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It was in dutch, please help me for better englisch. I hope you enjoy the story


My aunt has complete large and wide house exactly outside the city, already a lot of years comes I there gladly heals. From young she was my favoriete aunt, in the beginning I did not look at to the woman but simply to the large house. If I was there I could come everywhere, and was this way large that I could hours run there around. When I what parent became came I there less because it stood compared with my vriendjes strange if I said that I went to my aunt. But every moment that I only was I entered to its, which fantasise years started I concerning all kinds of mysteries which in the house there were. I frequently played there a complete weekend in my one, my aunt had always laugh if she met again me then after hours in the house around to have run. Now you do not have think that it a house is true you in can go astray, no it has on the bovenverdieping eight sleep chambers. A large bathroom and then several opbergkasten, the ground committed on are four chambers, a large kitchen and under the house lies a large cellar. There is also an attic but there cannot I come of my aunt, she has always said that that awful dangerous it is. The floor is not firm and, I have always believed of that type matter more its and never gone to. However, the attic in my ideas has always played a large role in my fantasie. The last years that I now at my aunt frequently come look I with other eyes to its, she has been always dressed in a skirt with bloes, kousen and shoes with low hakje. Its grijs becoming haren has them always in a tail on its back hangs, them the last years also a piece has become thicker. She was not former already a slim woman but now has them a beautiful broad kont, and for the rest them has been well put. She is not this way that but she has really everywhere much too much simply nice widely. The last years I have looked at every time with admiration to her, after my school am I will work and live still at my parents. I am now halfway twenty and feel more and more sexual attraction to my aunt. I several look at, or its touching buttocks times have already tried under its skirt. Generally it does not succeed, but if I shut again to its and she opens the door for me tries I always against her walk towards. Its udders are also nicely large and already several times I that during within go have been possible touch with my body.

A couple houses further if my aunt lives also a rather firm woman where my aunt already its complete to sympathise is bevriend. Frequently she is there also as I again at my aunt is, nowadays no longer play I in the house, but my fantasie?not less has become. This weekend I have agreed with my aunt, I passing away there the weekend what jobs to do. She frequently asks to me if I that for its will do, and I do that with a lot of love for her. I weet or they weet that she does not have so much attraction on me. In ideas I have again lived the coming weekend several times, I hope that it is nicely because then my aunt has frequently a something shorter skirt. On Friday evening package I and decide my spullen right to my aunt shut. I drive at my ease to the house of aunt and park the car behind the house. The backdoor is open and I walk in to, but I call I turn krijg no answer. I start my case and course softly up, I hear nothing and open overflowing overloop on and duw a couple doors. Nowhere a sound comes from a chamber, if I do the sleep chamber of aunt open it remains there also quiet. I steal just as further the chamber in, normally I come here cannot I my curiosity not frequently but now control. The chamber smells entirely to my aunt, he complete netjes have been clearred. In the angle a wide chair stands and in this lies a couple kledingstukken. If I am at the chair I realise that also a slip lie, I treatment these and very him against my face. The fragrance of my aunt withdraws my nose and I feel my pitch hard become in my trousers. If I the cross presses against my mouth test I its urine and other things. I finish almost in my trousers, rapidly I put back the slip on the chair and leave the chamber.

On overflowing overloop I run along the door which opens to the attic, for the first time sees I that these a bit stands. I lay my hand on the bud and appetite very carefully the door a bit open. There a weak gleam of a lamp comes by means of the staircase down, I hear vote also a couple gentle. My curiosity wins it of my verstand, I go up against the wall pressed the staircase. Every step do I heal carefully to ensure that there after there no treden crack. If I am to the staircase I can look at concerning the attic, there is a door flat for me that halfly open state and where slightly behind fire. The votes come also daarvandaan, I go further the attic on and look by the opening what is behind the door there. There is there a wide chamber with a large bed, against the wall a complete large cupboard stands. To the beams of the roof to see I all kinds of ropes and oars hanging. If I look at further the chamber in I the neighbour of my aunt on the ground sees lying, they lies on a mattress and its poor has spread out on the ground lie. My aunt stands above its and has been entirely undressed, my pitch stands right hard in my trousers, I draw him from my trousers and beginning slowly him to deduct. The neighbour lies naked on the ground, she has a large bunch her between its legs. I feel zoeken my seed with large bumps a expedient, I bite on my hand and bowl violently shocking ready. Rapidly look at I for me gone and catch a doek which lies behind me and rubs the seed of the floor. If I look at the chamber in I see that my aunt with its halfly hairy kut on the face of the neighbour sits. My genot returns with bumps if I hear sigh the two women. My aunt catches the head of the neighbour bit and imputes it firmly against its kut. All of a sudden my aunt starts groan and finishes krampend. She can be fallen beside the neighbour on the mattress, I look at against its dripping kut. I will have much now this way between its legs to dive and everything to lick up.

