A hobbler takes care of a hobbyist

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.


I though being a first class ‘perv,’ am very sympathetic and empathetic with ones that have challenges in their lives. When I was young I had a pretty little cousin who had had polio and had to wear an ugly and clumsy brace for her to walk. It was sort of pitiful, not that she was intimidated by it. She remained a smiley little pretty girl for all the time that I knew her. And I hope that she found a great guy, since she was one of the sweetest persons that I have ever known.

My brother has had to deal with issues with his right arm and hand, but graduated from UDUB and had a fine career. And a young man worked in the store that I was one of the senior employees. He was mentally challenged, but sure not heart challenged, because he was also a very sweet man and very industrious and cooperative on the job. Everyone in the store and the customers all liked him very much.

But, that was about the limit of my exposure to people with challenges. I have met a number of ‘Down’s Syndrome’ persons, and all but one were among the nicest people that I have ever met.

So, this is leading up to one of the most unusual experiences that I have ever had in the ‘hobby.’

It was a number of years ago, when craigslist was still active in escorting activity with their ads. The ads in those days were quite explicit in pictures and deions of what was being offered. And it was utilized by most all escorts because it was free at the time, too.

At that time, I was not especially seeing only one or a few different ladies. I was into seeing as many different ones as I could. I have estimated that I saw at least sixty different ladies in about six years. All ages starting with eighteen and a number of ethnic groups. This was before I had settled down on being especially fond of Native-Americans.

So, one week, feeling especially adventurous, I decided to check on the ladies that would be available in Mill City, about eighty miles south of Big City. I had seen a couple of gals down there, and there was a much larger selection there, because of the Boeing Plant and the naval presence in the harbor. The two cities were very close in size and population, though.

I was in the middle of my cab driving years and had only Thursdays off, so could only see a gal on that day, except for very local ones on occasion. So, I got online and looked up Mill City and found about thirty available, of a very wide variety. This was on Wednesday, since I almost always planned a day ahead on this kind of thing.

One of the gals there was a tall skinny brunette, who was very cute and smiley. She mentioned that she played soccer and was very athletic. I was intrigued right away. Her picture showed her in a near naked state and she showed up as gangly and cute. The deions mentioned all of the usual services plus some others once in a while.

So, I always would sound out at least four ladies in an area that I was going to visit in case the main one got cold feet or maybe booked more than one at a particular time and I was going to come in in second place or worse. This turned out to be much better than whining on a review board about a missed date. I can’t remember ever being completely left in the lurch on these excursions.

I quickly got three answers back and two of them were going to be available the next day. The young soccer player, I will use the name Tina, remarked that she had heard of my code name before and that I was well reported on and so she asked to be my choice, her knowing of my multi outreach modus operandi. She remarked that she was very new to the trade and so would like me to help break her in, as it were.

This made me a bit nervous, because some of the young gals use this as an excuse to curtail their offerings under the cover of inexperience. But, the truth was that most of them were very experienced in most any sexual act that you could imagine, and a lot of those that you would never dream of. But, experiencing is not the same as liking of them. So, I mentioned this in my return email and got the answer to not worry, I would get anything that I liked. This made me even more nervous, because when a provider makes grandiose promises, they usually evaporate on meeting, or engender additional costs to the client.

But, I was intrigued enough to schedule a meeting with her in a motel parking lot in Mill town. I pulled in and waited for twenty minutes for her to show-up. No soap! And so I called to see if she had changed her mind, not an unusual occurrence with young providers. And with providers twenty minutes is usually the longest that they make you wait to show up. A guy horny enough to book them is not the most patient beast it he world.

She texted back that she was delayed, but would make it if I would be patient. With this, I had the image of blue and red flashing lights in my mind and so set a limit of another twenty minutes, or I would be on my way and make an effort to connect with one of the other names on my local list.

Even though she was relatively new, she must have been aware of that since she showed up in only ten minutes more. It was a small car with two young females that pulled in next to me. I got out to see if she would be interested in me and by that encouraging her to do the same.

