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Best Friends Forever 2

This one is loooooong

The next day was Sunday and as odd a day as I have ever had.

I went through the day looking at mom, she looking at me. She wore a
short lose skirt, bare legs and a tee-shirt that revealed no brassiere
beneath. Whenever she was near, and she frequently found some reason
to do so, she touched me – innocently to the naked eye perhaps, but
lingering touches, eyelashes flashing, nipples hard. Anything,
anytime and even any hole she had said.

I felt cursed – knew this was wrong but hated how my body trembled
when she touched me. I had truly loved watching her last night and
had gone to bed wishing I was not alone – laying awake thinking all I
had to do was return to my parent to find her with arms and legs wide
open inviting.

Amy, on the other hand, was the one that started this freaky day with
a bang – no not that kind. I mean she came to my room just after I
had showered and stood in my open doorway and loudly asked if I wanted
a blow job. My first thought was fear that Lisa or mom would have
heard her but then I looked at my sister closely. She was standing
with hands on her hips, a put out look on her face and an irritated
curl to her lip. She was being a bitch even now.

I had been there when Gerald had told her she will not be able to
enjoy sex without thinking about me and I knew that bothered her. She
was here because she needed me – she needed something from me, her
dorky young brother was the only one who could bring sexual pleasure
in her life.

I could do it – I could sit at the end of my bed and Amy would kneel
between my legs and suck me off. Hell, she would do it as often as I
wanted. Even in our wildest fantasies, Gerald and I had never
considered Amy, or any other girl, to be so available. I wanted to
see my eldest sister naked, I wanted to compare her hard body to that
of our mothers oddly enough.

But it was that look and the body language that pissed me off, had
always pissed me off. “Get out of my room Amy.”

She looked surprised to be denied, and then angry. Imagine, her dorky
virgin brother denying her anything – I could imagine her thinking!

I thought to punish her, “If I want a blow job from you I will tell

She humphed and then rushed out of my room furious.

My day never got any better after that point.

Only with Lisa did I find some level of normalcy – so that when I
asked her to play a game of monopoly, she was surprised and very
pleased to be included. Normally she was the little sister – I put up
with her more than desired her presence.

Half ways through the game, me having just put the first hotel on the
board, she leaned over and asked carefully, “Do you think mom is
acting weird this weekend?”

I looked up from the board, trying hard to wear a poker face, “What do
you mean?”

Lisa just looked at me in surprise for a couple seconds and then
blurted out, “You mean you don’t notice how she has been looking at

Recall that Lisa hadn’t been placed under any sort of control yet –
this strangeness in my life was also happening to hers, if only
peripherally. With plenty of self control I answered negatively, “No
I haven’t.”

She made a face only a teenage girl would make, part confusion part
disgust, “You must have noticed how she was dressing today Liam?”

I have. “You mean in shorts? Sure. Nothing wrong with that.”

Lisa sighed, “Skirt and no bra.” She said this like it was supposed
to mean something.

“Really?” I pretended interest. “I never noticed.”

She rolled her eyes a final time, “Boys!” Her hand dropped the dice.

It was only that evening, with Lisa already in bed asleep and Amy
still out on her date when mother came to my room. I had resolved all
day to ignore her overtures, her bedroom eyes, the offer obvious. But
here in the silence of our home, it was more difficult.

“Lisa’s light is out…. could I do anything for you Liam?” She
stepped into my room, revealing her lack of clothing – a single man’s
shirt, only buttoned half way from the bottom – all legs and cleavage,
her hair teased.

I could already smell the scent of her sex and it caused a shiver to
run through me. To be intimate with a mother’s sexual musk is a
incredible thing, something I day never take lightly.

Already my cock was hardening in my boxer shorts.

It suddenly hit me, how do you tell your mother to climb into your
bed? I hadn’t the brazen heart that Gerald seemed to have developed
along with his powers. I wanted to lay naked with my mother – to feel
her soft warm flesh against my own – to tell her that it wasn’t her
fault, that it was something that Gerald did to her but that if she
would help me, we could not pass that deviant line.

Instead Amy arrived back home at that moment, hearing the distant door
open and close distantly. Mother didn’t even seem to notice so I
spoke up, “Amy is home mom – you better go to your room.”

Mother sighed and then nodded, turning to leave but pausing to look
over her shoulder, “You know that you can come to me at any time right

She just stood there waiting for an answer so I blurted out, “Of
course mom. Just go to bed!”

Mom smiled at my affirmative answer and giggled before disappearing
down the dark hallway.

Seconds later my eldest sister passed my open door, looking in and
snarling to see me looking back. She cursed under her breath and made
for her room.

I shrugged and followed, her door still open when I arrived. She
looked up and curled her lip in disgust but didn’t say anything and
started to strip. I watched her tight revealing clothing disappear
until she stood in a lace bra and panty set – placing her hands on her
thin hips, she snarled in my direction, “You want to see me naked is
that it?”

I didn’t even have time to respond before she moved, the panties first
and then the bra – suddenly standing naked again looking at me with
disgust. “Hottest body you will ever see isn’t it geek?”

This whole day had been a temptation, the devil presenting me with
tasty morsels that I dreaded to eat. To hear my sister bitch at me
right here and now, especially knowing what I know, I simply lost it.