I see that the women become quiet and slowly omhoog to come, I go fast down and will on the bank sit. Half uurtje later come my aunt and with the neighbor down. They are none of and surprised that I am there, I get a firm kus of both women. Very just as the neighbour looks at me smiling and caresses with its fingers along my face. Then she walks away and will in a chair compared with me sit, my aunt enters the chamber with three glazen to drink and puts that on the table. Without questions to me how long I there is already we start a quiet conversation with each other. After a pair hour the neighbor leaves, if she stands up krijg I just as a delicious visibility under its skirt. I look at a moment against its slip which disappears thus rapidly. My aunt enters the chamber if she has sent off its girlfriend. I get a kus of her if she comes sit beside me, them lay its warm hand on my bovenbeen. She has always done this if she came sit beside me. Now them its hand lets lie whereas she looks at me tightly, I sees in its eyes a dusty condition which I have never given. Then she turns away its head and obtains to its hand of my leg, if she does that slide late them him firstly a bit up as a result of which them my pitch touches complete ven to. The pleasure shoots by my body and my pitch starts right grow. Smiling my aunt catches its glass and takes a mouthful, then she will sit quietly against the rugleuning to and looks at just as to the television.

“Aunt I go to bed, tomorrow I have a hope of doing for u.”

“That is good, I am also on time my bed from because you must do a couple things on my sleep chamber firstly. Good night boy I see you to morning.”

I give a kiss her and go then in ideas up, if I lie later on bed I do not can come in sleep. I kick the blankets from me and appetite my slip from, my hard pitch jump right tevoorschijn and touch my abdomen. With my hand I caress along hard flesh and right sees I the two women busy on the attic. Just as later I hear crack the staircase, the fourth tread of above creak always. If I want its lettuce quietly in house I that treed always concerning, I no that my aunt comes look at always even at me if I sleep at its. I decide to continue lie on my back, I let be due to the eken to foot end. Just as later my sleep chamber door opens, there falls what lies to and I see the chamber coming between my lashes by my aunt in. She puts on a lichtje and looks at then to me, she continues stand flat beside the bed and caresses with its tongue along its lips. Then she stoops a small bit and I feel its fingers slide my hard pitch. If its finger touches the sensitive plekje, exactly under my nipple, I finish all of a sudden violently shocking. My aunt looks at and brings its finger slowly to its mouth. Them licks clean the finger finished and walks past then carefully the sleep chamber, I feel the seed run my abdomen. If the door is dense I caress with my hand along the dripping down seed, I bring to my mouth and lick the seed eras to my hand. I am dry and package a towel and polish myself just as, then I on bed to lie and fall very fast in sleep.
The following morning goes I under the shower and afterwards goes I down for a breakfast. If I am almost ready my aunt comes in its morning coat the kitchen in run. She looks at me glowing and gives me a kiss on my face.

“You have a little good slept boy?”

“Yes I have rapidly fallen in sleep yesterday evening and nothing have heard more and have deliciously equipped awake this morning.”

I look at its tight if I say this, them smile just as and twist myself then for. Just as later she comes sit to the table with large sulks tea. Them takes a mouthful and continues me carefully look at.

“Do want do you in my sleep chamber a couple beams today rehang? I two large clothing castes stand there but have wanted that a bit move. As those beams against the other wall are then hung is possible I there my spullen lost. “

“Of course aunt that is no problem, I will without delay start right with those beams. “

If the breakfast is on I stand up, aunt also and together stands up runs we being silent up. My aunt runs for me the staircase on and at every step can I under its coat look at, if she in and other manner its leg moved can I all of a sudden against its naked buttocks to look at, been scared see I that she carries no slip. My pitch starts right grow, I look at just as the other side on with a hard pitch in its sleep chamber not standing without delay. We wear in to its sleep chamber and them told which beams must there gone and where these must hang come. The castes stand now against two different walls, if these beside each other to stand become the sleep chamber larger. I nod to aunt and beginning the beams to empty, I see that my aunt stands to me, look at if I from my eye angle to its look at I see that she moves slowly with its hand under its coat. Then she twists himself for and catches a towel from the cupboard and gives me a kiss.
“But I will take a shower just as nicely boy, go simply further than are these do odd jobs rapidly. Afterwards I have still a couple jobs for your. “
She gives me light taps with its hand on my buttocks and leads the laughing sleep chamber. I follow its fluctuating buttocks and feel a delicious warm stroming by my body go. Knowing that them that coat has nothing to ensures that I heal a lot enjoys. Poosje later I have rehung the beams and am busy with these clear if the door goes open and my aunt with wet haren the sleep chamber comes in. Them has beaten the towel for its zalige body, the towel reaches net under its buttocks and the udders become also net cover. Thus I have never seen my aunt and the genot grows rapidly in my body, she looks at me just as and late its can my body to caress.