So, after a couple of minutes of heard but not deciphered speech coming from the car she finally got out. She looked just like her pictures on Craigslist. She was tall, very slim, smiley and young. So young that her being underage came to my mind. So, I walked up to her and offered my D.L. for her to feel more comfortable with me. And I asked for hers, too. So, she fetched it out and she was only ninety days past eighteen, and she was also limping as I quickly noticed.

So, she hobbled over to my car and sat in the front seat for us to discuss a possible date. I was more than a bit nervous, because I rarely dated a lady this young. They are usually very nervous with being with an older man and I was about sixty at the time, but admittedly looked somewhat younger, maybe about forty-five. She smiled up at me, and didn’t seem all that nervous. She laid her hand on the seat and I covered it with mine as the discussion progressed.

And she was agreeing to the facts that were in the Ad as to charge and menu, so that was out of the way as long as she followed through. In those days, I had my S.T.D. situation checked out each three months and showed her the card. Then I mentioned that at my age, I didn’t use condoms, because they cut off the feelings that I very much needed to climax. It was up to her, whether she would agree to that, and I could tell that that set her back on her heels a bit. Young providers very seldom practice bare-back.

To try out the waters, she leaned over and invited me to kiss her, so I took her up on it and it felt very natural to me and evidently to her. So, she advised me that she would check me out when we got that far and then if I was okay, that she would accede to my uncovered desires. I said that that would be fine for this time.

She then rolled down the window and signaled to her female friend that things were okay and that she could leave. But, before she could leave, I asked Tina if she would be able to follow through with the date, with her apparently injured ankle. She mentioned that it was the reason that she was late, because she had been playing soccer in the back yard, when I confirmed that I had arrived and that the ball had flown over a fence and she tweaked her ankle on jumping over to retrieve it. And that she needed this money very badly to pay her half of their apartment’s rent. All of this sounded very sketchy, but within probable reason.

So, then the friend was released to go wherever she was headed and I walked across the parking lot to check in and get this over, before it blew up in my face. When I walked in, the man behind the desk was very smarmy to me, and informed me that no rooms would be available until later at eleven in the morning, so that the cleaning staff could have at least a couple of them ready to rent out. So, I nodded and withdrew to the car to give Tina the bad news.

Even though I was living in Big City at that time, I had grown up in Mill town, so was familiar with the environs and knew that there were many motels out on the Old Highway 99 South, and so with Tina’s permission we moved out there to try to find a motel that would rent us a room right away. Didn’t happen, and so I decided that we should go to breakfast. But, when we got out of the car at an I.H.O.P. it was apparent that she wasn’t going to be able to walk in. So, I left her in the car and walked across the parking lot to the grocery store there and bought an ankle brace to help the girl along.

She was amazed at my caring attitude and made the process of me putting it on, a much more sensual experience than it needed to be. Then when she had it on, she got out, and could stand, but not walk. So, I being fairly strong at the time, picked her about one hundred and ten pounds up and carried her into the restaurant. At first the staff were miffed by this, but when they saw the brace and her limping, they understood and busied themselves in serving us.

She insisted on sitting next to me and I could see out of the corners of my eyes other patrons, mostly with very unapprovingly glances. Since, they were not paying for my eventually fucking her, nor our meals, I was uncaring about this. We settled in and her hand was moved to upon my upper thigh, to my delight. I decided that mine should stay up on the table to avoid a riot by the other staring diners.

We finished our meal, un-assailed by anyone. Even the waitress was very friendly to us, I guess assuming for propriety’s sake that I was her grandfather taking her out for breakfast. The ages were about right for that. And I gave her a bonus tip for her considerations. I guess that I could have groped Tina right there and got away with it, by her expression when she saw the tip. But, my mother worked restaurants for many years supporting four children mostly alone, so I am very sympathetic to them. And besides, Tina was impressed by this. Perhaps, inspired as to what she would allow for her to get some of that, too.

I then carried her back out to the car, with no apparent aberrant notice by anyone else and settled in the car again. When I got in, she sidled up to me and turned my head towards her before I could put the car in drive and blessed me with one of those famous teenage smooches that straightens the toes One of the very best kind, too.