“Didn’t enjoy your date Amy?”

Her face flushed quickly and she spun away from me. Her body was,
indeed, the hottest thing I’ve ever seen – hard, firm, perfect.
Unfortunately it belonged to this bitch who loved making my life
miserable from the earliest of my memories.

So I never pulled back on my attack, “I bet you tried everything to
get off didn’t you – but nothing worked did it?”

She turned her head towards me, her face red but her eyes blazed in

“I bet you screamed at your poor date – blaming him for not pleasing
you. Was it a guy this time Amy? I bet he never calls again – no one
wants to fuck a nympho that can’t get off.”

Amy hissed threateningly, almost like a cat.

I turned to leave the bitch alone when she barked, “You fucking

Looking over my shoulder I saw my sisters face suddenly alter, from
anger to worry to a forced calm before running to me on her bare feet.
Her hands came up and encircled my arm, hugging it against her firm
warm hard flesh. “I’m sorry Liam – I’ve been beastly to you haven’t
I?” With no response she continued, the sweetness of her act dripping
with forced falsehood, “Perhaps I could make it up to you properly?”

At that point one of her hands detached from my arm and slipped down
to grasp my soft penis in my boxer shorts as her lips came to my bare
neck. “Yes, I could make it up to you very nicely.”

Strangely I had turned from the emotion of anger to lust at the turn
of the hat – I could picture myself fucking my eldest sister good and
hard, like she obviously needed. I yanked myself from her reach and
closed her door quickly in her face. A angry screech was the only

For some strange reason I liked her more as a bitch then a sweet

My breathing calmed down as I stood in the darkened hallway – telling
myself that that had been a close one. Then I heard it – heard it
through the door – Amy moaning lightly – and knew what it was. I
wanted to open the door and even lifted my hand to do so when I
stopped, turned and strode away.

Outside mothers door I stopped and considered entering, my hand
actually on the doorknob when I heard it – moaning accompanied with a
low sound of an eclectic motor. Mother too was masturbating – most
probably with some type of battery operated toy.

I went to bed with a headache that did not recede until I brought
myself off – twice!




Gerald sought me out at school the next day – just after the lunch
bell with Christine and Jane in tow. “Hey buddy. Any news?” He
shook his brow suggestively?”

I sighed, “Almost.”

He was actually surprised. “Jeez buddy, if you don’t do it soon I’m
gonna worry that you are gay or something!” He laughed it off turning
to the two girls behind him.

A cold hand grasped my heart and I knew that I was treading on
dangerous ground. My very will was at stake – Gerald could take it
from me as easily as I’ve seen him take it from others. And if there
was anything I didn’t want to happen was to lose control of myself!
Imagine what humiliating things I may be forced to do? And what of
the girls in my family – they would be free reign for Gerald to toy
with. The thought of mother or Lisa being forced to do things with my
best friend caused me to lose my appetite.

I missed what was said to me and shock my head, knowing I had to be on
better terms with my friend, to prove to him that I could be trusted –
no matter how difficult it was.

“I said I was going to invite you to join us at Jane’s place for a
little party but I had assumed you had lost your cherry by now.”

I forced a lecherous smile and looked on the fifteen year old Jane,
Gerald’s neighbour, with male interest. “Now I’m starting to regret
what I did yesterday.”

Gerald looked suddenly interested, “What did you do?”

I leaned in and spoke loud enough so that only my buddy could hear, “I
had both mom and Amy bring themselves off so I could decide.”

He nodded sagely, “Who would be first right?”

I nodded along with him, “Right.”

“So, how was it – who is it going to be?”

Without thinking I blurted out, “Mom.”

Gerald leaned back and smirked, as if he had known the answer already.
“Good choice buddy.”

My head was spinning I had just told this very dangerous mind
controller that I was going to have sex with my own mom. Shouldn’t I
feel more disgust at this realization?

“Would you like to join us anyways? You could get a blow or

Again I looked at Gerald’s neighbour, a small cute girl, to the
hottest chick in school – both barely even noticed me, having all eyes
for Gerald. “What about our classes this afternoon?”

My buddy chuckled, “I get straight A’s even without trying now – so
why bother right?”

I chuckled along with him, “Right!” This acceptance in my life much
easier than the incest being forced upon me.

“I can have Jane call her mom and join us – especially since I know
you appreciate your wine well aged?”

I recalled that Gerald told me he had controlled his neighbour as well
as her mom. I thought it safest if I agreed with Gerald but I didn’t
want to corrupt another person. Forcing a smile, “If you think you
need the extra help buddy – lets go!”

Gerald laughed, turned, wrapped his arms about the slim waists of both
teenage girls and lead the way down the hallway.


Jane and her mother Janet lay intertwined before us in the middle of
the carpeted living room floor. Both were hungrily lapping at the sex
of the other – loudly licking, sucking and nibbling on the cunt before
them. Both had hairless loins, short cute ladies – with the ageing 44
year old mother the one with the abundant curves.

Christine knelt naked before Gerald and I, moving slowly back and
forth from between our thighs – sucking our hard cocks.