“That sees good boy.”

What she means to see I not entirely, if I in its eyes look at I think that she means my body. Smiling she runs to the clothing cupboard and catches a couple kleren. She keeps it for itself and looks at me.

“Do I have give birth this to appetites? Or you want that I do something else on?”

I look at to its and try a couple bring out words, the towel has aside slid a bit as a result of which the hard nipple of its rechterborst has become visible.

“I can to what still a kledingstuk remind myself you have ever once had to aunt, if you that for me would attract do I everything for u.”

Very just as she looks at me tightly then to meet again I that dusty condition, she twists himself for and catches from the cupboard a skirt of leathers, light bloes and of the bottom beam catch them a couple pumps with rather high chop.

“You want that I add panty or nylons?”

Swallowing I make a movement of determine nothing, in its eyes I see that them with that no pleasure take.

“I gladly would see that you add nylons, aunt.”

She lays the clothing on the bed and catches from a drawer a couple black kousen, then the towel of its body slides and to see I that she has shaved its kutje. There now still a small hyphen stands her above the poesje. The lipjes to stand open, long cannot enjoy a bit I of it. She twists himself for and draws a slip to, the bh in the same colour covers its superb udders. Then she attracts the bloes and will on the bed to sit attract the kousen. She is for its rather large best complete very agile, just as later she steps in the rokje and as a last she steps in its shoes. Them catches a peak and brings its long haren in a tail at each other on its back. She draws the tail something more tightly as a result of which she gets a strict appearance. With a flask parfum she brings a delicious fragrance on its, then to me and look me tightens himself them with tingling eyes.

“Therefore now precede you do everything for your aunt? Because that had you promised.”

I can nothing do then look at here, she com to me and looks at me tightly.

“That is you but guessed also that you will do that, now you go further with my sleep chamber and you remain everywhere as from. If I finish soon above have you everything in this chamber. The castes stand then at their new place and everything netjes have been clearred. If you that ready do not have get you punish of your aunt. I have wanted punish you always once and that will I today do kind boy, you here asked yesterday and have things had been done who you could not and for that get you in any case punish.”

Them walks away all of a sudden me behind leaving in the sleep chamber, I will rapidly further with the task and care that the castes to their place go. If I net is ready opens the sleep chamber door and comes my aunt the chamber worn in. She lets its head turn around just as and nods then approving.

“That has done you well boy, now you go to your sleep chamber and draw from that your clouts, some what you can apprehend are you slip. Afterwards you go down and pour out in this coffee for me, it puts himself on the table and will beside my chair stand.”

I go to my sleep chamber and appetite from that my kleren, my pitch is possible I almost did not hide to keep in my slip. I go down and pour in the cup of aunt coffee, I run the chamber in and put it on the table and will beside the chair stand. Just as later she comes saying on its chair sit the chamber in run and will something. She catches the cup and brings it slowly to its mouth, of above from I can see the coffee in its mouth sliding. This has a deliciously erotic feeling at me, I feel my pitch still harder become and those end up above the edge of my slip. Aunt puts the empty cup back on the table and will then in the chair sit, I get a beautiful face on its udders which are pressed above the bloes from. Them looks at just as to my slip and opens its mouth, them says nothing and continues very even this way sit.

“Appetite that slipje also but because he is too small hide everything.”

I take off a step reverse and appetite rapidly my slip., looks at aunt and continues enjoying in its chair sit. She catches an illustrated magazine and thumbs there quiet doorheen, if she lays it gone my pitch is still hard. She stands up and will for me to stand, in its eyes see I genot and predominance.

“Boy goes to the attic, you have seen that there a mattress lies and there goes up you your back opliggen. On the bed a cap lies and that move you your head, you stays up everywhere as from and waits to you a task gets.”

