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Ally’s Sleepover

Ally’s Sleepover
So it all started with the annual family reunion. My relatives flock once a year to someone’s house for a weekend and partake in festivities or something like that. The only good thing about having it at our house this year is that I would not have to go anywhere; I could seclude myself in my room and ride out the weekend. But other than that, it sucked. Who the hell likes a bunch of people roaming around their house; family or not it gets annoying real quick. At least I wouldn’t be inconvenienced by having to move out of my room since my room in the attic is the most undesirable. Unlike that of my older sister who’s giant room is located on the first floor in what I call prime location for pesty family members.
So the day finally arrives…Friday. All guests arrive and are accounted for. They immediately pounce upon my home territory and infest the area…so to speak. I quickly retreat to my bedroom of solitude. I keep myself busy, music, homework, messing around on the computer, usual stuff. Then comes a knock at the door, and my sister peeps her head in.
“Hey lil bro…guess what”
“What?” I hesitantly question.
“Mom said I have to bunk up here for the weekend since aunt Sara and her husband are with their newborn son. It’s best if they have my entire room for privacy” she quipped.
“You’ve got to be kidding…have you seen the size of my bed” I said hinting to the fact that it’s a single not meant to fit two people.
“Ohh grow up and stop being so selfish…it’s only three nights, I think you’ll survive”
She replied throwing her knapsack of stuff on the floor. Clearly there was no getting out of this, she was here to stay.
Now, I have nothing against by sister, she’s 21 I’m 19 and we have the type of relationship every other brother and sister on the face of the earth share…we hate each other’s guts. We’re constantly getting on each other’s nerves. She’s always teasing me about my way too slender physique and I always retort with some insult against her looks, which obviously was not true. Recently we were maturing some and getting along like a brother and sister should. I first noticed her beauty when I was now turning into a man. She has the most beautiful blonde hair, framing her angelic face. She’s such a bitch because she knows what she has and she uses it… always wearing tight tees so her pert breasts are always on your mind when in her company. And when she wears skirts…it drives me crazy…she has the smoothest tan legs that go on forever leading up to the tightest ass.
So there I was…stuck…having to sleep in the same bed as my sister for three nights. Sister or not she was a hot girl and I knew that there would be problems.
With the topic at hand on my mind constantly the day went by pretty quickly. It was around 10pm when I saw my sister again. She had been out entertaining the family. I was working on a paper on the computer when she came in.
“I’m going to take a shower and get ready for bed”
I nodded, acting as if I didn’t care, when in fact I had been dreading nighttime whole day. I sat there nervous as hell and before I knew it, she was back and was I shocked. My big sis blowed my mind when she walked in wearing the tightest red tee-shirt, her breasts perfectly outlined giving me a pretty good idea of their size, and the shortest pink cotton short pants ever made, the contours of her ass filling out the garment incredibly. I can only assume that was her regular sleeping attire because she waltzed in as though nothing was wrong about the situation. As expected, the sight of her started stirring up certain things in my nether regions. Without a word she hopped into bed and under the covers. It was really a shame that I had already taken a shower or else I could quickly rub one out and my problems would be solved, although the act of performing the deed in a house full of people who could walk in the bathroom at anytime was a bit risky. If only there was a way for me to do it somewhere up here where no one would bother me but with my sister right there it was impossible.
So to avoid my problem all together I rolled out my blanket on the floor near to my bed and grabbed my pillow. Noticing me removing my pillow Ally got up and looked over to see what I was up to.
“James…don’t be silly. There’s no need for all of that, there’s more than enough room here for both of us.” she said motioning me as she raised the cover proving that there was sufficient space.
“No, its OK, I’m fine down here…really”
“James don’t be a fool, this is your room after all, you should be able to sleep in your own bed. Now stop acting like a baby and get in here.” she said, almost furiously this time.
Not wanting to really piss her off I hesitantly agreed and climbed in, keeping as much to the edge of the bed as possible I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes hoping to god to fall asleep as quickly as possible. Seeing my obvious discomfort, almost falling out of the bed, Ally still not satisfied grabbed me by the arm and pulled me nearer the center where she was.
“There…this isn’t so bad…now go to sleep” she scolded.
She turned her back to me and did as she instructed and went to sleep. I however could not. There I was lying in bed next to my scantly clad sister, with a raging hardon just under the sheets. I for the life of me could not get rid of this thing. I tried thinking of everything holy and unsexy and still this tent post persisted. I tossed and turned trying my best to keep my distance from Ally as to not allude to my problem. I finally fell asleep about an hour later with my hardon still intact.
