Atheism v Religion… My omegle conversation.

Hello, I recently had a long discussion on Omegle. I am the atheist and i just wanted to share this with you all…
Hope you enjoy the read…
Did you know that Jesus died for you?
You: no
You: god doesnt exist
Stranger: :O
You: im an atheist
Stranger: :O
You: i hate religion
Stranger: :O
Stranger: why?
You: are you religious then?
You: its bullshit
You: it has taught us nothing
You: it is made up
Stranger: ok, let me ask you this, if you find a watch in the street, would you assume it has been there forever or someone made it?
You: well depends on how you look at it. technically is has existed forever as in elemental particles. but no, someone made it
Stranger: you can not see a watch maker around, but you can be sure there was a watch maker
You: all of stuff that already exists
You: that is a ridiculous arguement
Stranger: ok
Stranger: someone made it
You: that proves god made the universe?
Stranger: it doesn’t matter out of what
You: of course it does
You: you cannot create energy…
Stranger: my point is those stuff can not make a watch without a watch maker
You: you cannot create elements out of nothing
Stranger: answer my question
You: your metaphor proves that a watchmaker made a watch
Stranger: i’m not talking about energy or creating stuff
Stranger: exactly
You: exactly my point
You: you just deny science
You: what is the watch made out of?
Stranger: you see a watch you know there was a watch maker
You: and deny any other factors?
Stranger: without even seeing him
You: you are sticking to your guns….
You: does that prove god created the universe? or is this the limit of your understanding
Stranger: instead of going from branch to branch just answer my simple question
You: what is your question?
You: ask me again pleasse
Stranger: you see a watch, you know there was a watch maker. is that right?
You: yes
You: of course there is a watch maker
Stranger: ok
Stranger: now
Stranger: how can you see a human body and don’t know that there was a human maker (the body is much more complicated than a watch )
You: right, im going to say this one word which all athiests use, and all religious peolple hate and deny….. ready?….
You: evolution
You: from your argument, god created people right? who created god?
Stranger: why your precious evolution can’t make a watch????
You: well evolution did make the watch didnt it…. people evolved to the point where man can make a watch….
Stranger: your answer is really funny
You: why?
Stranger: so next time you find a watch just say it evolved to a watch and there is no watch maker
You: of course evolution didnt directly make a watch…. i didnt claim that. i said people evolved over millions of years. evolved to the point where it is possible to make a watch
You: i never said there wasnt a watch maker
You: i said there is a watchmaker
Stranger: ok
Stranger: another question
You: ok
Stranger: accepting your evolution
Stranger: where did life come from in the first place?
You: no one knows…. that is why millions of scientists for many many years work towards finding out. Science has taught the earth more in 100 years than religion has in 5000 years. religious people claim a god, with absolutely no proof whatsoever
You: it is the same argument…. where did god come from in the first place?
Stranger: first of all there are proofs, you’re just not listening
You: does religion try to answer that?
You: ok. im listening
Stranger: secondly can you really believe that with al the science and technology advances they don’t know where did life come from????
Stranger: or simply they have no answer because they don’t want to accept god?
You: yes, i do believe that. They are trying to find an answer because they know god doesnt exist. if i ask you a question like 5637×5836….. you dont know what the answer is unless you find out. calculate it. people are trying to find out ‘the big bang’ etc. people who are religious just accept god without question. without proof. has the church ever tried to prove god in any way shape of form?
Stranger: they ar etrying for so many years. the reason they haven’t found the “answer” is because the answer is god and they don’t want to accept it
You: wow
You: is it possible that you dont want to accept that there is no god?
Stranger: why?
Stranger: how do you know that?
You: not every question that has ever been asked can be answer right away. i truly believe that other forms of life will be found in the universe someday. maybe in a thousand years. i also believe that the answer to how the universe will be answered one day by science.
Stranger: that doesn’t quite answer my question: how do you know there is no god?
You: because everything that has ever been claimed by the bible has been disproved by science. just purely by logic and being educated.
You: ok
Stranger: who talked about the bible.
Stranger: i talked about god.
Stranger: you said there is no god.
Stranger: i asked how do you know that.
You: there isnt
Stranger: and you don’t have an answer to that
You: how do you know there is
You: you dont have an answer to say there is
You: it doesnt prove there is a god
Stranger: actually i do