She walks away and I go up, on the attic catch I the cap and do which concerning my head. Because of this become only my eyes covers, my nose and mouth remain free. I can see nothing more and will on the mattress lie. This true I always concerning has has been fantasised, I have never found a little girl what these games do savage. In my fantasie my aunt always the most res were. How frequently I manage have come with the picture of my aunt in that clothing which she now also aanheeft is no longer count. Perhaps I open now at last this fantasie to live, just as later I hear the door go. There a small sigh of wind caresses along my body, I hear nothing but feel that there is someone in the chamber. It is a large chamber where a lot in to stand, I have not looked at many spullen to. There were a couple spullen which I have, however, seen, against the wall hangs a large plate with then a number of whips, buoys and other things. On other one the side a couple apparatuss stood, where that for served I did not can see. All of a sudden feel slide I something concerning my udder, it is also rapidly gone. Then I hear the hakken of the pumps of aunt plane beside the mattress to run. Is there that feeling leaves, now it and returns it with hard taps on my udder. It does a beetje pain but I try lie to continue. Then something is gone drawn for my pitch, very just as it does pain but pulls away and makes that place for a violent genot. I have the feeling which I will finish, then becomes there harder to getrokken as a result of which the genot pulls away.

Everything are equal gone, then I hear the shoes plane along my head to slide. There comes what happens movement in the mattress beside my head, very just as there nothing and then I feel that there plane something above my face is.

“Open your mouth boy, sticks out you tongue and let me enjoyed.”

If I my tongue sticks out I the buttocks of my aunt feel come on my face, its wet kutje press them on my tongue. I try its catch legs but right becomes which bit by its firm hands caught and pressed on the mattress with my hands.

“Only your tongue boy, you let lie to the rest ordinary.”

She rubs himself hard concerning my face gone and I hear groan its always harder to start. Then she sits quietly and grips my head tightly between its legs, I get just as total no breath and feel then busy less become and right runs my mouth full with its warm juices. I swallow of it as much as possible, the taste is delicious. She becomes on my face and steps more quietly there then as from, there happen poosje nothing then feel I a hand which bit me catches. I am omhoog drawn and must the one which have me permanently follow, then offence I with my legs against something hard. I am turned and pressed, I come sit on a hard plate. The hand presses slowly me further to the back, I feel touch my back the hard ondergrond. Then my leg is caught and also somewhere on laid, there a couple oars my legs manage. My buttocks lie on the plate but hang separately in the space. My poor becomes beside me and beam attached, around my means rises also an oar. I can no longer move myself my head have support also no and hang separately so that it falls slowly to the back. All of a sudden something is pressed on my nipple, I feel a sharp pain, right weet I that it a type klemmetje is. There latches the hakken on the ground, them stop near my head. Then I feel that the beam where I lie on omhoog go, if I a bit lies higher a harige poes is pressed on my face. Very even I have been astonished but weet right that it the neighbour must be. She rubs its kut firmly concerning my face, I taste its juices which flow concerning my face.

It does not last this way complete long for I to together drawing its kutje that she will come ready. The moment she comes she grips hard with its legs against my face. I cannot move myself and feel its kut entirely empty flow, I have had already once a little girl who could come nicely spouting ready but this woman does it still much improves. The juices ensure that I drown almost. Slowly she leaves my head separately and I lick every drop, where I am possible at, with taste. Then she walks away and is it quiet in the space, all of a sudden the table moves. He makes a complete battle as a result of which I turn and with my face to the ground bowl to hang. My body draws in the oars but these do no pain. The beams where my legs on to lie go all of a sudden further from each other, I have the feeling which I lie open now entirely. My poor goes also further from each other, for my feeling I lie as an animal what line must become will. This strange feeling provides me a hard pitch which can every moment explode, I feels a cold wet fluid concerning my buttocks run. It presses a bit my kontgaatje in, the feeling is celestially and deep groan I donot can oppress. The beam goes something to the front down and to the back something further omhoog. Runs a wet flow by means of my buttocks my kontgaatje, it a glorious feeling remains. Then returns the beam and comes weerhangen I horizontally, just as happen there nothing then feel I that of the women between my legs come stand. Without contents itself the woman something presses hard and spectacularly in my buttocks, by the fluid which has been thrown the object enters automatically my bottom. It is the first time that I am anaal taken. Just as continuing the legs against my kont to printed stand then start slowly obtain the woman me with long and hard stoten to take. My pitch hangs hard down. All of a sudden I feel slide something warm around my pile, I feel a gentle tongue slide my pitch and that is surplus for me. Violently shocking I spout my seed strongly in the mouth which sits around my pitch.

