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adventures of a freak

Im a married man who likes something different every once n a while

Okay lets start my stationg the facts. My name it t>j and im a married man. I have sex with many different women, i do not consider it cheating. Anyway therse are my adventures.


I had a date with cindy. Cindy was a beautiful woman with dd breast. I could tell she wanted the time of her life. Like always we skipped the date part and went straight for the sex. I went to her place. We could not wait to undress. She ripped off her shirt exposing her bra less body and then pulled down her skirt exposing her clit. My god it was beautiful I almost exploded when i saw it. then i showed her my cock. She got down on her knees and began sucking. I could not control my self and my wife was the last thing on my mind right now. Soon afte rthat we got into the 69 position and i started to eat her pussy. It was wet and tasted great. I didn’t want the night to end. I was et for about 6 hours because i told my wife i would be working late.

Soon I put he ron the bed and opeaned her legs wide and stuck my 12inches inside her she could not speak only maon and man louder with each thrust. I wondered if i was hurting her but in the back of my mind i didn’t really care becaus ei was enjoying it so much. I felt like i would explode and my hot sperm would fill her. I din’t believe in condoms it was something about taking a risk that really excited me. I fucked her like that day would be my last. I thought she had tears falling from her eyes. I suddendly stoped and bent her over into doggy style position and starting fucking the hell out of her tight but hole. After about 5 minutes i cumed and it was great, i refused to stop i just kept going and she loved every minute of it. Finnaly i stoped and she started to finger her but hole and lick the cum off her fingers. I then starting in on her pussy cum was still running from my still-hard cock, she had a massive orgasim. I pulled out and sprayed my com on he hugh tittys. She gave me one last suck and i licked her pussy for a few minutes and i drrssed and slapped her on the ass and left.

dat 1 #2

I had about 3 hours befor i ahd to be home do i called jenny. Jenny had a nice pair of boobs ans a nice ass. She knew the deal about my life style and had no problem with it. I arrive dat her house to find her door open and i was lead to her rood by s sexy voice. I opean the doo i foundd a naked jenny on the bed with a diddo between her legs. I said looks like your haveing fun but i can do better. She continued to fuck her self while i undressed. I started to suck her nipples snd she soon came. Then she sucked my cock. Jenny had the best cock sucking skills i had ever encounterd thats why i was addicted to her. After that i began ramming my hard conck in her. She must have still been wet from the fucking she had just givven herself because her pussy felt like heaven.

I kep an eye on the clock becaus ei didn’t want the wife to suspect anything. I cumed inside her and then she suck the rest of it from my dick. I was in complete shock about what happoned next she turned over and told me she ahd never been funck in tha ass befor and she wanted me to be the first. I did not hesitate. As i put it in inch by inch she started to scream from both pain and pleasure. Soon she was like a crack addict begging for more and more. She cumed and it was quit a sight watching her do it. Again i ahd no thought of my wife my only consern was not being late. I looke dat the clock and i had about 1 hour left dso i got dressed and left.

day1 #3

I was not ready to go home so i went to get a cup of coffie. I ended up seeing a girl i used to date. We talked for i while and she said she didn’t have a man and i said i was going through a divorce. We went to the bathroom and had sex.

e were on the wall at first then on the floor. I licked her for a long time and she cucked me even longer. I ahd time for a quick fuck. I was great and i agreed to meet her again.

When i got in the car i saw that i was over 20 minuteds late. When i got home my wife was waiting with an upset look on her face. Let me explain i said. i told her i left work late. She said she believed me but i could tell she didn’t(i didn’t realy care wheather she did or not). I made it up o her with some cock. I didn’t enjoy it but she did. I had to imagion she was someone else To bust one nut.


I was on my way to meet monica. Monica was not your ordinary woman. She had a models body and extreamly big boobs. I had never had sex with her but i was expecting something out of this world. We went to a hotel and once we go to the room it was on. I started to rip off every article of clothing and once i set eyes on her cunt….. i saw stars. MY GOD it was amazing, her pussy hair was neatly shaved and the outside of it was soooooo beautiful. Insted of her getting on her knees like all the other girls, i got on mine and licked away. Her juices filled my mouth almost instantly. I realized i could not stop, i stayed in th eosition for hours. Finnaly after she had about 5 orgasims i was abil to let go.

My cock was bigger and harder than it had ever been. She started to lick it and then she began to suck. My pre cum filled her mouth and gave her a taste of what was o come later taht nght. After a while i cumed my most massive load in her mouth, than we began fucking. She was so horney i thought she would claw my entire back. I was so great, seeing her sream at the top of her loungs, and sucking her hard nipples.

after i cumed in her i stuck my penis in he rbutt hole. I had to take it slow becaus eit was so tight. It remined me of my hIgh School days. I started to mount her as if it was a matter of life and dealth. I could feel my hard on decrasing and i knew it was time to move on. I ate her one last time before bidding her goodbye.

day 2 #2

I met up with kim(my wife’s sister) at her place. I had always had sexual feeling her Kim but never gave into them until she gave me a blow job. We thought is was so fun the way we could do things right in front of my wife an dshe not even find out. We even had sex in the bed that my wife and i share. Sex with kim was not the best but she gave good head. Kim had had 5 kids and was stretched out beyound beliefe. I busted about three nuts in her mouth before i licked her. She cumed in a matter of seconds. I left with a smile on my face.

I decided to go home early taht day. My wife was shocked at my arrivel. I said i was tired and wanted to get some sleep. I really wanted soem time to think. I realized i was not happy with my wife nor had i ever been. I loved sleeping around because i was always with someone new. I had a huge choice to make so i decided to sleep on it for a while. My wife walked in naked and got on my lap. I didn’t touch her nor did i say anything so soon she left. She knew i was unhappy and she knew i wanted more than she could give me. I had falled out of love with her and i had falled in love with outside pussy.