It was early morning when I was awoken by a soft moaning. As my senses became clearer I realized that Ally was slightly moaning…nothing extremely erotic but still arousing. I was oblivious as to what was turning her on when to my horror I realized our position. I was practically in spooning position with her. My erect member nestled between her firm ass cheeks. Every once in a while she would gently rub her ass against my dick and let out a soft moan. I was still so shocked I didn’t know what to do.
“Did she know what she was doing?, Was she awake?, What the hell am I going to do?” were all the thoughts running through my mind.
All this and the pleasure it provided, the great feeling of having my dick pressed against Ally’s tight behind, it was all too much. I abruptly jumped out of bed and dashed out the door never looking behind to see if I had awoken Ally. Since it was still early in the morning no one else was awake, I locked myself in the bathroom and tried to come to terms with what had just happened. I then noticed that my dick was still pitching a tent and figured I’d take care if this right now. I buried my hand in my boxers and almost jumped as my cold hands took grasp of my sturdy pole. I began stroking my dick with so many thoughts running through my head, of my sister, in her tight top, shorts, her taut stomach, firm round ass grinding into my dick. When all of a sudden…
“James I need to pee, hurry up!”
It was Ally, she had gotten up. I hurriedly packed my dick back into my boxers without relief. Opening the door I kept a straight face trying not to lead Ally on to what I had been doing in the bathroom.
“All yours Ally” I said as I brushed pass her.
I figured I’d finish up in my bedroom while she was in the bathroom, but sadly just a couple minutes later she was back up in my room before I was able to start anything, or finish for that matter.
“James mom said that we had to take out Aunt Susan and Sara for the entire day. They’re planning a surprise birthday for them and want them out of the house.” My aunts were fraternal twins you see.
“Sure Ally, let me just jump in the shower and we’ll be good to go”
“Ok, but don’t lock the door, we have guests and have to remember that we’re sharing a bathroom” she replied with a somewhat coy grin on her face.
There was no way that I could relieve myself with an unlocked door, it was too risky, and so a cold shower would have to do. My cold shower helped a little in subsiding my problems, but still the thoughts were running through my mind. As I headed out to the car I was greeted by my two aunts and Ally who still had a sly grin over her face. Ally was wearing a tight pair of ripped jeans that showed the perfect shape of her ass, nice and perky and a size too small shirt with the top button unbuttoned giving a nice view of her cleavage. What I would give to cup those pert creatures in my palm. They weren’t huge by any means but more to my likings small, round and to attention. I rushed for the backseat when Ally announced she wanted to drive. The more out of my sight she was…the better.
After a full day of discomfort it was time to go home. I once again headed for the backseat when my aunt stopped me and said she would rather the back for more space if I didn’t mind. I couldn’t just tell her no so I headed to the front…shotgun alongside Ally. I sat down and waited for Ally to get in. She was standing outside the car right by the driver’s door on the phone. Then I noticed that through one of the rips in the jeans I could see some blue. It was her panties. This drove me crazy; one miniscule piece of color peeking out of the jeans…it was ridiculous how much this turned me on. When she turned around the situation went from bad to worse because though the front rips I could see her beautifully tanned legs, even though the rips weren’t huge its what they left for the imagination that got my loins stirring again.
“Eyes front big boy” teased my sister.
“Had she caught me staring at her legs?” I thought to myself in a panic.
I tried to keep my eyes on the dashboard the entire time but found myself peeking over trying to catch a glimpse down Ally’s shirt. Her breasts filled them out so well, pressing against the top button, almost begging to be freed. All this did little to help my predicament; luckily I was wearing a baggy pair of pants that could conceal my growing hardon. When we got home everyone enjoyed the party, except for me of course who had one thing on my mind.
As the night wound down I announced that I was off to take a shower and hit the sack. Again I was warned by my sister with a grin on her face.
“Don’t forget James, don’t lock the door”
I was furious but obliged as to not draw attention to my situation. When I got out of the bathroom I headed to my bedroom, only to find my sister showing my uncle some ridiculous shit on the computer. She left him there and went to shower.
“Hey Jimmy, just keep Uncle Simon company for a while won’t you.” She quipped as she passed me.
Simon was reading some article on the web, I was so frustrated, the exact reason I hated having people in my house, you could never get a moment to yourself. So I got into bed and just laid there. Ally returned about half an hour later thankfully in a robe.
