Angel’s Alien Abduction

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies, HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who “dips his wick” or “rides the rod” without protection.

Angel’s Alien Abduction (mf, Mf, 1st, mc, impreg?)

by Krosis of the Collective

Angel Deen opened her eyes to find herself lying on her back looking at a metal ceiling. She sat up quickly, noting not only that she was in a strange room she had never seen before, but that she was still wearing her cheerleader outfit…where had she been a few minutes ago? Practice? She couldn’t remember.

She stood up from the odd silver spongy mat she had been lying on and surveyed the room…silver colored metal walls, about 20 feet square…a single door and no windows.

“Hello?” she called out. No answer. She had the feeling she was being watched.

Suddenly the door slid open and a large male form was shoved into the room by some unseen force. The door quickly slid closed behind him. He was…

“Max? Oh my God!” Angel ran over to him as her high school classmate collapsed to the floor. His shirt was off but he was still wearing the lower half of his football uniform. She couldn’t help but notice his muscly and hairless manscaped chest as she helped him stagger over to the mat.

The young man looked confused. “Max?” he asked. He looked down at himself. “Holy shit!”

“What’s wrong?” Angel asked, concerned.

Max looked up at her. “I’m in Max’s body! This…is…awesome!” He beamed at her.

She took a step back. What the hell was going on here?

“It’s…Cassandra, right?” Max (not Max?) asked.

She looked hurt. “No…Angel!” Max knew who she was…they had never dated or anything, but they flirted off and on.

“No, Angel’s blonde. Oh shit, did they do it to you, too?” Max got unsteadily to his feet and directed her to a shiny wall.

Angel looked at her cheerleading rival Cassandra’s face looking back at her from the reflective surface. It couldn’t be…

She reached back and untied her ponytail. Sure enough, Cassandra in the mirrored surface did the same, and brunette hair fell into her line of sight. She took a handful to make sure…yes, definitely Cassandra’s hair!

“Oh my God!” Now she realized something that had been bothering her, but it had been a very tiny worry compared to the giant one of being kidnapped and in a strange, unknown place. Her voice wasn’t quite right, but now she realized it was because it was Cassandra’s voice!

Now it was her turn to sag onto the mat. “Um…um…” What the hell was happening here?

Max knelt down beside her. “Err…I’m Jerry Booth…”


“I…tutored you in math earlier this year? Our parents are friends from when they went to school together…we take several classes together…”

Angel’s head was swimming. “Oh…sorry, Terry…I’m…kinda fucked up right now.”


“Whatever…” Angel looked at her arms and realized that they weren’t quite right. She could see Cassandra’s darker arm hair, and a freckle she herself didn’t have on her forearm. She was in Cassandra’s body! “How?”


Angel screeched at the sudden auditory intrusion, which seemed to be coming from all around them.

The volume dropped: “You have been chosen for an important experiment. We are not of your world, and have used our advanced technology to swap your primitive minds with two of your peers.” The voice was oddly stilted.

“Why would you do that?!” Angel cried to the air. “I want my own body back!”

“Speak for yourself,” she heard Max/whatshisname mutter.

“You will be restored to your proper flesh sacks in due time,” the strange voice continued. “First, the experiment.”

“No! You let us go now!” Angel was on her feet by this point, shouting.

There was no response.

“Hello?!” she called.

The voice continued, “Using your borrowed bodies, you will perform coitus. When you have both achieved completion you will be freed.”

Angel was confused. “Perform? I’m not in the drama club!”

Max (or whoever) snorted, and she looked at him. She didn’t like the look on his borrowed face as he leered at her.

“Coitus means sex,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“Oh!” She recoiled from him. “No! We won’t!” she called out.

Again there was no response.

They waited. Still nothing.

“Hello?” she once again called out to thin air.

Terry…no, Larry?…started to stretch his body this way and that, tensing up his muscles.

Angel found it worriedly distracting. “What are you doing?”

“Testing my new body out,” he replied. “Boom!” He flexed his arms, causing his biceps to bulge in a sexy, masculine fashion.

Angel had always found Max sexy, so this was problematic. She could feel herself getting wet watching this geek strut around in her crush’s hot body like that. She tried to remember what the nerd’s real body looked like…skinny, limp brown hair, poor complexion…? It seemed right.