The whole scene would have been a tremendous turn on if my mind would
stop thinking. That the delightfully sexy Christine, with her perfect
hard bodied curves, tried her best to suck our cocks but it was
obvious that she have few such skills. Then there was the sight of
the mother and daughter lesbian team – attacking each others loins
like there was no tomorrow – but all I could think about was that
those poor women had no control over what they did, powerless to
resist the demands of my best friend.

Jane liked to plunge a finger in and out of her mother’s rectum while
sucking on the enlarged excited clitoris. Janet, on the other hand,
seemed to enjoy plunging her hardened tongue in and out of her
daughters vagina – pressing it as deep as it will go into her body.

And the final mood-killer – Janet’s husband, Jane’s father strolled in
from work around four that afternoon, standing in the doorway smirking
at the scene his wife and daughter were putting on. Gerald waved to
the old balding man and then turned to me to explain, “Jane’s husband
and I have a deal – the ladies are mine to do what I want with, in
exchange he gets full use of his daughter when I don’t need her.”

I was disgusted – my dick barely half hard.

The incestuous lesbians loudly climaxing for the third time since our
‘little party’, as Gerald liked to call it, started. They were acting
like they greatly enjoyed their family affair, as if they couldn’t get
enough of the other’s cunt.

After the noise from the climax was ending Gerald waved for the old
fat balding man to enter, “Janet, come here. Jane, entertain your
father.” The weary sweaty curvy fleshed middle-aged woman slipped
from her daughters embrace, crawling towards her young dominant
master. Dad, on the other hand, wasted no time – unbuckling his belt
and shoving his pants to his knees as he hobbled comically towards his
panting daughter.

Christine sucked my cock exclusively now, as Janet climbed up and
lowered her dripping wet hairless pink cunt down over Gerald’s dick,
dad climbing between daughters legs and ramming himself home. The
room was again filled with the sounds of female pleasure, of the added
slapping of flesh on flesh, sloppy echos of cocks plunging into
super-heated cunts.

I looked down at the hottest girl in the school and realized I
despised and pitied her – so pretty, but so vain and without her
beautiful outer shell, nothing to be attracted too. I wanted my
mother to suck me, even my older bitch sister – I wanted to watch them
eating each other out, bouncing on my lap while fucking me. I didn’t
want to be here, scared to say the wrong thing, act too strangely for
my friend to realize that I wasn’t like him, that I didn’t want to
hurt or control anyone.

So I closed my eyes and allowed that pathetic pretty mouth to suck me
all the while, cocks were fucking into hot wet cunts, picturing my
mother sucking me, her hungry full lips moving up and down my hard
ridged surface. My own panting desire echoed with the other five
bodies and my hips began to pump up and down, actually enjoying my
first ever blow job.

When I felt the tightness beneath my balls I did not deny or resist,
allowing the seed to pump up and out of my shaft, shooting into the
mouth of the prettiest girl in our school. In the far distance, I
heard her swallowing loudly – hungrily.

It was over – I had fooled everyone, even myself – opening my eyes to
see Gerald and Janet watching me, he with a wide grin on his face.
“I’ve never been able to get off with Christine’s mouth – she is so

If there was ever a time to be truthful, “I had to picture my mom to
get off as she sucked.”

Gerald looked at me for a handful of seconds before breaking into a
loud laugh.


I got home just before supper, weary at what I had endured – mentally
and physically – sitting at our table with the three ladies looking at
me questioningly. As I had walked home and then sitting at the table
eating, I had considered what I had to do – had to do to save my
family, save my mom and my sisters.

Mom seemed to sense my need for silence and other than giving me
gentle smiles, served supper and sat eating at the head of the table.
I noticed she was wearing a mid-thigh skirt and black hose, thigh high
I reminded myself. It was obvious that her large round floppy mounds
were unencumbered beneath her blouse.

Amy, on the other hand seemed to be angrily starring at me – barely
eating. I ignored her, saving a few polite words to my youngest
sister Lisa but otherwise staying introverted.

After the meal was done Amy stomped off to her room without even
taking her dirty dishes to the sink. Lisa did it silently,
disappearing with her school bag afterwards.

I stood from the table and brought my dirty dishes to mom, who stood
at the counter running water into the soap filled sink. “You look
very attractive today mom.”

Mother stiffened, turned towards me and then smiled brightly, “Thank
you Liam! I thought of you this morning as I dressed.”

I nodded, openly looking my own mother up and down appraisingly.
“Lift the front of your skirt mom – I want to see if you have
stockings on?”

Mothers smile disappeared and she looked nervous as her wet hands
trembled as she began to pull the nylon dark skirt up her thighs. She
was looking at me with full interest, possibly gauging if I found what
I was looking at attractive, if I found her attractive. With the
skirt being rather shorter than she would have normally worn, it only
took a few seconds before the dark elastic band to come exposed –
moving higher the pale soft flesh.

“Stop mother.” Her whole upper body was trembling randomly, her
nipples hard through her white blouse. “God you have sexy legs.” She
did – especially in those thigh high stockings.