“Hey uncle Simon, aunt Sara asked if you could watch the baby while she took a bath” smirked Ally as Simon left the room.
“Once again James… its you and me” said Ally as she disrobed.
This time she simply floored me. Tonight she was wearing the familiar tight top, no bra evidenced by her protruding nipples, and the sexiest pair of black bikini cut panties I had ever seen. These displayed her tanned legs that I was earlier fighting to see hidden by the ripped jeans to their full extent. My god those legs, leading right up to the cut of her black panties which covered her mound with no great discrepancy. I could clearly make out the form of her lips against the surface of the material.
“I hope you don’t mind, its just that this attic can get so warm at night I’d rather be cool and comfortable” she explained.
Before I had time to think Ally was in bed beside me. After about ten minutes of staring at the ceiling Ally broke the silence.
“Hey James, could you just hold me for a while, just till I fall asleep, I’m accustomed to falling asleep with my giant teddy behind cuddling me. I know it sounds stupid but it takes me forever to fall asleep and clearly he can’t fit in this bed with us.”
“Umm…I don’t think that’s such a good idea Ally, it’ll feel weird.” I stammered.
“Come on James I just want some help to fall asleep, come on… a help out kinda guy”
I figured her falling asleep as fast as possible would be best. So I agreed and position myself behind her and draped my hand over her.
“Closer…I need to feel you!” she pestered.
I shuffled closer trying not to jab her in the ass with my dick. She held my arm and pulled it over her chest and let out a satisfactory sigh. After a couple minutes she began moving around restlessly and moved back just a little. As little as she moved back, it was enough for her to back her panty clad ass right into my protruding dick.
“MMmmm…that’s what I’ve been looking for” she sighed, pushing her ass back more so my hardon was grazing up right against it.
“Ally…what are you doing?!?” I protested.
“Ohh come on James, you know you love this…probably even more than I do.”
With that she started grinding her firm behind more vigorously against my erection.
“What are you talking about? This is so wrong” I said all the while panicking.
“ why does it feel so right.” She moaned.
By this time I too was reveling in the shared pleasures of a firm ass pressed against my hard cock.
“Ohh…mmm….Ally…we shouldn’t”
“Don’t you worry about a thing sweetie, why do you think I’ve been preventing you form masturbating whole day?”
“What?!?” I questioned…somewhat puzzled.
“So I can have this nice rock hard cock to rub up against.” She cooed holding my palm and placing them over her breasts and then squeezing my hands down on them.
“Wha..mmm…we can’t do this Ally!” I relentlessly protested.
“Ohh James, don’t play shy with me now…I saw you earlier staring at my breasts in the car…and this morning was such a fabulous way to wake up…you prick lodged in my ass”
Finally the ecstasy was too much…I began to give in. I put my hand on Ally’s hip, and ground my dick into her ass gently.
“Ohh yeah….that’s it sweetie” she moaned.
This just turned me on more. She stirred and moved back against me. Leaving my one hand grasping on her firm breast Ally reached behind and without turning around grabbed my boxers and attempted to remove them. She only got so far when I helped out and just pulled them off. I lay there naked, fully aroused, and started shuffling my way back to my previous position. I gently nudged my dick up into her ass again, pressing into her panties.
Her erotic moaning got louder as she started to remove that tight tee all the while grinding into my erection. There we lay, me naked and her in just her panties. I lifted my head so I could see her breasts. She had kicked the covers off so they were exposed. She looked to be a B-cup or slightly bigger, and I was glued to the sight of them. The thought of her lying naked next to me, or at least mostly naked, made my really horny. I gently thrust into her ass, and again, and I began humping her ass through her panties. The smoothness of the material against my dick was magical. I felt myself near the breaking point as my gyrations and hers became more in sync and faster when she suddenly stopped and reached behind and grabbed my dick. It was the first woman to take hold of my penis and it felt soo good. Her warm hands clasped tightly around my rigid cock.
“Wait Jimmy…not yet I want to save this big boy”
Startled and confused I was in so much turmoil as the result of this action.
“I want you soo bad James, I’m so wet for you…but I had so much fun teasing you that I just want one more day.” she said.
“What do you mean Ally?, I thought you wanted this” I replied very puzzled at her actions.
“I do baby…ooohh you have no idea how much I want it but I just want to make a little deal with you…so here goes…I want you to wear my itty bitty panties the entire day tomorrow and then after the long painful day…I’m all yours for the night…you can do with me what you want.” she explained.
