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A Guide to getting read

been here almost a year as an author and a much longer time as reader. just my two cents of advice

here’s what the suggestions are.

-1. English. please.
0. make a respectable plot. “daddy” helps. try being original. “daddy helps”. make it short. came, saw, now for conquering.
1. make a nice name. short crisp yet hard on-able. “daddy” is helpful. “daughter” “mother” and all female relatives make for good titles. add “slut” “slave” or “whore” for good measure. people writing in gay genre ignore point 1.
2. again I say, make it short. like a miniskirt, but not like a dick. if you can’t, make an apealing title and add the rest in subtitle.
3. add tags, lots of them don’t overtly abuse them, but even if a hint is there, go for it. as one author put it, tags are free ad-boards.
4. always know your genre. don’t post in dark fantasy if its about motherly love without mommy licking sons feet (on a chain). nothing pisses off a soft erotica romantic reader (and his wifes sister) than to find a woman raped sold and raped again in Zamobia. and yes, (you guessed it) erotica is read/written by feminists. exception to the rule ? ask “daddy”.
5. know what a genre board story posting frequency is. I mean how fast will your product of endless toil (or a fapping session) go down into history (of the wrong sort). here’s my analysis -fiction will flash it on page 3 in no time. fantasy is less efficient dark fantasy even more so. diary will let you log its progress even if you have to babysit 5 children, essay and information will keep it on top even after you’ve syopped checking . Jokes ? don’t ask I’m not funny.
6. never abuse forum rules. especially regarding children below 16/18 and bestiality. the mods do give some slack on the second, but if you’re in the nursery, you’re out of the site. for good. (pun intended).
7. never judge a person by what he/she writes, and I mean judging character. barring true stories (taken with a pinch of salt) its all fantasy. so we won’t appreciate if you post hate messages on the forum after reading someones story. and yes bitching does reduce popularity. if you think it violates rules, contact mods. I know the site says contact administrator. I also know the SWAT regulates traffic.
8. don’t spam.
9. don’t post competitors sites unless absolutely necessary. people will head off to other sites, or will thibk you’re trying for cheap publicity.
and not directly related but pertinent ,
—-10. mods are not your servants. so if you screwed any of the above and don’t get banned , doesn’t mean you set with Grandee Armee on the site/forum to get your job done. t. Nhe. No tmhis isnt ods FORWARD requests on story site to admin , they do not remove on their own. Insulting them will not get you banned. it won’t get your job done either.
10. if you want all this done for you, just give me your username and password. and spread you pussy/ass.

PS No I’m not a daddy. I’m not a daughter either.
PPS I’m not a mod.

(Repeating, to make up the characters requirement

Given that one of my stories just sunk into oblivion, you’d think it ain’t the best time to play marketing guru. strangely though it made me wonder what gets a story readership. here’s what the suggestions are.
-1. English. please.
0. make a respectable plot. “daddy” helps. try being original. “daddy helps”. make it short. came, saw, now for conquering.
1. make a nice name. short crisp yet hard on-able. “daddy” is helpful. “daughter” “mother” and all female relatives make for good titles. add “slut” “slave” or “whore” for good measure. people writing in gay genre ignore point 1.
2. again I say, make it short. like a miniskirt, but not like a dick. if you can’t, make an apealing title and add the rest in subtitle.
3. add tags, lots of them don’t overtly abuse them, but even if a hint is there, go for it. as one author put it, tags are free ad-boards.
4. always know your genre. don’t post in dark fantasy if its about motherly love without mommy licking sons feet (on a chain). nothing pisses off a soft erotica romantic reader (and his wifes sister) than to find a woman raped sold and raped again in Zamobia. and yes, (you guessed it) erotica is read/written by feminists. exception to the rule ? ask “daddy”.
5. know what a genre board story posting frequency is. I mean how fast will your product of endless toil (or a fapping session) go down into history (of the wrong sort). here’s my analysis -fiction will flash it on page 3 in no time. fantasy is less efficient dark fantasy even more so. diary will let you log its progress even if you have to babysit 5 children, essay and information will keep it on top even after you’ve syopped checking . Jokes ? don’t ask I’m not funny.
6. never abuse forum rules. especially regarding children below 16/18 and bestiality. the mods do give some slack on the second, but if you’re in the nursery, you’re out of the site. for good. (pun intended).
7. never judge a person by what he/she writes, and I mean judging character. barring true stories (taken with a pinch of salt) its all fantasy. so we won’t appreciate if you post hate messages on the forum after reading someones story. and yes bitching does reduce popularity. if you think it violates rules, contact mods. I know the site says contact administrator. I also know the SWAT regulates traffic.
8. don’t spam.
9. don’t post competitors sites unless absolutely necessary. people will head off to other sites, or will thibk you’re trying for cheap publicity.
and not directly related but pertinent ,
10. mods are not your servants. so if you screwed any of the above and don’t get banned , doesn’t mean you set with Grandee Armee on the site/forum to get your job done. the mods FORWARD requests on story site to admin , they do not remove on their own. Insulting them will not get you banned. it won’t get your job done either.
10. if you want all this done for you, just give me your username and password. and spread you pussy/ass.

PS No I’m not a daddy. I’m not a daughter either.
PPS I’m not a mod.