Anything I wanted – anytime. I knew I was on the edge of sanity here,
but what could I do? If I failed to convince Gerald of my sincerity
to be as authentic in my desire for debauchery as he, I will be
failing not only myself but also my mother and sisters if he should
take his revenge out on us. The only way out of this dilemma was to
become what Gerald wanted me to be – but to watch for any opening
where I can escape, saving not only myself but also my mom and

“Mom, if you were presented with an impossible situation, one that
will hurt those you love no matter what you choose – how would you

Mom frowned, the expectant sexual excitement lost in the puzzling
question. “I don’t understand Liam?” Her hands had stopped
trembling, but her legs were still exposed to the flesh about her

Reaching out I took both her hands, allowing the skirt to fall
forgotten. There was simply no way to explain it to her – was there?
I mean she had been ‘altered’ by Gerald by my own eyes. “Can I come
to your room tonight mom?”

A smile appeared and her eyes sparkled, “I… I would like that my

Before either of us could say another word I dropped her hands and
rushed to my room, needing to think about this.


Mother sat on the edge of her bed wearing a thin satin nightie and
white thigh high stockings. The nightie had delicate lace covering
her breasts so that her dark nipples were obvious. The stockings had
thick elastic lace that held them half ways up her full thighs.

There was incense burning by the bed and at least half a dozen

The duvet to the bed was folded down.

Mother was waiting for my expected visit – and it was obvious that she
wanted it to be perfect.

She stood as I entered, her eyes glittering expectantly, her lips
smiling happily. I closed the door and strode towards her, again
taking both her hands into mine – sitting with her on the end of her

I could smell her perfume, see that her hair was teased to perfection,
a light application of makeup about the eyes. There was a familiar,
but still distant, scent of mother’s excitement already radiating from
her and it made my head swim.

“Mom, what I’m going to tell you will seem crazy but I want you to
promise just to consider it okay?”

This, obviously, was not what she had expected from me this night –
the two girls already in bed asleep, leaving us as alone.

How to start? “Do you remember the other day when you purchased
stockings mother?” And odd question from me, causing her to frown but
nod. “Do you remember why you bought them?”

She was still frowning, “Because you like to see me in them.”

I nodded, I do like it actually but that wasn’t the point. “And why
did you stop wearing a bra around the house?”

The question obviously troubled her and she pulled her hands from
mine, “Because I thought you liked it?” She sounded hurt, as if she
thought I imagined her acting cheap or sordid and did not, in fact,
enjoy it.

“Why did you think that mom?”

She wasn’t looking at me now, frowning and thinking, “It was
Gerald… the other day…?”

I nodded, slow but on the right path. “And do you often masturbate in
the car before going shopping?” As she had told me – I was guessing
that this was not a usual occurrence.

She thought for a while before answer, “No, of course not.” Then she
slowly turned towards me and looked at me fiercely, “What is going on
Liam, I don’t understand?”

“Mom, I think Gerald has some kind of power that can control people.”

Her eyes looked nothing but amazed but she said nothing.

“He has taken control of his family, a couple of others and now he is
interested in you and the girls.”

Tears started to well up in her eyes, “This isn’t possible Liam?”

“Think back mother – would you have sat here waiting for me like this
a week ago?”

She looked around as if noticing her preparations for the first time
and the dropped her face into her hands and sobbed, “Oh my god what
have I done!”

I did the only thing I could do, I moved closer and wrapped my arms
about her shoulders and held her. Instead of comforting my parent,
mother suddenly sighed deeply and pressed her considerable chest into
mine – I quickly stood up and took a step back from her.

Mother looked surprised at my quick retreat and the she must have
realized what she had been doing and flung herself onto the top of her
bed and hid her face as she cried to herself.

Unfortunately this left the satin nightie to ride up almost to the top
of her ass, that wide soft white perfectly shaped bottom drawing my
eyes as if magnetic.

I strode to the side of the bed and sat down, reaching out to gently
stroke my mothers hair – she freezing in response and turning her head
to me. The mascara had run, causing her to look dreadful, but now was
not the time to bring that up.

“Its all true Liam – god help me but I want you so badly and I now
know its so wrong!”

I nodded understanding, realizing that was what the probable outcome
of my revelations. “I have a plan mom – hopefully something that will
keep Gerald from you and the girls.”

Mom rolled up onto her heels, hands brushing the tears from her face.
I realized that she was panting, her nipples hard and the scent of her
sex was thicker than ever – mom was practically in heat but trying to
contain it!

“I told Gerald that I wanted you to be my first.” Mother gasped at
this and trembled, then quickly turned red of cheeks but otherwise did
not say anything. “We pretend it happened, that you and I
are… lovers.” Mother licked her lips and sighed, her chest rising
and falling as she panted – her nipples impossibly hard. “Then I tell
him that I want you exclusively to myself.” Her eyebrows rose at this
and she smiled shyly. “Hopefully that will be enough to keep him away
from you… maybe the girls.” One battle at a time.

Mother was silent for nearly half a minute before asking, “Do you
think there is any way to counter Gerald’s control?”

I shrugged, having no idea.

Mom nodded, mirroring my own doubt. “Then I see two problems with
your plan Liam. One – if he can control anyone he can easily find out
that we are lying.” True, I hadn’t thought of that. “Two – I will go
insane pretending we are lovers when we are not.”

Mother and I just shared a minute long look before my eyes
purposefully dropped to her heaving bosoms. With one finger I slowly
reached out and slipped the thin shoulder strap over and down her
upper arm – the one pale full breasts came into view. The way she was
trembling, her hard wrinkled nipple practically danced around her pale
flesh. My eyes rose back to hers, looking glassy and unfocused, “Then
I only see one path mother.”