“What…why??” I replied.
“The thought of your big hard cock confined in my panties is as much a turn on for me as it will be for you wearing them…I promise. One more thing Jimmy…you have to promise that you don’t masturbate and cum till you’re with me tomorrow.”
The thought of her black panties was an enormous turn on…and then having her tomorrow night…how could I resist.
“Ok Ally…I’ll wear them…and I promise…no masturbating” I told her.
“Ok…good…now…as much as I’d like to continue I think that’s enough hanky panky for tonight…it’ll just make tomorrow night that much better.” replied Ally as she turned to face me and cuddled up close…real close…so that my still erect dick was pressed against her side.
“Good night sweetie”
“Good night Ally”
After some time I fell asleep with my half naked sister in my arms. A couple hours later I got up…it was very early morning around… 1am and I was still with my throbbing penis. I opened my eyes to see Ally staring back at me.
“Hi” she said with a smile.
“Hi” I replied.
She then reached under the covers and was fumbling around doing something.
Then, this innocent looking girl draped her leg over me so she was straddling one of my legs. She pulled herself as close to me as possible, which meant that her breasts pressed against my chest, but I could also feel the slight prickliness of her pubic hair against the side of my leg, she must have removed her panties. I could tell that she had recently shaved and the stubble had now begun to grow in. All these sensations I was experiencing at once was not common for me, here I was and a beautiful girl warming my leg with her pussy. Ally placed her head in the nape of my neck and shut her eyes. We stayed in this position for about five minutes before Alana began to squirm on top of me. At first, I thought she was going to get off me and I was more than disappointed, but, she was merely repositioning herself. She lay her head down on my shoulder and presumably went to sleep.
“How could she leave me in this position? I will never be able to get to sleep” I thought to myself figuring out that it was all part of her teasing game.
So I somehow found myself back to sleep and about and hour or two later I felt some shuffling around. I opened my eyes to see a panty clad ass leaving the room…Ally had apparently put her clothes on and went to the bathroom. When she returned I was asleep again. Another couple hours later I myself needed to use the facilities, I awoke and went off. It was around 5am when I returned to see my sexy sibling sound asleep on the bed. Feeling bold…I felt it was my turn to tease a little. I approached and sat beside to her on the bed. I slowly pulled the covers off her to reveal her beautiful body…those sexy panties and tight top. I ran my fingers along her smooth toned legs going up to her mound. When I reached the valley between her legs I traced out the folds of her vagina through the smooth black silk. This led to slightly rubbing her pussy through her panties that were slowly becoming damp. As my actions became more vigorous it was apparent to me that Ally was waking up and getting her senses because she started moaning. When I looked at her she had a smile on her face. When she finally awoke she took the hand that I was using on her and brought it up to her face and slowly began to suck on my index finger.
“You’ve been a naught boy…and look what you’ve done to your panties…there’re all wet now…well I guess you still have to wear them.”
That being said, she sat up pulled the covers over her and removed her panties under them.
“I want to save the prize for the main event tonight” she said bringing her hands back over the covers holding the damp garment which gave off a heavenly aroma.
“Now… stand up” Ally instructed.
I did as I was told and got on my feet…my bouncing cock staring Ally right in the face. Her eyes lit up as a quiet smile emanated from her face. With the covers still wrapped around her slender waist, Ally dropped to her knees and lifted my foot.
“These are tight enough to keep the big boy in place.”
Without missing a beat she started pulling the panties up my legs reaching my swollen member. She continued and just pulled the soft material over my throbbing cock which stuck out the top awkwardly. Ally let out a soft giggle obviously amused at the sight of her black silk panties holding my dick I such a way. She slipped her hand inside the panties, grabbed my penis and pushed it down between my legs. It was a snug fit but felt soo good, the wetness of Ally’s juices still present giving the experience a slick feel. The smooth silk pressed against my engorged penis was pure ecstasy and Ally’s lingering finger tracing the shape of my member on the material helped a little.
“My my…you’re gonna have a troublesome day…you better wear some baggy pants…and I hope you haven’t forgot we’re watching a movie this evening with the rest of the family…its part of the whole family weekend extravaganza” Ally teased as she went to take a bath all wrapped up in the covers preventing me any sight of her sexy toned body.