If I am uitgespoten leave them my pitch separately, the other woman draws the object from my bottom. I hear the women laugh and feel a strange object concerning my back slide. Very slow the feeling becomes more painful. Then it is gone the women resist beside the beam and look down on me, I hear them groan softly and feel a strange vocht concerning me gone run. Then am everything quietly and lie I quiet at come, the beam moves a bit, to the front he goes further down and my legs enter higher air. Slow going my legs still further from each other, my bottom are open far this way. Something is pushed to within and then feels I a cold jet in me is spouted. I become volgespoten with cold water and then reverse the beam with my legs down, this become a number of times repeat and then continue I with my legs omhoog weerhangen. My pitch has grown and state rapidly forward, I feel there a hand around am laid draw which slowly starts. Then I hear say the neighbour something against my aunt, it goes a lot softly so that I cannot understand what them says. Laughing the women walk back, just as later they income the chamber. The getik of high chop has made for ordinary foot penfoot pen. Becomes that strange object laid on my back. The pain is not there now and slowly passings away the object concerning my back.

A cold ropy jet in my bottom is spouted, it senses gloriously. Then a its hand in my bottom, full of the women, presses, I feel no pain and enjoy this verkrachting. Slow schuift its hand further in me, even seem it them, however, or she until its elbow in sits there. Then she catches something of and withdraws slowly its hand. I feel a strange something of and cannot say what it is, laughing obtain them its hand entirely and walk away then just as. The other woman what the neighbour proves be, goes further with the strange object on my back. My aunt returns and reflects me a hard slap on my buttocks, light I groan oppress of genot cannot. The object of my back lets disappear to the neighbour and catches with its hands something on my back bit and draws slowly. A complete strange feeling crawls concerning my back. I hear groan my aunt softly then catch the neighbour on the other hand something bit and draw there also to just as later feel I the hand of my aunt in my bottom disappear there to end up with something what she has caught within. Laughing she walks away and returns just as later, then late the neighbour me also loose I feel them both stand beside me.

“He starts look forward to there complete nicely kind girlfriend, still even and he can be cooked.”

hear the women talk this way but what them says does not penetrate real to me. My legs still a bit is printed further from each other. There something becomes to within printed in my bottom, with its hand my aunt presses it entirely in me, then she presses its mouth on my buttocks and commitment its cogs there hard. I feel its cogs in my flesh fall, very even late they that sit there then presses them its cogs on each other and takes a mouthful from my buttocks. It in fact pain must do but I feel of it nothing, there a jet concerning my buttocks runs and I suspect that blood is. Aunt catches the object what has used the neighbour and puts that I my buttock seam, with a fast movement draws them it omhoog. The neighbour catches something bit and draws aside I starts suspect that it my skin is the those women of me strips off. Laughing appetites them now on several sides the skin from my body. I am turned and to the front the women do the same. Just as later already my skin eraf is and looks down the women on me according to me. I feel that they come stand concerning me gone and all of a sudden feel I a pair jets on my body fall.

“Mmmmm that is nice, your flesh this way hose mmm gloriously I have hunger kind girlfriend. Foods we him raw or do we will cook him, barges or roast?”

“Say it, it is finally you cousin whom we will eat.”

Just as it is quiet then step the women above me from, I no longer hear them and let everything quietly on me act on. Then I hear the foot penfoot pen, they come the chamber worn in and I am detached. Then four hands catch firmly me bit and impose me somewhere. They lead with me to a scale the space, on the voorzolder I am somewhere laid on and slowly schuif I in very warm surroundings. After a poos I feel a cold flow concern me gone, the scale is drawn from the warm surroundings and is brought to the large space. I with the scale on a table am put and the cap is drawn of my head, just as I look at the eyes of the two women. They turn away himself laughing and will on a chair sit, the women catch a knife and fork of the table and bend themselves concerning me gone. With a couple fast movements a couple plaster from me and lay that on their bord/with much taste start they cut them my eat flesh. If their borden are empty they take a short cut of me. Just as later I am turned so that I ventilate my buttocks in twinge. With large my aunt obtains large of my buttocks of the knife takes a short cut. It falls on its bord. She gives the knife to the neighbour and those take a short cut exactly this way large of my other buttock. Poosje later I am turned and lie on my back with my hard pile right omhoog. The women look at each other then catch the neighbour my pitch and play ball bit and my aunt cuts my pitch and being fed up my body in a movement. The neighbour stops my nipple in its mouth and brings to its mouth direction the mouth of my aunt. She opens its mouth and the neighbour presses my pitch between the lips of aunt who right puts its cogs in flesh and there a piece bites as from. The neighbour bites my nipple eraf and starts which with much taste on chew, after several bites is my talk bullshit and my balls entirely disappeared in the flatulences of the women. Not much later food them the last rests and I have disappeared once and for all in their flatulences.