She nodded, her top teeth biting her bottom lip nervously. I could
see that my mother was trying hard not to act as anxiously as she
obviously felt.

“I will do whatever I have to to protect you mom but things may get a
little crazy.” I recalled the things I’ve already witnessed.

“I want to make you happy my love – I will trust you to do whatever it
takes to protect us.”

My hand finally rose and grasped the large white breast and mother let
out a loud hiss while her eyes rolled back into her head. My god, was
this happening? A part of me was shocked that this was really going
on – another part of me was overjoyed! It was no longer forced upon,
at least not by me, and was now out in the open. There were no longer
any barriers to what needed to be surpassed.

My face lowered and my mouth opened as I engulfed mother’s fat hard
nipple – she gasped loudly and arched her back while grasping the back
of my head. One of my hands reached around and pulled her waist
towards me, mother’s head falling further back and her knees widening.

My other hand reached a knee and eased between those soft full thighs,
her legs widening even further. Then my fingers slipped into hot
liquid flesh thrusting forwards as if by magnetic force until two
fingers slipped into her grotto. Mom began to convulse against me,
groaning and hissing, as an unexpected orgasm shot through her body.

My face rose to watch the show, fascinated, loving how her soft frame
jerked within my arms. Ever so slowly her eyes opened and her head
lifted so that she was looking at me, the heat of her minty breath
caressing the flesh of my face. “I know its wrong Liam – but I will
go insane if I can’t be with you.”

My hand came up and I moved the dripping fingers to her lips, she did
not look away from my eyes but her mouth opened – the digits coating
her lips before slipping into her mouth. Finally I pulled them free
before leaning forwards our lips touching almost gently, my head
swooning from the flavour of my first passionate kiss before mother
tilted her head so we were almost at right angles and then locked our
lips together. The kiss turned almost desperate, hungry – her tongue
seeking my own anxiously. Between her thighs my hand had returned to
her sex, her hips pumping in time to my frigging fingers.

We were lowering until mother was laying on her back, our lips still
locked, my hand frigging her sex while her thighs had spread wide, her
feet in the air. And then the kiss stopped and I removed my lips our
eyes finding the others. “Fuck me Liam – use me again and again – I
want nothing more than to make you happy my love!”

Retreating from my awkward position above my mother, I stood by her
bed and began to remove my clothing. This was it right? This was the
decision I had made to save her from my demented best friend. But was
I turning into something as evil as Gerald?

Mother was seething upon her bed, one hand slipping between her legs,
her hips pumping, the other hand having pulled the other strap of her
nightie down so as to grope her big fat sexy breasts as they obviously
come in pairs. As my hard cock popped out of its confines mother
grasped, “Its so beautiful Liam!”

She rolled onto her side facing me, leaning up onto her elbow she
brought her face to my hard cock, her eyes looking from my groin to my
eyes and back. Ever so slowly mother opened her mouth and took my
penis past those sexy full lips until half of my organ was inside her
mouth. Her eyes had closed and she was moaning in delight upon my
shaft. It felt nothing less than magnificent.

This was better than my only other encounter, Christine. It held some
redeeming new qualities that the hotest girl in school did not possess
with her technique; things like love, desire and patience.

Inside that mouth, mother’s tongue massaged as much of my dick as she
could reach – her lips gently suctioning while her face moved ever so
slowly up and down, in and out. I was looking down at the most
delightful of sights – something I had never pictured – my own mom
making oral love to my cock.

My hips pumped in time to her slow movements, my hands found her head
of hair and messed up her carefully prepared dew. Nothing mattered
though, to either of us – mother only wanted to please me – I had been
there when Gerald had altered her, changed her from a plain looking
lonely middle-aged woman into a seething sex-pot of lust for one man
and who lived only to please him. And as much as I was enjoying this
encounter, she was finding it without comparison the best sex of her
life – as she had been conditioned to respond.

The grunts echoing through the room were from me and I felt the
familiar tightness of my balls – not long now. Mother must have
sensed this as she accelerated her movements, her sucking and
tonguing. No longer was there patience in her technique but anxious
desperation, hunger – she wanted my seed as much as I wanted to give
it to her.

Half a minute later, my grunts turning into animal like groans, I gave
my own mother her wish – pumping again and again, filling her mouth.
My whole life after this moment would never be the same. Mother
swallowed loudly, anxiously and did not retreat from my cock until I
had stopped spurting, looking up at me almost nervously, “Did I please
you Liam?”

I noticed a drop of sperm had escaped her lips and had slid down to
mid chin. My god was she beautiful. There before her face was my
cock, still hard, she ignoring it to find out if I was pleased. “I
want to fuck you now mom.” It was why we are here right – so why did
my voice sound so uncertain?

Mother jerked at my use of the bold word and then nodded her head
anxiously. I reached down to scoop up that drop of sperm before
slipping it into her lips, she sucking it as if it were the most
expensive of chocolate. When my finger disengaged from her sucking
lips, mother asked, “How would you like me my love? On my knees,
back… anything Liam!”