The whole day was so torturous with Ally prancing around in a short skirt the entire day teasing me by letting me steal glances up her leg to reveal her pink thong clinging to her pussy…her slit clearly visible, when no one was around. As this happened numerous times during the day my penis would stretch…fighting against the tight fabric And when no one was looking she would grab the waistline of my panties and pull on them tightening their grip on my hardon. We took the folks to the park and Ally had a grand time, walking in front of me swaying her sweet shapely ass from side to side knowing damn well that she was driving me crazy. She slowed down allowing our folks to walk further up leaving Ally and myself some distance behind.
“I bet you’ve got a raging hard-on right about now.” She reached down quickly and grabbed my penis through my jeans causing me to jump a little. She sighed softly proudly, rubbing my form roughly through the sheer fabric.
“Looks like someone’s enjoying my panties” she giggled very well aware of the power she had over me.
After the park we went to the mall for an hour or two because my aunts wanted to do some shopping. We were on the second floor when we decided to leave and all headed towards the elevator. As we all piled in I headed to the back corner of the elevator and Ally rushed right in front of me. As we waited for the others to get in Ally leaned back and moved her butt into me. Her sweet ass covered in a short skirt was pressed against my hardon through my jeans and silk panties. She began to rotate her ass as she ground it into my groin. I couldn’t believe this was happening with so many people around…not that I was complaining because the feeling was unbelievable and the fact that it was in a public space made me even more hornier…if that was at all possible.
As we made our way home so many thoughts were running through my mind…so much anticipation for tonight. All I had to do was get through a movie with the folks and then it was party time. After dinner we all made our way into the living room I plopped down in my lazy boy chair at the back and waited for them to start the movie.
“James could you help your sister bring down the other couch from upstairs so we could all fit” asked my aunt.
“No need for that aunty…I’ll just share the lazy boy with Jimmy here…I doubt that he’ll mind” Ally quickly chimed in. When everyone was ready Ally started the movie and made her way over to me. She plopped herself right down on my lap as the movie got going. Fifteen minutes into the movie I found myself adjusting my position…Ally stopped me as my throbbing penis was lodged right in-between the cheeks of her ass.
“Right there…” she whispered in my ear.
So I did as I was told no matter my discomfort.
As we watched the show, I could feel Ally wiggling her hips putting more pressure on my cock. Feeling a bit daring, I slid my hand over her lap and between her legs. I was rubbing her upper leg much to her excitement. I moved my hand slowly up her skirt to find her thong soaking wet. I detected her aroma emanating from her juices and it was magnificent. Throughout the movie we remained like this…my panty clad dick lodged in Ally’s ass and my fingers buried under her skirt. When the movie was over I wasted no time rushing to my room Ally close behind me. She locked the door behind her and started at me with lust filled eyes. Without saying a word Ally reached under her skirt and removed her now soaking thong.
“Just give me one minute” Ally bargained as she made her way to the closet. A few minutes later she returned.
There she stood…in all her beauty, gorgeous female body in nothing but a blue baby doll nighty and fresh pair of blue panties.. Ally walked towards me her beautiful firm breasts pulling the sheer gown across her pink erotic nipples. She grabbed me by the arm and stood me up. She could have kissed me then herself, but I could see that she wanted me to make the first move. So I did. our faces moved closer until our lips touched. Then she slipped her tongue into my mouth and I did the same to her. We stayed like that for at least a minute, before we broke for air. I used both hands to brush her bangs away from her face so I could see her face. Our eyes locked and I could see more than just lust burning in hers. She licked her lips and that was all I needed to see before I leaned back in and we were kissing again. I moved my hands over her body my left brushing through her hair while my right found her breasts. They were perfect…soft yet firm and just enough to fit my palm.
She paused and moved her hands down to my waist grabbing my jeans by the waist. She unbuttoned the jeans and started unzipping me. Removing my jeans she stood back to take in the sight of me…hard cock pressed against her panties my ‘head’ peeking though the base. Ally then came closer to me.
“Your penis sure seems to like the idea of wearing these.” As she said this, Ally moved her hand to rest on my cock. I was so hard; she pulled at the side of the waistband and released it making it snap against my hip. “Oooo…does my sweetie like that?” she cooed.
“Mmmhmm” was all I could manage.