She needed to distract herself. “So, um…what is it like outside of this room?” She headed toward the door.

He paused. “Oh…there’s another room just like this one next door. I woke up and then something grabbed me and shoved me in here.”

“Did you see what it was?” She was examining the door now. It had no handle or any other way she could see of opening it.

He seemed perplexed. “No…weird…maybe the aliens have mind powers?”

The door had slid open and closed earlier. She tried pushing her hands flat against the door and dragging sideways, but it wouldn’t move.

Warm hands touched her shoulders and she jumped. Quickly twisting around, she whacked Not-Max’s hands away.

“Hey! I’m just trying to help,” he said.

“Trying to help yourself,” she retorted. She examined the walls and came up with no ideas on how to get out of there. Finally, she plopped herself back down on the mat. Not-Max sat down next to her, too close.

She scooted her butt away from him a couple of feet and crossed her arms. “We’re going to wait.”

Time passed. Angel couldn’t tell how long because she didn’t have her phone but it seemed like a long time. Not-Max kept flexing and stretching, and she couldn’t help but watch, not only because she was attracted to his borrowed body, but because she was bored.

She wondered why her current body didn’t feel much different from her own, but Cassandra was another fit cheerleader, with a similar build and body type, which is one reason why they were such bitter rivals. Then she had a thought. “Hey, where’s my real body?” she asked the ceiling.

A moment later one of the walls turned into a split screen, one half showing a skinny geek and the other showing herself!

She approached the screen. Their counterparts were in similar rooms, but separate from each other.

“Dude!” the geeky-looking guy on the screen shouted out to the air. “Dude!”

‘Yep, that’s Max,’ Angel thought. She looked at ‘herself’.

“Helloooo…! Don’t you know who I am?” Cassandra-in-her-body called out haughtily to nobody.

‘Snooty bitch!’ thought Angel. Then she realized that half-naked Not-Max was right next to her, also watching the screen…she could feel the heat from his body and her arm hairs stood on end from the closeness of him.

She was very horny, her real body was safe, and she was in control of stupid Cassandra’s. She realized that if she did what the aliens wanted and they were recording it, it would look like Cassandra was having sex with the geek in Max’s body, not her.

She turned to him. “Do you have a condom?”

Not-Max patted his tight football pants. No pockets…of course he didn’t.

She was pretty sure she was ovulating right now…she didn’t want to get pregnant! Then she mentally kicked herself…she wasn’t in her own body! She wouldn’t have to care about the consequences of unprotected sex…

…but Cassandra would, after they switched back. Hmm…

“Okay, let’s do it,” she said to her fellow captor as she pushed him back to the squishy mat.

“Really?” his face lit up as he sat back down.

She unfastened his pants and yanked them and his jock strap down, freeing his hard dick. She was impressed with the size…she figured it was about 7 1/2 inches, and nicely thick.

She unfastened her skirt and pulled her (Cassandra’s) soaking wet underwear down and off. Then she removed her top and bra, noting that Cassandra used the same type of bra she had, and their boobs were of a similar size and shape. They really were a lot alike.

Not-Max’s eyes were bugging out at the sight of the sexy naked cheerleader. She climbed onto his lap and grabbed his cock, lining it up with her sex. In short order she was sinking her hot, wet pussy down onto the (probably) virgin’s borrowed dick.

“Oh shittt…” he gasped at the pleasurable sensation.

Angel was a little disappointed. A cock of that size would have been difficult to accommodate in her own body but in Cassandra’s it felt like it wasn’t very big at all. The slut’s pussy was probably all loose from fucking half the football team, she figured.

She ground her pelvis into his to get some friction on her clit, and that helped. Soon she was bouncing up and down, getting a good rhythm, and then…

“Uhhh! Unhhh!” The inexperienced geek in a stud’s body could take no more, and he started to blow his load inside her.

There was a moment of reflexive panic on her part, but then she remembered that it was Cassandra’s unprotected cunt that was getting that load of cum, not hers. “Ha!” she snickered. “Yeah, let it all out!”