“On your back please mom.” She smiled widely and then dropped back
onto the bed, her stocking clad legs raising up in the air, widely
spread. Her arms were reached towards me and I thought this was the
most obviously of paths in my life as I took the half step and leaned
forwards. One of her hands slipped down between us and I felt her
take my hardness and guide it to that most perfect of places.

Then I was sinking into the hottest wettest sexiest cunt in the world
– my mother had taken my virginity in the most lust-filled of ways and
I would not have traded this moment for any riches. Our noses were
nearly touching, our bodies tightly pressed together in the most
intimate of ways.

I saw that mother’s eyes were filled with tears, “I am so proud of you
Liam!” Hands grasped my buttocks holding me against her. “Now fuck
me lover!”

My hips began to move on their own initiative – as if eons of
evolution were behind them, the act of fucking, the most natural of
acts in the world, regardless with whom. What I noticed first was the
voluptuous movement of the sexy pale body beneath me – everything
seemed to dance, bounce, wiggle and jerk – and I loved it. The
stocking clad legs and wrapped about my waist and one my hands slipped
up and down her thighs to her calves, enjoying the flesh-warmed smooth
nylon. The next thing I noticed was the sounds, chaotic and
lust-filled – most echoing from between our legs, plunging cock into
slippery wet cunt – mother gasping and moaning almost as background
accompaniment – our thighs slapping together – the bed squeaking – one
of mother’s hands slapping the bed. She was rapidly moving beyond
reason, her back arched so that her soft belly pressed into my own,
her eyes tightly clenched and her mouth open widely, her hips moving
anxiously against my own, little muscles inside her sex milking me.

How could any coupling after this compare?

What I have seen with Gerald to date was but a pale comparison to this
moment in my life.

One of mother’s hands was holding the back of my head, almost tenderly
stroking the hairs at my neck as I pumped in and out of her body. She
gasped out with difficulty, “I am almost there Liam – fill me up my

There was no boundaries, no time-line – this was my moment and I had
finally resolved to enjoy it, take it for all that it was worth.

My cock erupted for the final time that night deep inside my mother,
effectively changing me forever. The splash of sperm inside her body
set off her own climax, jerked loudly beneath me. Our sweaty bodies
collapsed to the bed facing each other on our sides – exhausted. Lips
kissed my face tenderly as a hand found and drew up the duvet to cover

Little whispers, “No one has ever made me feel so alive Liam – I love
you so much.” Her hands drew my sweaty brow to her full bosoms and
held me tenderly. One of my hands lazily rolled around my mother’s
waist and ended up cupping one of her generous buttocks even as sleep
overtook me.




Next morning I awoke in my mother’s bed, her warm voluptuous body
holding my own. My eyes blinked open to find her looking at me almost
shyly, “Morning Liam.”

I sat up and away from my mom, yawning and stretching, my eyes
noticing that she no longer wore that slinky nightie but only her
white thigh high stockings. The smells of our body were staller from
the night before, more animal-like and much less sexually intense.

She was looking nervous, “Any regrets about last night?”

My hand reached out to grope one of her large breasts, “Not one
mother, you?”

A smile crept into her face, her eyes looking almost relieved, “I know
it was wrong Liam but I don’t care, I love you and want to make you

Again that inconvenient guilt reminded me that though the two of us
had been in bed together, there had a been a third that was involved,
“Even though this would never have happened if Gerald hadn’t changed
how you think?” My hand slipped from her hanging breast up over her
soft raised waist and hip.

She thought for a few seconds, “However we ended here I would not
trade what happened last night for anything in the world.” Mother
suddenly turned a shade of red and her eyes could not meet mine as she
continued, “I’ve never felt that alive before, felt that sexy –
without a doubt it was the best sex of my life.”

This would have meant more to me if I had not known Gerald had also
conditioned this into her. I contained my sigh and changed the
subject, “What about the girls mom?”

Mother again looked at me, “I don’t care what happens to Amy Liam, but
please take care of Lisa.”

Her response surprised me on several levels, “You don’t care what
happens to Amy?”

My mom shrugged, “She and I agreed to part ways years ago Liam – she
gets what she deserves.” Wow, this means that Amy was thought of as a
bitch not only by me but by our mom too – a childish delight caused me
to smile secretely.

“And Lisa is surely too young mom?” I recalled the little show that
was scheduled for that weekend and dreaded it, looking for a way out
but preparing myself for the inevitable.

“You would be surprised Liam – she is a lot like you in many ways.”
Mom leaned over and tenderly kissed my lips, “And I love you beyond


I preceded mother by about a minute as I strolled into the kitchen to
find Lisa cleaning up her cereal dish. She looked up at my entrance
and with a smile, “Morning Liam.”

Mother came in and kissed her daughter on the check and then moved
about the kitchen to make coffee. She was wearing her old terrycloth
bathrobe and I could see that she had removed her stockings, as she
stood in bare feet. Oddly, at least to me this morning, she looked
like the mother of old and not like the passionate woman who had
changed my life the night before.

Lisa brought me some orange juice and poured herself a refill before
mother joined us with her morning cup of coffee. All three of us sat
in silence for a couple minutes, each not looking at the other. It
was Lisa that broke the silence, “Amy was pretty angry this morning,
she broke a plate in the sink.”

Mother frowned and strode angrily to the counter to look in the sink.
“Do you know what got into her this time?” Amy was often in various
moods – rarely good for the rest of us.