As she watched my stare focus on her breasts, Ally arched her back and sent them closer towards me. The motion caused the front of the baby doll to rise above the bikini panties. The recent fresh pair of lingerie now drenched with her excitement. This sign of her arousal made my craving for her grow. My right hand grazed her breast in tender strokes while my left cupped her ass and pulled her panties against my own pair of panties to press firmly against my erection. Ally seemed to have other plans. “You relax. I’ll take the lead.” she whispered in my ear. Taking my hand, she led me to the bed.
She guided me to lie on my side and she herself lay beside me. She shuffled her self right up against me…her wet panties rubbing against my leg. She leaned in and laid a kiss on my lips. She slipped her tongue passed my lips and explored every inch of my mouth. Still kissing me…her hand made its way down to my crotch grabbing my stiff cock though the silk constraints. She squeezed my throbbing penis…hard…causing me to moan in complete bliss. As she continued her fondling my panty covered crotch she started to grind her wet panties into my hipbone, rubbing her slit right up on it. I myself sensing Ally’s needs slid my own and down to her pussy and started massaging her lips. Ally broke our kiss and with her hand still working my cock she used her other hand to pull her panties to the side allowing me to slip a finger into her sopping cunt. She moaned loudly as I started fucking her with my fingers. After a short time Ally got up and finally removed her baby doll and proceeded to peel off her sticky wet panties giving me my first view of her full naked body. Her hard pink nipples were strong and firm. Her petite waist curved perfectly around her tight little hips. Her flat belly leading down to her recently shaved pussy. The short blonde bristles of pubic hair barely able to hide her pink lips.
“I knew I felt hair down there last night?”
“Well you’re gonna feel a lot more tonight sweetie” she replied with a smile on her face.
With me lying on my back in the middle of the bed Ally made her way to the front of the bed to my feet, my eyes following every bounce of her tight ass.
Ally got up on the bed, her knees at my feet. She stretched out her arms grabbing me…she slipped my penis through the side of my black panties. She took a moment to admire it…purple with anticipation it pointed up throbbing being slightly pushed to the side by the black silk panties. She then leaned over and dipped her head down slowly licking the length of my cock with her ohh so warm tongue. Ally then wrapped her fingers around the shaft of my cock and slid her hand along my dick. Her other hand joined the action, and started rubbing the underside of my cock. I was breathing hard thorough my nose, and wasn’t sure how long I could take her attention. I felt her hot breath on my dick before I felt the familiar, warm, moist tentative touch of her tongue on my skin. She started at the head and twirled around it, and then down the length of the shaft. When she engulfed the whole thing in her mouth, I nearly cried out. She let my cock slip out and looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and spat down on my shaft and quickly went back down engulfing my slick penis. As my pulsating dick was sucked up and down by my sister I felt my relief coming on fast.
“Ohhh…mhmmm….Ally…mmm….I’m going to cumm” I moaned.
Without acknowledging my words Ally continued working me up and down till I felt it. My cock started to spurt warm cum into Ally’s mouth; I started thrusting my hips into her face as I could not stand the pleasure. When I was finished Ally licked my cock clean and looked up at me licking her lips.
“Mmmm…now wasn’t that fun?” she asked.
Too spent to even reply I just nodded my head. Ally giggled at my exhaustion. By now my forever hard penis was now a flaccid remnant of its former form. Ally took it in her palm and tucked my softening manhood back under her silk panties where it fit with no problem due to the state it was in. She slowly lay herself down on me so her flat stomach was pressing down on the panties and started to plant kisses on my chest working her way up to my neck where she licked me up right up to the side of me face then biting down on my earlobe. She then proceeded and invade my mouth with her tongue once again…this time the distinctive salty taste of my cum still fresh in her mouth was very apparent to me. As she lay there kissing me, my penis was starting to stir once again as by now Ally naked crotch was now crushed against my groin. Ally took notice of my growing member. She broke our sultry kiss and straddled me, her bare wet crotch pressed against my panty covered dick. By now my cock was fully hard and lay straight under the constraints of the silk fabric with Ally’s naked pussy lying right on top of it. She started to slide her slit along the length of my trapped penis her juices soaking through to my cock making it slick with her feminine moisture.
Ally then made her way back down to my feet kneeling over me. She took the waistband of my panties and started to pull them down my legs. I raised my feet to allow her to remove them fully. There I lay naked, my sister Ally with her black panties in hand that I’d been wearing all day and her with a devilish grin on her face. She threw the panties to the floor. Once again she leaned over and started sliding her body up my own. My throbbing penis was now being pressed down by her flat stomach. It was the first time I was feeling her warm flesh against mine. She started kissing my chest once again working her way up my body I could now feel the heat emanating from her pussy on my groin. After kissing me all over my chest Ally readjusted herself.
