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Earth, the year is 2030. following the radically destructive events caused by men throughout the ages, women have successfully taken over the world. the surface is a utopia with advanced technology, space travel, and NO BIOLOGICAL MEN!

Women choose men to mate with to conceive children, children go through early schooling together but at around age eight boys start to become more and more scarce as they become masculine, however if a boy feels more like he should be a girl, and his mother and father both agree, the child can begin the sex change process to become a female citizen. However, once a boy reaches puberty, he is sent underground to be schooled with his kind, in the caves of Androville, where the all male sub-society lies, where the strong verile men get recognized by women to become breeders while the weak unsuccessful males must live lives of submissive servitude, pledging devotion to their male overlords in many ways, from castration to full on sex changes in order to please real men.

My name is Christina, birth name Christopher. i currently live in Androville, but hope some day to join my sisters on thesurface. I went to school with all the girls for a long time, between third and fourth grade, about half of the boys in my class were sent to Androville, and every year passed more and more would leave. but every year there would be several new girls in class to. I always considered taking the gender switch option, stay with the women, live a beautiful peacefullife with the girls, but as most of my friends were at peace with their futures in Androville, I decided I was too. so at the age of 13 I was deemed “too masculine for the surface, and I was going to have to either move in with my father in Androville, or declare my womanhood and move in with my mother. (while in school we live away from our parents with biweekly visits) I originally opted to be a girl but I would need approval from my parents. my father would never let his only son become a “sissy” and my mother knew that. Now a mother can override a father’s vote with the pledged support of other family, but with great respect for democracy, my mother sided with my father. I was to be a boy, and someday perhaps a man.

My arrival in Androville was met with a marked change in environment. it’s more rural, and simple than I had been used to. I lived on a halfway farm designed to divide boys into their new roles in the male community. primarily there were the two central classifications: the virile and masculine Alphas, nicknamed stallions, and the meek and intellectual Betas, nicknamed sissies. Later in life sissies, have the option of late stage sexual reorientation. where a guy takes hormones, grows breasts, and if necessary surgeries to make them aesthetically, and if they so desire, sexually a woman. a sissy could then pass a series of tests to return to the surface but only if they could prove their intellectual value, that shouldn’t be hard, I’m a genius, but I love my father, anything that would disappoint him would simply devastate me, so I have trouble making the big decision. I have been cross-dressing and fagging about for a few years now, but I can’t think of a way to tell my dad how I live my life. it’s a daily struggle, but I distract myself with all the pleasures Androville offers that the surface simply can’t. nonstop sex with hot alpha studs. see men get to sleep with women very rarely, this leaves long dry periods for most guys, who for sexual release, come to me. I’m what’s known as a rent boi, I live in an apartment where this transactions with horny customers takes place. in the morning I am to be in my box at six o’clock, and I can’t leave until I reach my self set goal. the lower you set your goal, the less time you have to spend pleasing men, but you may not make enough to stay alive unless you really put your work I’m in their for ten hours a day, six am, to six pm, with two one hour breaks. ten hours a day on my knees and on all fours sucking jizz out of real men. I’m the best at what I do, no other gurl puts in as many hours as I do, and do you want to know why? because I care about the art form. I love pleasing men, everything about it, from the beauty of their erect penis as they poke it through my glory hole, to the feeling of warm jizz landing wherever my john wants to dump it, by the end of the day I’ve usually been covered head to toe at least once. most gurls shower it off each time, but I leave it till it gets cold, I want to bask in my good works as long as I can. Johns all pay a fee based on how they with to spend their time with us, a gloryhole is the cheapest, just 15 dollars an hour. to be in a room with me though is where the real money starts. we set our own oundaries and get paid based on how much we can stand. the most you could offer is complete submission, and that’s 300 dollars an hour, but I’m not always in the mood for that, I can afford to sit on my knees most of the time and still make quota just because I can do it for so long and so well. however I must say, the times I have truly submitted myself, have been the most enjoyable experiences of my life. I meet lots of interesting sexy guys and eat load after load of their cum. but I never expected to meet Jim.

the sexy story continues in part two, please stay tuned.