Lisa blushed at that moment and I knew what it was about, if not the
details. “I woke up last night and found her listening at your door

Mom sighed and came back to the table to sit down, looking at her
youngest daughter carefully. “She heard Liam and I having sex?” Her
calm revelation shocked me not a little.

Lisa nodded, starring at her orange juice. “I shouldn’t have said
anything – its none of my business.”

Mom looked towards me, “Did Gerald ‘condition’ Amy too Liam?”

I nodded.

“What about Lisa?”

“Not yet mom…”

“… but its only a matter of time.” Mother sighed and turned back to
her daughter, who was now looking back and forth between mother and I
in confusion. “Honey, Liam and I have something to tell you and it
may upset you.”

“Its okay mother, I want to know?” She probably did – her mom and
brother were having sex while her older sister was spying on us.

Then mother explained in a calm voice how Gerald had controlled her
and Amy, from her point of view – that it was I that was the focus of
this heightened desires and that she had placed her total trust in me
to protect us. Her speech, so logically spoken, warmed my heart –
making me love her all the more.

Lisa turned towards me and I thought she was about to break out
laughing, that this was all some kind of demented joke – its what I
would probably have done given the incredibly odd situation – but to
her credit she then nodded and reached out to take my hand. Mother
seeing this took her daughters hand in one of her own, my free one in
hers. Tears started to well up in mom’s face and Lisa noticed,
pulling her hands from ours.

“I didn’t tell you – but when I caught Amy outside your door, she was
playing with herself.” Mom quickly flushed, but the news did not come
as any surprise to me. Lisa turned towards me and asked shyly, “What
do you think Gerald will make me do Liam?”

Both sets of eyes looked at me expectantly, “I am not sure.” I lied.
“But I will try and protect you from the worst of it sis – I promise.”
This time Lisa’s eyes welled up with tears.


I found Gerald at the mall about mid morning – Tuesday, a school day.
But what did a mind-controller care about that?

As I was striding up to him his face broke out with pleasure when he
saw me, “You did her – you stud!” Hiding my dislike I sat across from
him and stole a fry. “Was it good?” He leaned over the table

“It was better than I could ever have imagined.” It was true after

He sat back proud of himself, “Did I not tell you buddy? Old cunt is
the best. Oh sure, the young ones look good on the arm – but for a
good ride in the sack, find a nice soft woman to keep you warm. Huh?”

I laughed with him, not as forced as I would have thought. Perhaps it
was from listening to my nerd friend giving me advice about sex when,
only days before, we were desperate horny virgins.

“I have to thank you Gerald – I mean, you are the best friend a guy
could ask for.”

We high fived over the fries and Gerald smugly added, “I wouldn’t have
it any other way buddy.”

“I wanted to ask you something – so there is no misunderstanding.”
Gerald motioned for me to continue with his ketchup covered fry. “I
think we should both agree about the ladies we have… I just don’t
want to make you mad if I go for one of yours?”

He looked at me carefully for nearly three fries, “You want her for
yourself don’t you buddy?” His face was serious for less than two
seconds before breaking into a grin and barking out in laughter, “No
problem Liam – I understand really!” He leaned in and dropped his
voice, “I mean I can’t picture another guy with my mom – not even

I allowed my relief to show through, “Thanks Gerald – I was worried
that you would think I’m hording or something.”

A few fries later, “And Lisa?”

I looked at him carefully, could he read minds too? “I’d like that –
yes, Lisa too.” In truth, in terms of priority, Lisa came last over
mom and Sara.

His smile slowly faded, “What about that show with Sara this weekend?”

My heart was thumping and I feared for our very lives, but I had
considered this already and knew where to draw the line, “Just the two
of them? I think it sounds incredibly hot.”

Gerald was looking into my eyes for almost a minute before his smile
returned, “Sounds like we will have a good time.”

I laughed, “I know I will!”


A couple hours later Gerald spoke up from behind the wheel of his
mother’s car, “There she is.”

I nodded, dread filling me even though I felt so powerless, so out of
my depth. Opening the door as planned I stepped out onto the pavement
and waved to my youngest sister. Lisa’s face lite up when she saw me
but darkened again when she saw who I was with. “Hi Lisa – Gerald and
I wanted to know if you needed a drive home?” I reached out to hold
her hand and winked, she looked suddenly pale and forced a brave smile
towards me.

“Hi Gerald. When did you get your drivers license?” Lisa slipped
into the back seat, throwing her book bag on the floor behind the
other seat.

Gerald laughed almost evilly, “I don’t… at least not yet, but mom
doesn’t mind me using her car.”

I got back into the front passenger seat and looked over my shoulder
to see my sister looking very scared but trying to be brave.

Gerald pulled the car out from the curb and drove away with a squeal
of tires. He looked into his rear-view mirror, “Sit back Lisa we are
going to have a little talk.”

I didn’t have the nerve to look at my sister at that moment and felt
like crying, turning to look out the side window while biting my
bottom lip painfully. Never in my life had I felt so helpless.

“Have you started to masturbate Lisa?”

A few seconds pause and then a distant, “Yes.”

“I suppose you have never seen a real cock before?”

“I have.”

Gerald slapped my thigh playfully and when I turned back towards him
he winked and said, “This is just too easy huh buddy?”