She now lay on top of me, straddling one of my thighs her pussy pressed into my thigh She leaned into me and started a forceful entry of my mouth with her tongue. Ally started rubbing along my leg now, her trimmed hair tickling my leg while her exploration of my mouth became more intense.
“Now Jimmy you have to do something for me before I finish you off.” Ally said getting up and then straddling my face…looking down at me…she placed her hands on her pussy pulling her lips apart. I looked up into her wet pink entrance.
“I think you know what to do” she said with a smile.
I reached out my tongue and waited for her as I was told. She lowered herself onto my wanton mouth. She tasted tangy and wet and exciting. And the more I licked, the wetter she got, and the more excited I became. I tried to explore all over her opening, but she seemed to want me to focus on the top end of it. I did and discovered her clit. I now focused only on her clit with my tongue, while her moaning got louder and she began pressing hard into my face.
Finally, she moved off my face and straddled my chest. She hunched over and felt behind her ass for my hard penis. As she ran her hand along it, encouraging its firmness, she bent forward and kissed and licked my mouth. The taste of my cum in her mouth and her juices on in mine mixing between us.
“Mmmm…tasted good doesn’t it” she moaned.
She kept stroking me and backing down my torso until the head of my penis stopped her continued progress. For the first time my hard cock was pressed against the entrance of Ally’s pussy. She slowly pushed back…my throbbing cock penetrating her soaked cunt. She was soo tight…the lips of her vagina grasping my cock as she moved back further…my penis sliding deeper and deeper into her pussy. With a big wet kiss, she began moving her hips, and the tight, little, wet hole I was in started pulling and gliding and enveloping my entire hard-on.
Ally moved her mouth to beside my ear and whispered, “Hmmm! You like that, don’t you?” Continuing with her gyrations, Ally controlled the pace… sometimes fast and sometimes slow. I felt this wonderful flow of continuous pleasure emanating from my penis, as it slipped in and out of her. Ally slowed down on her downward movement halted while I was fully in her. I looked at her as she bit down on her lip. It was then I felt her pussy fully grasp my cock holding it firmly in place. The lips of her pussy pressed against the base of my shaft…all she could do was squirm around as she cummed…my cock buried insider of her…held by the tight grasp of her pussy. I felt Ally warm juices begin to gush all around. I started to thrust into her as I felt my own explosion nearing. The juices from her pussy were fully lubricating our movements. Ally sensing I was close resumed her quick gyration on me.
“Mhmmm…oohhhh yeessss!!…give it to me!” she screamed.
Just then my body tensed up…and I exploded in her. With each spurt of cum that I shot into her tight pussy my body spasmed. At the same time I saw Ally clench her teeth as her second wave started to come on as I lay there still thrusting my cum into her. Ally’s body went rigid as she leaned down on me, he pussy experiencing unknown pleasures as my cock plowed into her. Her head dropped beside mine…” Ohhunghhh..godddd…that’s it baby!!” she yelled as she pulled on my hair. Her pussy like a vice on my cock started to expel her juices once again, as I thrusted my last spurt of cum in her.
As our orgasms subsided, Ally collapsed on my chest my slowly deflating cock still buried inside of her. After a short time Ally slid her dripping pussy off my wet cock.
“My my James…that was amazing” she whispered in my ear as she lay back down beside me.
“Same here Ally…same here” was all I could reply.
“I hope this isn’t a one time deal Jimmy” she coyly said with a grin on her face.
All I could do was smile at her remarks.
We lay there…Ally cuddled up against me…our bodies sticky and wet…emanating the heat and aroma of sex…as we fell asleep in each others arms.

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Anonymous readerReport

2017-02-08 13:23:44
Wouldn’t her family have heard her scream

Anonymous readerReport

2016-09-09 11:54:58
As soon as she found out my sister was pregnant with another guys kid, i woke up to her standing naked calling me from the side of my bed. She made me cum in her mouth and then 4 times in her pussy the night.

Anonymous readerReport

2014-01-08 17:56:12
eoFHcS I am so grateful for your blog. Cool.

anonymous readerReport

2013-11-02 05:27:23
SqVCBS Looking forward to reading more. Great post.Much thanks again. Keep writing.

anonymous readerReport

2013-08-19 13:16:05
aAUPUZ Im grateful for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.