, baby?”

Alexander spoke nervously at the next. “Could I see them again?”

“See what, baby?”

Alexander flushed red and looked away, his eyes darting about the room like a spooked

Blondie moved her hand closer to where the head of his cock lay under the pajamas and
kept massaging.

“What do you want to see, baby?”

He looked straight at his mother and the words came out. “I want to see your titties
again, mom.”

“All right.” Blondie took her hand off Alexander’s thigh and pulled her exercise top off
over her head and tossed it aside. Her tits jutted out, firm and pink aureoles erect.
Alexander gripped his dick through his pajamas and gave it a squeeze. Blondie smiled as
she watched his eyes roll back in pleasure.

Gingerly, she reached for his crotch, and moved his hand out of the way.

“Let mommy do this for you, baby.”

Finding the snaps to the pajamas, Blondie undid them and began to pull them down. “Lift
up baby,” she told Alexander and he complied.

Blondie pulled the pajamas down to his ankles and stared at her son’s reddened dick. It
was a good sized one, at least in her limited experience, nearly seven and a half inches of
young adolescent male cock. She slid her hands back up his thighs, halting just below his

“I just want you to know how much mommy loves you Alexander.” She let her fingers extend
to touch the head of his dick. When she touched it, Alexander’s cock jumped at the touch.
Gently, she slid her had across the swollen shaft and Alexander sucked in a breath. Set in
her course of action, Blondie slowly wrapped her hand around his pole, relishing at how hot
it felt in her hand. She began to stroke his baby like flesh. Alexander’s breathing came
faster with each stroke.

“Mom, I’m gonna….”

Before she could stop, her son came, a spray of cum jetting out of his cock. The white
spooge landed on his thighs and on her tits. Blondie did not want this to happen so soon.
She wanted him to at least last long enough to get him inside her waiting confines. But she
did not want to stop pumping that spurting cock with all of that jism now oozing out of it.

When he was finished coming, Blondie took her towel that she used during her exercising
and wiped the semen off of both of them. Done, she stood up straight and took off her
shorts. Again, she knelt in from of him and took hold of his semi-erect penis.

“Did you like that, baby?”


“I’m glad you did. Do you want more?”

Alexander’s reply was a quick nod.

“I was hoping you would. Mommy has a lot she wants to do with her baby.” Without a
further word, she took him in her mouth, sucking a long stroke and then letting his cock
slip out.

Alexander looked down at her. “Please, don’t stop. That felt really good.”

“It did? I’ve never really done this before so I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right.”

“It was good, mom, really.”

“All right then. If it was good, why don’t you put that beautiful penis in mommy’s mouth
and let her suck you?” Blondie opened her mouth as Alexander took hold of his dick. Scooting
towards her, he slid his cock past her open lips and into her mouth.

Blondie went slow with Alexander, letting his cock build back to full erection,
completely filling her mouth. She was trying to be as gentle and careful with him as
possible, out of fear that if he got too stimulated again, he could blow another wad.
Blondie was not sure if Alexander could come again in such a short span of time but she did
not want too run that risk.

She savored the feel of his hot tool in her mouth as it slid slowly back and forth across
her lips. With her tongue, she could feel the texture of the shaft, the ripples in the blood
engorged flesh, the veins that stood out prominently.

For his part, Alexander was in total awe of the sight of his mother sucking his prick.
Never in a million years did he expect to have this happen. Sure, he had fantasized about
his mother on occasion but always discounted on her to actually be blowing him. His cock was
feeling terrific with each suck his mother applied to it and he began to move his hips,
thrusting towards her as she went down on him.

Blondie continued her slow blow on her son for a few minutes more and then let him free
of her mouth. Still holding and stroking his cock, she looked up at him with all the
motherly love she had.

“Mom,” started Alexander, “please, don’t stop.”