I dare not say a word, and just smirked in response, surprised at my
sisters revelation. Was she a slut like our older sister?

“Who’s cock have you seen Lisa?”



“Have you been sneaking peaks at your brother you naughty girl?”

“Yes I have.” This was said so soberly that it all felt eerie
listening to my sisters most private of thoughts being exposed.

“What do you think of your brother Liam Lisa?”

She was silent for half a minute, “I love him, he is my brother.”

“Is he the one you think about when you play with yourself?”

I felt that I knew the answer before it was spoken, my young sister
always seeming to enjoy being around me, wanting to just be near me
sometimes even though we were so different.

“Yes he is.”

“In fact, I bet your cute little pussy gets wet just thinking about
him doesn’t it Lisa?” No answer but a shuffling in the back seat – I
dare not look, hating to have to put my sister into this demented

“And you love to make your big brother happy don’t you Lisa?”
Evidently he was taking the same path as he had with mom.

“Yes I do.”

“In fact, it turns you on just to be near him, to make him happy right

More shuffling, evidently my young sister was feeling nervous. And of
course she should – she was only 12 years old and mind controlled or
not, she was being ordered to think sexually about her brother.

“I have always loved Liam.”

Gerald looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. “I know you do Lisa
– but its more than that isn’t it?”

Shuffling behind me, “I have wanted to marry him since I was a little

She was still a little girl, I wanted to scream, but I bit my tongue
and said nothing instead.

Gerald laughed and smacked the steering wheel, obviously enjoying this
humiliating experience. “‘Marriage’ is for little girl fantasies
Lisa, no, you want more, you want to be your big brothers slave, his
sex slave. Right?”

A small, “Okay.”

“And sex slaves do everything their masters want right? They get
turned on if their masters are pleased. Nothing in life matters as
much as making your brother happy… no matter what he asks. Do you
agree Lisa?”

I turned my head at that second, shocked at the path that Gerald had
taken this – though realizing that it really wasn’t that much
different that mom or even Amy. My sister Lisa’s innocent round face
looked right at me and said firmly, “Yes, I agree.”

My house was just the next block and Gerald pulled up in front of it –
my sister and I opening our doors to slip out of the car. Gerald gave
me a parting laugh, “She is all yours buddy – enjoy!” I felt like
tumbling away from the monster that used to be my best friend.

I felt miserable.


When mom came to my room and closed the door her pleased face turned
into concern – only now realizing I had not asked her here for more
play but that something was bothering me. So I had her sit down on my
bed next to me and I told her about meeting Gerald this morning and
then picking up Lisa and what he had done to her.

I was feeling guilty and mother sat in silence for a few minutes in
thought. “What would have happened if you hadn’t asked for Lisa to be
exclusively yours Liam?”

Sighing, “Gerald would have liked nothing better than to include her
into his sick little group parties.” I told mom about Christine and
what Gerald had her doing this week – she had to suck off twenty
different guys each day, swallowing each of their sperm so as to
improve her technique. He had told me about this before picking up

Mother turned pale. “He has no boundaries does he?”

Nodding negatively, I really thought Gerald had already gone too far
but I knew if he thought something was going to be fun he would do it.

More silence.

“I am not the most attractive woman my age am I Liam?”

Strangely this question made me uncomfortable.

She squeezed my hand on her lap to reassure me, “No honey, its okay –
the mirror doesn’t lie. I am overweight and rather plain looking.
Your father left me for a younger woman and that really hurt. The
truth hurts. If you had not chosen to help me and your sister what
sick things would Gerald have me do? I don’t doubt he would tire of
me rather quickly and use me in ways that would be less than
pleasurable.” Without any comment I nodded in agreement that this
would have been probable – I’m already seeing similar actions towards
others girls of his ‘harem’. “In you Liam, I have a young man who
loves and cares for me. I think you are even attracted to me and I
don’t need Gerald’s mind control to get excited about that. I really
enjoyed what we did last night and I know it wasn’t all my own
thoughts but I don’t regret a thing.”

My eyes were teary as they looked up into mothers comforting gaze.

“I’ve known Lisa has had a crush on you for a long time and its sad
that she will have to grow up faster that she should but I am glad
that its with you.”

I could not help it, my face moved gently forwards and I was kissing
my mother, her lips welcoming the touch. Even as my tongue slips into
her mouth she was moaning with pleasure. Her thighs spread as my hand
slips between to find her without panties – hot wet and ready. Mother
was already humping her hips as my fingers moved in and out of her
body. We fell back onto my bed and my free hand fumbled with my
pants, allowing my hardness to pop out. Then suddenly I was above
her, inside her and my hips shoving my cock in and out of my mother’s
willing body, her feet waving above me, her hands stroking my messy
hair and shoulders. With a loud groan I deposited my sperm deep
within my parents body, her flesh jerking randomly to her own climax.

Then it was over and I lay with quivering limbs upon my parents soft
person – her arms and legs still encasing me, her lips kissing my
brow. My penis shrunk slowly so that it eventually slipped from her
hot wet cunt and that spelled the end of our frantic joining – I
rolled off my mother and sat up.

“I love you mother.”

A hand stroked my lower sweaty back beneath my loose tee-shirt, “I
love you too Liam.”