You: do not mention your watch again
You: please… tell me how you know god exists
Stranger: because the universe exists and it has a beginning (big bang)
Stranger: it means it started to exist at some point
Stranger: right?
You: yes
Stranger: so it wasn’t there then it was there
Stranger: it means at some point it was created
You: well, this is the most popular theory to how this happened. science is trying to find the answer to this question
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i said you are not listening
You: how?
Stranger: i just gave you the answer why this universe was created
Stranger: it can not create itself
You: so it was created by god?
Stranger: give me another explanation.
You: who created god?
You: where did god come from? he cannot create himself
Stranger: good question
Stranger: we know that the universe had a beginning
Stranger: so it must have been created
Stranger: but god does not have a beginning, he was always there
Stranger: outside the time domain
You: who told you this?
Stranger: the universe is inside the time domain
You: how do you know that?
Stranger: it is the only possible explanation
Stranger: by logoc
Stranger: logic
You: you know what, my level of understanding cannot comprehend how uneducated and blinded by religion you are. This is ironic because your level of understanding cannot comprehend how anything other than god created the universe. It is quite funny really
Stranger: good argument lol
Stranger: so you don’t have an answer to that
Stranger: nice
You: it was a statement, not a question
Stranger: so you don’t have an alternative to what i told you
Stranger: because it is the only explanation
You: i am sorry stranger, you are wrong.
Stranger: and why is that?
Stranger: enlighten me
You: the universe was created by a pink dog who smokes a pipe and wears a top hat…. there is an alternative. i just made him up. he must have created the universe
Stranger: ok
Stranger: was he always there or was created himself?
Stranger: if he was created himself then we have to find his creator who have always been there (god)
Stranger: if he was always there then he is the god
Stranger: i was talking about the concept of god not his characteristics
Stranger: maybe he is pink maybe not
Stranger: but he is there
Stranger: so it is not an alternative it is just what i said
You: this conversation is ridiculous
You: can i change it slightly… keeping with religion
You: what about other religions? what about religions who believe there are many gods?
You: surely there is only one creator, which you have claimed. why would he create other gods?
Stranger: they are obviously wrong
You: obviously… how?
Stranger: there is only one creator
You: you dont know that. you have been told that by your parents and your church and refuse to accept any other posibility
Stranger: maybe there are other gods but the creator of our universe is one
You: are you still there? it says ‘stranger is typing…’ has been like that for a long time
Stranger: i am not typing
You: oh
You: ok
You: neither of us will convince one another of their arguments
You: can we just talk
You: id like to know more about you
You: how old are you?
Stranger: just answer me this
You: ok
Stranger: with all that i’ve said
Stranger: do you still think there is NOT absolutely a slight chance that a god exists and created the universe?>
You: no, sorry. i don’t. same question back to you….. do you still think there is NOT absolutely a slight chance that god doesnt exist and didnt create the universe?
Stranger: yes there is a slight chance.
Stranger: so what?
You: you asked me, so i asked you back. thats all
You: anyway…. how old are you? i am 24
This was when the stranger left the conversation….

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Anonymous readerReport

2016-03-25 10:20:04
Probably those who believed in God will never come to a conclusion that evolution had created God. I’ve never seen a dog praying. The whole concept of God came because of human ignorance. Imagine before 10000 years if a flood were to come, or a volcano erupted, they wouldn’t know how or why, that happened , hence they all came up with a someone who had done all this, a God, who had the powers to control everything. I’m not against the believers, though. For instance, I like Mickey mouse and love his cartoons, but that doesn’t make him real. As to the Big Bang, the most possible explanation would be that there was a previous universe that collapsed unto itself and the massive energy of gravitation collapsed to give the universe, well before that what happened is nothing of our business.

Anonymous readerReport

2015-01-22 03:36:14
Yay circular logic!

Anonymous readerReport

2014-10-16 22:12:40
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Anonymous readerReport

2014-06-26 18:29:28
What are ‘bad words’?


2013-12-10 14:56:01
It’s so arrogant of people to assume that the universe could only have come about as a result of some sort of human-like intelligence. I believe that the universe is it’s own creator without the intervention of any being but itself. Believing in God is as logical as believing in ghosts.