Blondie smiled broadly at her son, ecstatic that he was really enjoying her blow job. She
had never really been able to give one to Dagwood, mostly out of fear. Her fear was gone
now, why she did not know. She wondered now what had driven her to do this to Alexander, why
she was the very brink of incest with him. Since I’ve been sucking on this wonderful penis,
haven’t I done that already? The thought was fleeting as she gripped him tighter, causing
Alexander to suck in a breath of pleasure. Blondie reveled in the bliss she had her son
feel, the way his hips writhed uncontrollably, thrusting in her fist on each down stroke on
his dong.

Blondie took him by the hands and stood Alexander up. “Come with me, baby,” she said,
leading him out of the living room and down the hall that led to his bedroom. She gently
prodded him though the door first and then closed it behind her. Taking his hand once more,
Blondie took him over to the bed. She gently had him lay down and then took her place next
to him. Alexander was in full arousal now, hugging against his mother, his dick rubbing
against her thigh, seeking still more stimulation.

Blondie hugged her son in return and took his face in her soft hands. “My beautiful boy.
Oh Alexander, what ever are we doing?”

“I don’t know, mom, but I don’t want to stop.”

Blondie reached for his cock and began stroking it once more. “I know baby, I don’t want
to, either.” She squeezed his prick harder, causing him to shudder. “You have to promise
me something, baby,” she said, writhing in her own ecstasy with him, their bodies moving

“Okay, mom.”

“I want you to tell me that no one will ever find out about what we are going to do. Your
mother could get into a lot of trouble if someone did.”
“I won’t tell, mom, I promise. Nobody’s gonna find out.”

“I know, baby. Mommy trusts you.”

Gently, she kissed him on the lips. Alexander drew back a moment but let her kiss him
again. He had never kissed a girl before, the thought of it simply made him too nervous. His
mother kissed him softly once again, this time her lips rested on his for a moment longer.
Alexander accepted the kiss without hesitation and each one that followed. Just by kissing
him, Blondie became more and more lost in her desire. Her lips moved with passionate
determination, loosening his as well. Without thought, she slipped her tongue into his mouth
and sought out his. Alexander broke the lip lock, shocked at this new smooching technique.

Blondie looked at her son’s shocked face and giggled softly. “It’s all right, just do
what I do. You’re doing really well, baby.” Again, she attacked his mouth, plunging her
tongue back in. Alexander got the gist of what his mother was doing and soon, he was lapping
tongues with his mother.

All the while, they embraced tightly, Blondie slowly working his body on top of hers. She
kept one leg between his to prevent any penetration just yet. Alexander noticed finally that
he was on top of his mother and stopped kissing her to gaze at her with the same glazed look
she had. He admired her body, the pale tits with their pink aureoles jutting at him, the way
her chest rose and fell with each lusty breath she took, and down to the blond thatch of
hair that led to his point of origin to the world.

Suddenly, the full impact of what he was doing with his mother struck him and he looked
into his mother’s face, an unsure expression on his.

“Are we really doing this, mom?”

Blondie smiled, her face blushing red from her passion. “Yes baby, we really are.”

Alexander looked about the room, trying to find the courage to ask his next question. As
he took in the room, he realized that he would never look at it the same way again. Always
the memory of what he was doing with his mother and what they might do would be in here with
him. He looked into his mother’s eyes now.

“Are we…you know….going to do it?”

Blondie slid her leg out from between his and now lay with legs spread, her son
positioned between them. Once he was there, his cock somehow was in direct line with her
pussy and with the closeness of both their pelvises, he immediately slipped straight into
her. Blondie let out a startled gasp, as did Alexander.

Blondie took in a deep breath and let out a dreamy sigh. “Does this answer your question,

They both stayed in that position for a while, Blondie waiting on her son to start
thrusting his dick deeper into her dripping cunt while Alexander was stunned at the feeling
of his cock inside a hot, slippery cunt, especially it being his mother’s.