Then we decided to return to the original motel, because it was very close to where she lived, and for her friend to come and get her. When I returned to the office, I got the smarmy clerk again, and he seemed very annoyed that I returned, but since renting rooms was their business and I had the money for it, he processed it giving my license special attentions. And if he was trying to make me nervous, it didn’t work. And this seemed to annoy him even more so.

He then said to me, “You and y—oo—uu–r wife can use unit number twelve. The smarm was dripping off of his lips, or it might have been an extreme case of jealousy when you take in the looks of the girl that I was with, and that he knew I would be fucking in a few minutes. I just took the key in my hand and looked him in the eyes and then turned around and left to be with my beautiful flower.

On the way to the room, I noticed that she wasn’t limping as much as before, but with what was coming up, I was hardly caring about that. I opened the door and with my hand guided her in. There was absolutely no resistance, if you wonder about that. And she moved to the bathroom to freshen up before letting me know to undress and get on the bed.

I stripped down to my boxer shorts and laid ready for her. It took only about ten minutes for her to do her thing, an exceptionally short time in these kinds of matters. And then she returned to the bed in her young woman’s bra and fairly standard panties. It didn’t, matter at all, she was a vision of young loveliness and she barely limped as she got up on the bed and engaged herself with me.

We began hugging caressing and kissing in earnest then, and she seemed genuinely into our fun play. When I moved to remove her bra, she also lowered her panties to them being off, for me to admire her totally in her naked gorgeousness. She was still slim, and tall and smiley, but I could now admire her pert little titties and her very small unshorn pussy. The hair there was very short and whispy, she being so young.

I moved my kissing down to her titties, and she was very sensitive there, but toughed it out as I kissed, licked and finally suckled on them. The last thing seemed to help get her motor going. And then I moved down to spread her legs so that I could love up her pussy. She seemed to be undecided about this, too. But, with the first feelings moving up her body from my lips on her pussy lips, she was mine for the taking. So, she was humming and moaning to the rhythm of my attentions.

I didn’t want to break the sensual atmosphere, so I did not insist that she go down on me. Instead, I had her lay on her side towards me and I reversed myself to engage her pussy, while she had my cock at her mouth. She got the idea and it was soon entered very warmly into her mouth and over her tongue. Evidently she was checking out my equipment with this, too. Because when I guided her to be in the spoon position with me, and I moved my cock up to enter her, she made no protest at its bare condition. In fact she was so turned on that she might not have even noticed its condition.

We thrashed around in this manner for a few minutes and then with her wanting to move on, I guided her on to her back and moved up to enter her proper this time. Her eyes were teary and her smile sincere as I moved up to gradually penetrate the very small pussy of this lovely young lady. She reached down to pace my entering of her. Not in defense, but in the savoring of it, it seemed. All of this with as much love that a young woman could possibly have for a man old enough to be her grandfather.

Then with me pounding into her with her legs closed on my cock to emphasize her clitoral sensations, she came much more profoundly than she expected, it seemed. And when I came only a couple of minutes later, she held me very tightly with caressing hands. We laid there breathless for several minutes and then she moved me off and brought her mouth to address my dick, finally. She actively suckled on it and brought it up to another mini-climax right down her throat.

We then huddled together and laid in a short nap nakedly entangled with our arms and legs.

She then reared up and kissed me lightly on the forehead and heavier on my lips on her way to the bathroom to freshen up to leave. When she was done in there, she returned to the side of the bed, so that I could admire and caress her various lovely parts and then as I lightly slapped her behind in appreciation, she broke off to dress right in front of me. Then I did the same.

We then settled up and she kissed me again and told me how much she had enjoyed our time together. She then made for the door with the brace in her hand and no limp evident. I chortled over that.

I called her a couple of days later, and thanked her for our time together. She informed me that the rent got paid and that she didn’t expect to do that again, but that the one time with me would be a life time memory. And, I agreed whole-heartedly with that!