The goober flopped onto his back and was done. Angel tried to keep the rhythm going but Not-Max pushed her off. ‘Typical man,’ she thought.

“Well?” she called out to the room. “Put me back in my own body!”

There was no response.

Not-Max spoke up. “Um, I think they said we both had to ‘reach completion’.”

“What does that mean?” Angel turned back to Barry (Terry?) but he wasn’t on the mat anymore, even though she could have sworn that he was there a second ago.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned. He was on her other side, though still kneeling on the mat. How had he gotten there?

“You have to cum too,” he said, turning her away and pushing her forward.

“Whoa!” she called out as she landed on all fours. ‘He suddenly got a lot more confident for someone who just had sex for the first time,’ she thought.

She tried to get up but Not-Max clambered up behind her and grabbed her hips. She could feel the tip of his once again hard cock poking at her borrowed puss.

“Okay, then…” She reached back and assisted the boy to penetrate her again.

This new position was definitely more pleasurable. She bent forward more to allow his dick to touch parts of her (Cassandra’s) vagina that had been neglected when she was riding him.

He grabbed her hips tighter and started to pound her hard.

“Goddamn!” she cried out. She would never have thought the little twerp would have it in him!

Soon she was getting close, and Not-Max seemed to be getting ready to deliver his second load of cum. She looked over at stupid Cassandra on the wall screen, alone in that room, not realizing what was happening to her perfect little body at that very moment. She wondered if Cassandra was ovulating too? That would explain why she got so wet so easily.

There was already a load of potent teenaged sperm inside her, all those virile little swimmers searching for Cassandra’s defenseless egg. Another wave was coming…she had taken health class, so she knew that if she orgasmed with all that seed inside her, then that would give her the best chance at getting her cheerleading rival knocked up.

She was almost there…almost…

She imagined fit, slim Cassandra, her cheerleading outfit tight against her rounded belly, not understanding why she was gaining weight even though she had a strict diet and regular exercise. She felt her (Cassandra’s) boobs swinging forward and back below her as Not-Max rammed into her, huffing as he got closer to his finish. She imagined those boobs as they got bigger over the next few months, filling up with milk for her unexpected passenger…

“Unhh! Arhh!” Not-Max cried out as he slammed his cock home.

Angel felt that dick expand inside her, and then a throbbing, spreading warmth. Then she came, hard. “Ohhh! Uaahhh! Oh Goooodddd…”

Not-Max pulled out none-too-gently. Angel lost consciousness.

“So she can’t hear us anymore, Mr. Best?”

Bob Best pulled his underwear and pants back up. “No, Jerry, she won’t register anything until I give her the trigger phrase.”

He surveyed the sports equipment room, 20 feet square, with no windows and a single door. The prone blonde form of Angel Deen was on a stack of wrestling mats, bent forward with her butt in the air, two loads of potent sperm soaking into her unprotected cervix.

Jerry handed the man a stack of bills.

“Pleasure doing business with you, Jerry,” said Bob. Well, the business of pleasure, he amended to himself.

Jerry looked down at the insensate Angel. “It’s ironic that I earned that money tutoring her,” he said. “She just never cared enough to remember my name. Well, we’ve probably left her with something she’ll never forget!” He paused for a moment, capturing the scene to memory, and then he turned and left the room.

Bob was quite proud of the scenario he had concocted with Jerry’s help and some pointed questions once they had managed to mesmerize the sexy blonde cheerleader: an alien abduction scenario to give everything an unreal quality, her crush on handsome football player Max, a bodyswap for Jerry with him, and her with her fierce rival, all culminating into her desire to hurt the other girl and not caring about the consequences. Well, the consequences were hers now, and she was a real piece of work so he didn’t feel bad about it.

He hadn’t counted on Jerry shooting off so quickly, but some fast thinking had him taking over “Max’s body” in her mind for some “sloppy seconds” in an otherwise tight teenaged pussy.

He pulled out his phone and took a few pics for his collection. Then he instructed Angel to forget Jerry and him, and to only remember the alien abduction as a dream.

After asking her to not open her eyes until she counted to 100, he slipped from the room and her awareness.

Author’s note: Surprise! It’s a Suggestible story!