Blondie looked into his eyes through half closed lids. “It’s all right. You’re inside me

Alexander shook his head, clearing his head to concentrate. “Yeah…” was all he could
manage to say.

“Baby, don’t just lay there,” Blondie said after a few moments. She softly grasped his
ass cheeks. “Please make love to me, Alexander. Make love to your mother.”

Alexander did as he was asked and began slow thrusts with his hips, each one burying his
prick further into his mother’s love canal. Blondie moaned each time he drove deeper. His
thick shaft was stimulating her cunt in ways that she had not felt in a very long time and
the mushroom of a head on his penis was hitting her cunt walls in just the right spot.

As her moaning increased, so did Alexander’s desire. He pumped into his mother with
determination, each time eliciting a louder, longer moan from her.

“Right there, Alexander. Keep doing it just like that. Ooooh, you feel so good inside me.
Ohhh! Yes right there!”

Alexander continued his fucking, increasing his tempo with every thrust. As a result, his
mother moaned even louder.

“Yes, yes! Ooooh, baby! Love me! Deeper! Harder! Oh, God I want more of you!” Blondie
bucked her hips to match his rhythm, getting his cock deeper inside. She felt his balls
slap against her ass at every pump of his hips.

“Mom, this feels so good!”

“Yes, yes, it does. Keep it going, baby. I want all of you can give me!”

They were fucking faster by the moment, huffing breaths coming form the both of them.
Alexander began to groan his pleasure as well.

“Yes baby! I want you to love this! Love me! Fuck me!” The last words shocked Blondie,
she herself having never used such profanity. She had, of course, heard enough of it on the
cable movies that Dagwood had insisted on watching at night and had seen many a sex scene in
them to know what she was saying. If Alexander noticed what she had said, he only reacted to
it by pounding even harder at her pussy.

“Ooooh, yeah! I love it! Fuck me just like that, baby! Fuck mommy, fu…..” Blondie
stopped speaking, realizing that she was beginning to build to orgasm. Determined to get the
orgasm she had yet to attain in her life, she goaded Alexander on. “Fuck mommy, Alexander.
I want you to fuck me with all the cock you have!” Alexander pumped even harder into his
mother, himself feeling the building pressure in his balls, signaling his imminent orgasm.

“I think…I think…,” he started to say. Blondie grabbed his butt and jammed him harder in
her. “Yes, baby, I know! Mommy is right there with you. Oh, God, fuck me! Make mommy come!”
For the next moments, they fucked in silent intensity, their breathing rapid and deep.
Sweat rolled off of both their intertwined bodies. The only other sound was the slippery,
sucking sound Alexander’s cock make as it pumped madly into his mother. His balls had
shrunk up, a sign that his orgasm was very close. He raised up, poised over his mother as
he fucked so that he could look at her. Blondie stared back at him with undisguised wide
eyed lust, her tits gyrating with each thrust Alexander made. As she stared, Alexander’s
eyes rolled back in their sockets and he then assumed a grimacing, determined expression.
Blondie knew his jism was about boil over in his balls and come firing into her. Without
warning, her own orgasm crested and came crashing down on the very beachhead of her soul.


Alexander was fucking spastically, his cock pumping so erratically that the moment before
he spurted his load, he slipped out of his mother. Instinctively, Blondie grabbed the
jutting, jerking dick and pumped it. An instant later, Alexander groaned loudly and came.
He came so hard that the first jet of milky white jism splattered onto his mother’s neck.
With each pulse of his orgasm, the streams went a lesser distance.

When he was finished, Alexander looked down at his mother to see that he had indeed
squirted gouts of cum all over her tits, stomach, and had coated her pussy hair with white
spunk. Blondie kept milking his red hot cock until she got all the semen out. When she
thought she was done, Alexander lay back on her, uncaring of his cum plastered all over her
chest and hugged his mother.

Blondie started first, and within a few moments, mother and son wept in joy in their
embrace. (end of part1)

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